Keys, NATS etc

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I've only got one key for mine with NATS and remote buttons for lock and unlock, can I just buy a blank and have it cut and programme it up myself or do I need to get it programmed up professionally etc.

Don't normally bother with this sort of thing but with Mac in mind don't want to get stuck somewhere if I loos or snap the key etc.
it will need the red fob bit to program. got ours thru nose from nissan, also have a
pure steel key, so can get in if all else fails but cant drive as nothing for barrel to
it will need the red fob bit to program. got ours thru nose from nissan, also have a
pure steel key, so can get in if all else fails but cant drive as nothing for barrel to

How much did it cost you? I want to get two new keys since my current ones only allow me to remote lock the car not unlock.

How much did it cost you? I want to get two new keys since my current ones only allow me to remote lock the car not unlock.


was just after bought it 4 years ago so not sure but £30 + vat springs to mind, maybe
more upto £40, certainly one of those are you sitting down sir moments!

that was for the key, bought a second fob and programmed it myself off ebay for about
15-20 quid.
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