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So Darwin if you want it back on thread..............

Sidsid has a valid basis for his opinion and I can see exactly where he is coming from. BUT unfortunately for whatever reason it strays into the area of intolerance and stereotyping.

The welfare system is a crutch. Its meant to support you when you need help. NOT be a lifestyle CHOICE which it has become for far too many.

I was unemployed for a month after getting finished from a job many moons ago and I claimed various benefits when I got myself badly injured and was off work a while. I was one of the lucky ones , I bounced back and now claim nowt. It may easily (and looked like it would at one stage) have gone the other way and i would have been claiming with my head held high and a clear conscience.

No shame at all in that if you need to.

What we do need is a strong government or coalition group to take on the things in the hard to deal with box benifits & welfare state are one of those.

It never ceased to amaze me when I went to various addresses around the place how many people who appeared fit and healthy had the resources, cash and time, to be on permanent all day drinking and smoking whilst having a playstation and full sattleite or cable tv at their fingertips. The odd times they strayed out was to complain about something or go out for a drink and then they went by taxi. That aint stereotyping Ive seen it and would love it sorted because its our money theyre using.

Theres an old story about a cop I knew, real old school and a woman + brood living just how I describe above was persistently calling the police to moan. One day this cop went round , knocked on the door and asked her if she had a job yet.....no , well out of your benefits have you paid your rates and the back amount you owe....no well in that case he said I aint policing for you and left.

I dont have the answers beyond that, I dont think the politicians do off the top of their heads but theyre going to have to :nenau

Anyhow, I'm off into the garden, only got the wacker on hire for the weekend and I've got a patio to sort :thumb2
'' Although I understand , 5 spelling mistakes and poor grammar does not get your point across very well. ''

Your also missing the point , his opinion is his opinion , but spelling his message correctly is more helpful in getting his point across.

makes no difference at all, we can see what he was saying and YOUR point is devalued by the manner of it. Like I said comes across as a form of arrogant bullying. May not have been meant that way but perception is all in this case.

Its not constructive and not amusing in any way, it only points out the obvious.

Now breakfast done, garden mud pit calling :D

ps does my spelling pass muster?

not that I'm arzed :D
So Darwin if you want it back on thread..............

Sidsid has a valid basis for his opinion and I can see exactly where he is coming from. BUT unfortunately for whatever reason it strays into the area of intolerance and stereotyping.

The welfare system is a crutch. Its meant to support you when you need help. NOT be a lifestyle CHOICE which it has become for far too many.

I was unemployed for a month after getting finished from a job many moons ago and I claimed various benefits when I got myself badly injured and was off work a while. I was one of the lucky ones , I bounced back and now claim nowt. It may easily (and looked like it would at one stage) have gone the other way and i would have been claiming with my head held high and a clear conscience.

No shame at all in that if you need to.

What we do need is a strong government or coalition group to take on the things in the hard to deal with box benifits & welfare state are one of those.

It never ceased to amaze me when I went to various addresses around the place how many people who appeared fit and healthy had the resources, cash and time, to be on permanent all day drinking and smoking whilst having a playstation and full sattleite or cable tv at their fingertips. The odd times they strayed out was to complain about something or go out for a drink and then they went by taxi. That aint stereotyping Ive seen it and would love it sorted because its our money theyre using.

Theres an old story about a cop I knew, real old school and a woman + brood living just how I describe above was persistently calling the police to moan. One day this cop went round , knocked on the door and asked her if she had a job yet.....no , well out of your benefits have you paid your rates and the back amount you owe....no well in that case he said I aint policing for you and left.

I dont have the answers beyond that, I dont think the politicians do off the top of their heads but theyre going to have to :nenau

Anyhow, I'm off into the garden, only got the wacker on hire for the weekend and I've got a patio to sort :thumb2

With an election coming up I was hoping that this was one of the issues that might be resolved , but I truly would have no idea which party to vote for.

My Conservative and Labour candidates have both been involved in one scandal or another over the past few years and I am not sure if the Liberals have any policy's on anything.
poor spelling does not make the thread less interesting,
people are i guess allowed to write what they like. within reason .

i think the points raised by daved are valid. people are free to answer how they wish, if they wish to at all

plenty of people have views on the original subject of the thread ,some answer. others choose to say nothing, some might take offense. others find it funny

i know who i'll be voting for . but i wouldn't bore you lot with it
DAVED - awesome and well "spoken" points there, totally agree with you, and good to see you understand where SidSid is coming from.

