Recent content by shoneyz

Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. shoneyz

    Membership renewal for R3mR

    good news mine grt fun :thumb2
  2. shoneyz

    beautiful 1990 5l v8 f150

    strangely better than my old cortina :lol
  3. shoneyz

    Workshop manuals

    wow thankyou stuff about an r50 :clap:clap:clap:clap
  4. shoneyz

    earthing a CB?

    i earthed to case as well sorted out noise problems used to get a whirling sound but all quiet now :clap
  5. shoneyz

    what are pickled eggs?

    handy to have if ever lost on moors - help send smoke signals traker dogs love them alternative fuel supply -may be a rumour on that one a full jar and you would be bothered if ever saved [internal combustion ensured] im sure there must be more side effects but enjoy :naughty
  6. shoneyz

    beautiful 1990 5l v8 f150 is for sale

    i forgot to add that :augie
  7. shoneyz

    My front tow bar, should I sell it?

    how much and would it fit the r50 terrano/pathfinder???????????????????:nenau
  8. shoneyz

    beautiful 1990 5l v8 f150

    silly me for sale sorry grt tow truck rise/low dual hitch £2750 mad low price see ebay
  9. shoneyz

    beautiful 1990 5l v8 f150

    yes mine well not when sell it but gotta go :(
  10. shoneyz

    beautiful 1990 5l v8 f150

    had £1250 respray body clean automatic 4x4 l/h 5.0l v8 new brakes new plugs powerflow exhaust etc cool truck
  11. shoneyz

    nissan terrano R3MR

    it has dual pipes from engine it has dual pipes from engine to two cats then two pipes join to a single back box
  12. shoneyz

    nissan terrano r50 pathfinder

    any owners on here have ? need supplier of exhausts can find diesel but i got 3.3v6 petrol:bow:bow:bow:bow
  13. shoneyz

    nissan terrano R3MR

    any owners on here have ? need supplier of exhausts can find diesel but i got 3.3v6 petrol :bow:bow:bow
  14. shoneyz

    nissan terrano R3MR handbook
  15. shoneyz

    sunroof rattle

    easier way i think have an elephant sit on roof i never get any rattles or squeakes then:augie:augie:augie