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  1. G

    are there two types of starter motor?

    ta sweety, Checked the numbers off the side of starter, solenoid and housing when i got back one of them matched some numbers they'd listed on the site so touch wood it'll be the one, seem like one step forwards three steps back at mo with it, trying to get it upto scratch for a...
  2. G

    are there two types of starter motor?

    Hi, I've a 2.7tdi intercooler se t2. Guy at my garage told me there's two diff ones, I've only seen one online (which looks like mine too) but now he's cast doubt on the matter. Is there a diff between tdi and td (i'd of thought not) Ryan
  3. G

    May 11th Offroading Invite

    can't wait to get her running again, some new shoes and dirty! I will be green laning soon enuf (prob not this 1 in affraid) them pics have put me right in the mood, my mate wants to take his landy too but thats well tweeked, so looking forward to it. (eventually :( )
  4. G

    starter motor removal/overhaul & dip stick tube snapped

    whats that on steve, t2? it was hailing (8pm) at the time and many many swears where been thrown out, even so don't think i can stretch to 28" seem to have lost about 3 long extensions too.
  5. G

    May 11th Offroading Invite

    re pics, is that like a standard green laning day (more rain more mud etc obviously :wink:) involves? How do bog standard t2's etc cope as i wouldn't fancy having to connect a tow rope in the middle of one of them puddles :roll: don't fancy telling the better half to "just tie it round the...
  6. G

    Removing the started motor

    Me too think they just put twirls in the pipe too so you can't get owt thru, How'd ya manage to do the back bolt (near solenoid) on/off i had to inch it with the spanner (wish i had 1 of them ratchet spanners)
  7. G

    starter motor removal/overhaul & dip stick tube snapped

    At least when i have to smash my new starter motor past it, it'll bend. I recon thats how i'd been done previous. Who's stupid idea was it to fit the motor down there, can't get a socket on owt, spanners only move a mil at a time all that car and they squashed it down there under everything they...
  8. G

    starter motor removal/overhaul & dip stick tube snapped

    :idea: :smile: genius's :smile: :idea: that'll be what i'll try thought of some delicate soldering but not sure what metal it is yet, but tube over is a much easier choice, might use shrink wrap so heat won't cause probs
  9. G

    Glow plugs

    Hi All, I was looking at my glow plugs and have noticed that two have a small tip (just a bit fatter than the lead from a pencil) and two are at least twice as fat and the heater tip twice as long, have they put in glow plugs from a 2.7 instead of a 2.7tdi? Which are correct? I have pics...
  10. G

    starter motor removal/overhaul & dip stick tube snapped

    Hi All, I've took my starter motor off for a overhaul due to not starting, question is, is there an easier way to fit/remove the starter motor i accessed it thru the arch with wheel off but the 3 evil scum sucking nuts where a rite royal pain in the pants, i'd like to say inching them...
  11. G

    car won't start

    jim i do remeber it was you that touched the engine bay last and since then trouble, so the bills will be going you! :lol: just took starter motor off with no instructions hence my next post been labelled 'how to remove starter motor' was going to strip it clean it etc hoping this would sort...
  12. G

    Faulty MAF Unit ?

    take it, you've a bosch!
  13. G

    car won't start

    Hi all, After my short lived joy of a clean maf i now have a motor that won't work :evil: . fitted new batt 96ah, checked terminals and conns to batt all seem aok, losened off aircon belt and alt belt to ease turn over (many straws been clutched at) disc'd fat wire off alt...
  14. G

    Terrano 2 tyres

    Hi All, The time has come for some new rubber for the old girl, Im looking to go greenlaning so would like some street legal but grippy tyres and im also jealous of shoguns with their wide tyres so question is whats a good tyre, sizes too, to go for, not too noisey road wise but...
  15. G

    Faulty MAF Unit ?

    Sweety buy some spray electrical contact cleaner or similar and do your maf serious i thought mine wasn't too bad and the probs i had were elsewhere on the car, took maf off and appart, cleaned mesh (didn't know it was silver!) cleaned the sensor housing as it was filthy then carefully cleaned...
  16. G

    Faulty MAF Unit ?

    Jim its costing me a fortune in juice now, can't stop wheel spinning and blasting off from lights all those landi's and milk floats who left me for dead at the lights watch out im back!! Took r lass out in it after i was at yours she's now sueing me for whiplash!
  17. G

    Cooking Oil

    I never thought about the fuel lines, nuts!! could put 2nd tank in boot but that takes up space and poss 6/7 seat option on lwb. What do they add to deisel to stop it freezin?
  18. G

    Cooking Oil

    can't we invent some tank heater so we can keep the oil in the tank the correct viscosity then we can run 100% cooking oil. :smile: I know of pipe frost protection (240v) which heats the pipe and is flexible but its expensive and over kill for this job in my humble opp.
  19. G

    Supplemental Hydrogen

    fire triangle, Heat, oxy, fuel. So if it gets hot enough it'll ignite, hydrogen self ignites at 500degC which will come down under presure (pistons) and diesel apx 210degC so i suspect dirty dogs won't run on hydro alone Ryan
  20. G

    Rear wheels spin front don't

    just to double check, If i fit manuals, lock them on but don't engage 4x4 on solid ground this won't harm them but they'll be ready for off road? But if i drive in 4x4 with either auto or manuals on solid ground for too long they'll knack up the trans?