It seems to me he didnt mean any offence, he's just posted the typical jokes about this country being a haven for illegal immigrants claiming benefits and all that political nonsense, at least thats my translation. the guys having a tough time, so give him a break. he explained his spelling and grammer, what people should do is take time to understand, not take time to have a go. His point is valid, unfortunately his post is about something far more complex, which explains the upset caused, i think, if he wanted a political debate, i'm sure he would have posted it as such, and not a joke which is what was intended.

anyhoo, lets not fall out!

Hi Darwin i liked that comment LMAO

I think considering the content of the thread.

There was no intended attack on any body with a disability.

Whether that disability was born with or occured through accident or illness.

BUT i do agree that we as a country are far to generous to those that can work but CHOOSE, the important word is CHOOSE, not to work.

Briggie you should run for politician because I agree that any one that refuses three offers of employment with out a VALID reason should have there benefits reduced or be made carry out voluntary work.

However if I went to say Nigeria or Ghana ( I choose those 2 places because that is where most immigrants in my area originate from) and asked for my free council house and free benefits without contributing a penny i would be left homeless and destitute.

It makes the matter worse when the local people are disadvantaged by the immigrants (perception) or the gesture of help is thrown back inyour face as not good enough - fact as i have experienced this personally

regards paulp
now to the original post.....it was ment as a joke!!! as it seems that some people in this country really do take the piss with benefits...... and have no intention of working at all!!!!!!! as ware their are people who need the benefits fair enough...

i i needed a helping hand a while back with my buisness
from the benefits lot!!!!!!!!!!could not belive what they wanted too know!!!

and the paper work well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i never bothered... when they said i would have to fill the 1 form out at the job center that was it for me!! i could see the look on his or hers face me haveing trouble to read and fill in the form:(

and got though with out help from the benefits lot!! gets me that their is some people who play the system and get what they want.... WHY? HOPE NOT TOO MANY SPELLING MISTAKES took ages to right that trying not too make any:):thumbs
now to the original post.....it was ment as a joke!!! as it seems that some people in this country really do take the piss with benefits...... and have no intention of working at all!!!!!!! as ware their are people who need the benefits fair enough...

i i needed a helping hand a while back with my buisness
from the benefits lot!!!!!!!!!!could not belive what they wanted too know!!!

and the paper work well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i never bothered... when they said i would have to fill the 1 form out at the job center that was it for me!! i could see the look on his or hers face me haveing trouble to read and fill in the form:(

and got though with out help from the benefits lot!! gets me that their is some people who play the system and get what they want.... WHY? HOPE NOT TOO MANY SPELLING MISTAKES took ages to right that trying not too make any:):thumbs

aye, your certainly right, but i do wonder, sometimes, if the issues we have in this country are replicated in others perhaps? Genuine benfit claiments should try ot to be offended by these sorts of jokes, these sorts of jokes have been around for as long as I can remember, its nothing new.
Maybe I'm way off here,but isn't it the tolerance of the British people generally that attracts other nationalities? It's probably fair to say that there is no rush to emigrate to intolerant countries (deliberately not naming anywhere to try not to offend anyone) because they are intolerant of other cultures. I'll bet that none of my relatives who did land in the UK in the 50's only went there because they knew they would be accepted by the British people as a whole and accepted into British society for as long as they wanted. It's probably also fair to say that if Britain was an intolerant society,they would have emigrated to some other country. I think very few people would deliberately emigrate or decide to live in a culturally intolerant society. You should be applauding the fact that you live in an understanding and tolerant society, it's one big advantage you have over a lot of other countries. I know it's not perfect and there will always be people who "work the system", not all of them foreign either.
I'm a bit of an anorak as far as politics go :augie My money is actually on the Lib Dems being the dark horses here.

Ive seen Nick Clegg speak at a rally. He was excellent. Humorous, to the point and more relevantly suggesting solutions as well as taking the P* out of the Lab govt and their penchant for passing legislation for everything :thumb2

Far better performance than anything showman Blair ever put forward on a public gig.

I honestly dont think they'll get a majority but I reckon they'll do better than most people reckon.

In the Chancellors debate Vince Cable stuffed the other two, in the leaders debate Nick Clegg was the best by a mile.

Strange times :naughty
I don't know why people have to take such posts literally, word for word, and get their knickers in a twist.

Its a general (and perfectly legitimate) rant against an institutionalised benefit system, not picking holes in any way I can see with people who have health problems or short-term issues, so lighten up.

And really who gives a toss about spelling in an internet chat forum for gods sake, lifes too short??? :):):)
oh well, looks like i will be voting for the BMP again, hopefully they will rid us of the ponces from eastern europe, enoch rocks (well he did) national front rules. :lol:lol:lol:augie