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  1. G

    Need ball & Spring for gearbox

    Thanks Rick, thats great. You can imagine how p----d off I was to get to the end of rebuild and find I had lost these small bits. No big rush just get to it when you can. PM me for address and what the charge is. Many thanks
  2. G

    Need ball & Spring for gearbox

  3. G

    Need ball & Spring for gearbox

    After leaving my gearbox in bits in the workshop for many months I have finally got round to rebuilding it with new bearings. One of the last bits to go back in are a ball and spring that drop in hole under the plate that holds the gear shift lever in. Well I haven't got the ball & spring, they...
  4. G


    About a month ago my neighbour had his 3 Series 'broke' into on the drive. When I say broke into they had a device that mimics your key frequency and pops your doors open. Like a twat he had left his laptop in the car. His laptop though had some sort of tracking device in it which when switched...
  5. G

    New key cut! WARNING thrilling content!!

    Keys are not required to rob from your car. My neighbour had his 3 series 'broken into on Tuesday night' and unfortunately for him he had left his laptop in there. The police have said there is a spate of this going on in our area at present and they are using a device that sends out the...
  6. G


    Thanks Rick but got one off ebay sometime ago (£20). Havn't opened it yet to check condition though but guess its ok as like most don't suppose its had a great deal of use.
  7. G


    The layshaft is lower in the gearbox so should be fully submerged in oil at all angles. My gearbox is currently in bits in my workshop (been there for months but rebuild due soon as weather is getting warmer)The drive shaft is higher in gearbox and I found the front bearing on this was the worst...
  8. G

    My Nissan Mistral for Sale

    Nice to see a truck without the beige interior.
  9. G

    Terrano dead help desperately needed

    How did you change the clutch? Engine out or gearbox?
  10. G

    Couldn't catch Rustic

    Looks like this guy has given up trying to compete with Rustic and has given up after 15 years..
  11. G

    knocking gearbox and slipping clutch

    On that website I don't understand the big price difference for gearbox and transfer box between older & newer models. Would have thought parts & labour to do a recon would be about the same.
  12. G

    Gearbox oil level investigation

    When 4wd is selected it engages the gear that drives the chain but there are still gears and bearings revolving when 2wd is selected as drive from the gearbox still has to go through the trasnfer box to the rear prop shaft. This is the part of the transfer box I will strip next
  13. G

    Gearbox oil level investigation

    There was no filings at all in the gearbox and bearings that can be got at don't feel rough turning or have any play. this is what I found when opening the transfer box: [/URL][/IMG] The chain has actually broken in to two pieces, and there are a lot of loose links and metal fragments. I have...
  14. G

    Gearbox oil level investigation

    Try again. [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG]
  15. G

    Gearbox oil level investigation

    As posted a while back my gearbox started making bad noises so I decided I would take it out and strip it. Its been an off/on job but finally got it out last weekend. I did it on the drive by myself (20 year old son nowhere to be seen!) with the front end on axle stands. I found it straight...
  16. G

    owners in notts

    I'm in Newark. Not going far at the moment as I've just taken the gearbox out
  17. G

    Gearbox problems!!

    I hear what your say but I'm the guy that would be driving on the M1 in rush hour, pissing it down with rain, freezing cold, 78 year old mother and wife as passengers when it decides to break
  18. G

    Gearbox problems!!

    OK see what I can come up with. Job will take a bit of time as I'm busy with work and other things also.
  19. G

    Gearbox problems!!

    The noise is already very loud. As I don't really need to use the truck due to having a van, wifes car & daughters car I have started on removing the gearbox. When its out I will strip it and decide wether to rebuild with new bearings or go for replacement.