Your correct the parts catalogue doesn't show a MAF for your truck but then it doesn't show one for my (now sold) slightly later 95 2.4 petrol but it sure as anything had one.
Pg 145 onwards
HERE shows you where it is, what it look like, how to test ut and all the other sensors related to the engine management.
There is no choke as susch on fuel injection vehicles - what there is is electronically controller fuel enrichment for cold running, as the temperatures increase this enrichment reduces but it is all done using sensors, if these aren't working correctly it won't respond right and equally if they are supllying the wrong signal once warm it won't respond correctly.
IIRC from cold it works purely "off the map" (pre designated figures) and once warm switches over to a closed loop feed back using the MAF to set initial fuelling and the lambda to refine it.
An exhaust leak (sucking air in) could cause the symptons you ae suffering too.
As for the OBD port - sorry not sure, never used it on my old one.
But on the diesels it by/below the fuse box and on the KA24E engine WD21s its in the same place so I'd guess its there. IIRC the ECM/ECU/ECCS itself is under the drivers seat.