a quick and dirty one!

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Octavia Nik

Well-known member
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
sorry about the state under the bonnet, i was just charging the battery for the big day! My first drive of it...


it's getting new tyres all round this week, along with an engine oil change, oil filter, fuel filter (and I also want to clean the 'mini' filter out on it... don't know how to do it lol) and then a detail and get some Collinite 476 put on her after a clay barring, full machine correction polish and then waxing :)

I'm a detailing buff (this is my other car - https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.ne...671093040122_732495121_19588302_7608557_n.jpg) so I could never let her lovely red pearly paint get buggered! lol

thanks for looking nik
how dare you. HOW DARE YOU.

get some muck on it.

only joking, looks great, and for a 4x4 I think they shine up really good. Get some pics up once clayed, im interested in claying my MX3..!:thumb2