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  1. T

    no1 injector /engine noise

    Hi its the 98 tdi if that helps I thought rightly/wrongly if I unplugged it it would make a difference ?
  2. T

    no1 injector /engine noise

    Hi folks still looking for truck problem ie noise no power decided pump seems ok plus too big a job for me :nenau but been looking at injectors cracked off all injectors one at a time engine clearly goes onto 3 but when no1 cracked off (at top) the rattle noise lessens ? Also tried disconnecting...
  3. T

    maf sensor

    When you say runs rough does it make a loud metallic rattle/banging?
  4. T

    advice/engine noise

    Thanks ill check that tomorrow ;)
  5. T

    advice/engine noise

    Mmm the CPS was replaced when clutch destroyed old one:( no error codes either
  6. T

    advice/engine noise

    :nenau:nenau thanks folks so far checked fuel line filter no leaks disconnected maf runs worse loads of white smoke, disconnected cps engine stops.Also disconnected connector to no1 injector no difference,still makes noise like two metal objects banged together if pump can anyone recommend...
  7. T

    engine noise!!!

    can anyone recommend someone just to look and listen and say what the noise is ? im in spalding lincs :o
  8. T

    engine noise!!!

    Did it simply bolt on ?
  9. T

    engine noise!!!

    Thanks guys will poke about tomorrow filter and lines were changed about a year ago cleaned the gauze filter in pump but made no difference also took off pulley belts in vague hope it was ancillary components .So no one thinks its big ends etc ?
  10. T

    engine noise!!!

    hi folks got a 98 2.7tdi started making a rattling noise puffs of white smoke lumpy tickover rattle is worse when revved sounds bit like a helicopter and loud is it bearings ? engine at 133,000 not too good on diesel probs as bikes is my thing any help gratefully received
  11. T

    clutch?? engine light?

    drag the beast ! towed it 2 miles home with old fellers berlingo 1.3 but will probably use something more suitable next time . yeh mr clutch at peterboghorror was all in but will see if someone more local can do thanks again guys for your help cheers
  12. T

    clutch?? engine light?

    Hi Rick going to be a garage job Mr clutch quoted £334 for clutch Nissan made me faint going to check out local garage tomorrow now I have an idea what's what
  13. T

    clutch?? engine light?

    Oops sorry guys yes its a 2.7 tdi 98 model thanks loads for help wasn't expecting any replies this quick :thumbs cheers
  14. T

    clutch?? engine light?

    Hi, driving yesterday couldn't engage gear no clutch pedal pressure damn ! Thought id start it in gear and limp home 2nd ok3rd ok then a mettalic rattle engine light comes on cuts engine truck now freewheeling no drive quotes have varied and the engine light still stays on and truck won't start...