Thanks , couldn't see the initial question when I went to see if I had any replies, I am a dopey, but thanks to you guys for helping, I am no welder so guess it's off to my trusted mate John who's looked after me for years. Thanks again.
Hi everyone. Just found my rad cross member is rusted v v badly, any one ideas how to replace one or where to get a new one please other than from nissan? Thanks everyone.
Hi everyone, whilst cleaning the truck for waxoiling I noticed my radiator support cross member is rusted v badly with holes like golf balls in it. Does any one know the best place for me to get a new one please? Any info on replacing one would be very much appreciated also, photos would be...
Thanks for the welcome, being new to this what do you guys use to clean off the underneath before oiling please? Don't mind getting dirty and your right at least you know it's all done then. Hello to Clive in France.
Hi just joined my name is Justin. I have a 2002 3.0 Patrol and love it.Not modified in any way, YET. Would like to have underneath wax oiled, any one know ideal place in Gloucestershire please. Thanks Justin