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Dec 20, 2008
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<!-- START: Breaking News Header 400px landscape image - renderArticleBody (with irnvideos) --> <!-- START: Article body --> Terror As Cruise Control Locks At 60mph

A motorist whose car's cruise control became stuck at 60mph sending him hurtling towards oncoming motorway traffic has said he was convinced he was going to die.

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Chase Weir, 22, realised he was unable to slow down when he tried to leave the motorway as he headed out of Melbourne.
Careering along in his Ford Explorer, he tried to slam on the brakes, but they did not stop him.
He then tried to take the car out of gear but it would not budge - and when he tried to pull out the key it would not turn in the ignition.
He phoned Ford for advice but when nothing worked they asked to put him on hold.
"I didn't really want to be on hold at that point. I hung up and rang 000," said Mr Weir.
"The (police) operator told me 20 times to stay calm and that help was on the way.
"I was hysterical. I screamed at the lady on the phone 'I'm going to die'.
"I have never been so scared in all my life."
Chase Weir's car has been impounded for investigation
Officers told him to get into the left lane and sent cars to drive in front of him, clearing vehicles with their sirens.
The chaotic convoy then exited the freeway but the terrifying scenario got worse.
Traffic was backed-up along the road forcing Mr Weir to drive on the other side of the road and towards oncoming traffic.
He was racing towards a wall of cars when a frantic police radio operator ordered him to slam on the brakes.
"She told me to jump on the brake and pull the handbrake at the same time, which I did,'' a shaken Mr Weir said.
"I just shut my eyes. I could hear the tyres skidding on the road for what seemed like forever. I thought I was dead.
"When I opened my eyes, I was bonnet to bonnet with the car in front of me."
Ford Australia has told Australia's Herald Sun newspaper that there is no link between the recall of 4.5 million Explorers in October and Mr Weir's incident.
What an odd situation. I dont doubt he had some technical problems , but it does seem like a bit of a drama queen account.

However on the plus side , good job he had Ford Technical services on speed dial for advice you never know do you :augie
hi guys.
I am a bit bothered by this report ,i saw it on the news last night.
At the time i said to Sheila i hope he isnt like that lorry driver of a few years ago who ran his Arctic along one of the motorways ,he phoned his dad and said the throttle was stuck and he was doing 60 mph and could nt stop .
police were called and a simular story unfolded to this one.
He crashed the arctic into central reservation to stop it .
Police later found the throttle body had been tampered with .
He was later discribed by police as suffering from Münchhausen sin drum.
I hope it isnt the case .


the above is as i recall it so some facts could be wrong.
i agree Ian it does seem a bit fa fetched, the chain of things that would need to simultaneously go wrong, it seems highly unlikely at best

but whether it is munchausen's or not the outcome for eveyone but the ford motor compay, i suppose, is pretty much the same, a very near miss at a major dissaster.
I'm not sure if the sarcasm in my first post was missed but I honestly believe this bloke is too stupid to drive a motor vehicle or its all a big con.........
in the words of the gran from Catherine Tate .......

What a load of old :augie:augie:augie:augie:augie
On the other hand If he was driving a Petrol Troll.. by the time he had been on hold and called 000 the bloody thing would have ran out of fuel anyway.
This thing can drink more than me!!!!
dont be so cynical, it could happen, couldn' it?

then again he could be kidnapped my aliens :thumbs

but seriously if he is 'ill' ebough to do this is it in efect still a real issue, ok its him who malunctioned not the car, but still a malfunction rahter than a con, as what does he have to gain? unless he is planning to sue ford?
I think I can identify the problem.......... the driver was an Ozzy :augie:D:D

Why didn't the pillock turn the ignition off or shift his truck into neutral :nenau
and like he conveniently had Ford's phone number in his handset as well? What a bunch of crap....

More like he just got nicked for speeding and was looking for a excuse :doh