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  1. leafy1


    Swap your back wheels to the front and see if that helps. My Terrano used to pull to the left a bit until I swapped wheels around and it drove straight. I have fitted a new set of tyres now and there is no pull at all again. It could be down to how the vehicles tyres wear especially when...
  2. leafy1

    Leakoff pipes

    If you haven't got the clips then probably a good idea to fit them on the injector pipes(You can see them in my pic)They hold the pipes firm as there is a fair bit of vibration thru them and stop them from rubbing each other.I had an injector pipe rub thru another pipe on my truck just because...
  3. leafy1

    Leakoff pipes

    I had to remove the engine when working on the head and renewed all my pipes then... I would take a few pics all over the engine when working on it incase people needed to know where items were situated in hard to see areas. It is a job to get to it...........Can you remove the...
  4. leafy1

    Leakoff pipes

    Hope this helps....this is where the leak off from No1 goes to(Circled red)This is the return to the fuel tank on the top of the injector pump.My leak off pipe is encased in a soft rubber pipe. [/IMG]
  5. leafy1

    Newbie from Wiltshire

    Hello there :thumb2
  6. leafy1

    Poor handbrake

    Did you put the handbrake fully off then adjust it.
  7. leafy1

    Poor handbrake

    On my Terrano the leading shoe is thicker(The shoe on the right if looking from the drivers side) or on the left if looking from the passenger side.
  8. leafy1

    Poor handbrake

    Do you have 1 thin shoe and 1 thick shoe in the drum.
  9. leafy1

    Lil camper

    Looks like one of those Russian decontamination units :D Great go anywhere piece of kit though
  10. leafy1

    Dale Farm...

    We had a field near to us which was acquired by travellers and over 1 Bank Holiday they had erected a closeboard fence round it (It's a good 4 acres as well)put roadways in and had moved in. I was shocked to say the least.......but I will give it to them for getting the lot done in a short space...
  11. leafy1

    Milners Drop Links (part deux!)

    Had a bad situation a few weeks back when one of my back wheels locked on solid....somehow it freed of till I got home then went out the next day to check it out and it locked again. I got the Terrano on my ramp and took off the offending wheel plus drum and found that the brake material which...
  12. leafy1

    Nissan Elgrand

    Thanks Rustic I sent a PM to you 4wheel Yes I got an Elgrand 3.2td R reg...... and what a beasty it is too.......Usual Nissan engine with timing gears and build quality which I love.This one has "switch-able" 2-4 wheel drive and a difflock as well.I have gone over it with a fine toothed comb...
  13. leafy1

    how to tell a good water pump from bad ?

    Spin the fan in your hand as you should feel a little bit of resistance..most of the viscous fans I have tried will run pretty free after a few turns .If it spins all the time very freely then it won't be of much use. The waterpump leaks when the seals fail (There is normally a small hole...
  14. leafy1

    This looks a good project?

    That damage looks quite easy to sort out..well worth a bid I think.Go on you know you want to :thumb2 Dave
  15. leafy1

    Anyone know anything about the Nissan Elgrand 3.2

    Getting one hopefully convert to weekend camper ..........I had a Mazda Bongo a while back but hated the engine and what came with it.The elgrand engine seems more reliable in the 3.2 variety and is futher forward in the vehicle ,pretty much the same looking engine as the TD27ti in my...
  16. leafy1

    IS my pump dead

    To be honest smeg I wouldn't bother changing from fbw.I have seen a few bargain fbw pumps on ebay(Bosch and zexel)make sure you get the right one as they have different timing gear wheels ...........they are straight forward to fit . P.s what makes you think the pump is dead ?
  17. leafy1

    Terrano wont start

    My Terrano just wouldn't start some mornings and in the end I changed the battery for new and never have a problem now.These diesel lumps need some turning over and a tin pot battery won't cut the mustard.
  18. leafy1

    Veg oil in for MOT

    Not a problem at all...and will help lower the emissions
  19. leafy1


    I would go with this option as well ..................a good fella on a mig welder could make a very tidy job of it.