Breathing back life.......

Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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Jul 24, 2012
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The world has changed a lot this year and I appreciate people's priorities may have changed, but as of late the forum has been a barren wasteland for content.

We're lucky to get into double figures of members that log in daily now, whilst I know that it's not a social media platform and people don't NEED to be logging in daily, I am a bit underwhelmed at the lack of mods and upkeep of trucks and even just general chit chat posts.

Does anyone have any bright ideas of what we can do to increase the footfall through here.

Maybe we need to diversify before the social media platforms kill this place off for good :nenau
It's not just this forum mate.
So many are in the same situation.
Like you say it's the same handful of members who are logging in on here.

Don't think it will be long until groups like this are a thing of the past:(
It's not just this forum mate.
So many are in the same situation.
Like you say it's the same handful of members who are logging in on here.

Don't think it will be long until groups like this are a thing of the past:(

I certainly don't feel like updating my project threads much these days anymore :nenau

Might just start my own offline journals in Evernote for reference
I'll be honest, needing to pay a subscription for the majority of content will put most people off, especially given the low footfall of the forum.
I think the subscription needs to be shelved until the forum attracts more members, then maybe reinstated once there is enough information to justify the cost.

It's a niche group of car owners it is targeting, and the Australian forums are so heavily visited due to the popularity of the marque that a local group is always going to struggle.
I'll be honest, needing to pay a subscription for the majority of content will put most people off, especially given the low footfall of the forum.
I think the subscription needs to be shelved until the forum attracts more members, then maybe reinstated once there is enough information to justify the cost.
I don't own the site so can't call the shots on this kind of decision but not entirely sure I agree either.

I joined back in 2012 when I was on the hunt for a truck and easily got my tenners worth of advice in a few days. There's certainly value for money here when you go digging and the search function favours you!!! But at the moment I do think we need new ways of getting people through the door.

One thing that does let this place down hugely is the lack of image hosting in my opinion, the ability to only upload one picture per post is very archaic. The majority of users pre 2016 used to use Photobucket for image hosting which was fantastic until they screwed the world over and locked everyone out of their accounts unless they paid a £300 a year hosting fee for forum embedding. This forum got obliterated and I single handedly hacked the majority of members albums and re uploaded the pictures into new IMGBB albums under my own account and ammended all of the embed codes within the threads. It was a thankless task and I've still not completed it. This is one place we could start I suppose just in case IMGBB go the same way as Photobucket went and we lose everything again. A hell of a lot of threads I fixed would have been USLESS without the pictures fixed, we need our own hosting platform.

My second idea was to try and arrange some decent forum discount with trusted suppliers such as Japanese 4x4 Spares, Pioneer 4x4, JimnyBits, Xpajun etc, more of a managed subscription based discount using your unique profile membership ID rather than a generic "Nissan20" type code that will make it onto Google for every Tom, Dick and Harry to use within a month making it pointless. I ran the same scheme with Milner Off Road successfully for a while until I lost complete trust in the quality of their products and customer service!!!

Does anyone else have any other ideas? I'm all ears and can take them to Bat to see how much of this is feasible
This virus shit has devastated a very large portion of peoples lives and the knock on effect is what we are seeing now.

On the good side we are departing for Bournemouth with the tin tent on the 21st to stay at a nice site for 4 days, thereafter heading to CAT at Machynlleth for a few days to have a look at the latest developments after which we will head home, but open ended we can stay longer if anyone wants to do some lanes while we are around it will be welcomed with open arms, Makeitfit, Fez etc
To be honest Banshee it is a bit of a chicken and egg story.

I log in occasionally and have a look at the project threads. But lately there is not a lot of news on those, hence why I log in less frequently. Having been on the Job Retention Scheme money is a bit tight at the moment and work on the Patrol has taken a backseat.

Unfortunately for the forum, the Terrano and Patrol are the pure 4x4 (no offense intended to anybody) vehicles that get modified. But as you also know they are slowly disappearing from the scene. Look at the Navara threads, not a lot happening on those as they are not really offroad vehicles as a Patrol or Terrano is.
I just wanted to say -Chin up lads

Hey guys,

I am by no means the most active but i just wanted to say to those more experienced and the very hands on project guys.......Please dont stop doing what you do and posting it on here. Loosing that sort of info/experience/skill from a niche site like this would be a great loss to guys like me who do in fact get a lot of education from this place.

Yes i live in NZ (for now anyway) but a while ago i thought i'd have to go back home which after a 6 year slog with immigration here was truly devastating to me until i realised that THIS club had a core group of like minded folk that i could get more involved with and honestly fellas that helped me mentally more than any one will ever know.

I dont do facebook i much prefer finding the down to earth folks who dont mind sharing as opposed to the keyboard guys that just love to bring the negativity into everything....Fxxk them...

I realise the site has been slow but please dont let this unprecedented time in our lives destroy everything....we will bounce back.

Groups like this never die, the might fluctuate in size but c'mon just look at how many people still buy landrovers:thumbs:thumbs

To me the key to groups like this is more collective activities.
obviously that is a bit hard to do at the minute but that will improve.

Sorry, felt like i had to clear my chest there!!

Chin Up Fella's - it'll come right.

Nice to know Dave, keep looking in, it has been quiet of late, partly due to covid but also T2's and Patrols are getting rarer by the day, however I recon my Patrol and the Mrs T2 3ltr will be the last motors we will have, all the time I can maintain them they will last us out, Rick
As said Zac, these strange times continue to be really hard and confusing.
I’ve appreciated your efforts with this forum since I joined.
Don’t wrap it up yet mate.
This forum is still standing-up where others are folding and going across to being Facebook based Clubs.
I belong to some of these for my overlanding and travelling side of things, but people come and go, say something and bugger off and you can never find them again. Their memberships have grown into thousands, but where are they?
The memberships are very diluted and faceless.
That’s where this Forum is different.
We honestly know each other and each other’s vehicles because we chat and have had the opportunity to meet up.
When we share information or ask questions, that info is available for all to see and it stays available for others to go back and refer to.
Facebook can’t do that.
It’s a wholesome community in this place and I’ve benefited from being a member of it.
Things are changing all the time at the moment. Our lives will settle down to some sort of normal soon.
I’ve personally been really busy with emergency work and Response stuff but never been away if that makes sense. I’m always poppin in for a look about.
Keep well Zac.
Keep Well all!
Indeed keep things up!

I used to be on a Peugeot Rallye forum, but most enthousiastics ran away from it and it slowely died.
Yes the Patrol and Terrano are getting old and people start getting newer trucks, but there is still an active community.

So keep posting the updates and this forum will stay alive :clap
Nice to know Dave, keep looking in, it has been quiet of late, partly due to covid but also T2's and Patrols are getting rarer by the day, however I recon my Patrol and the Mrs T2 3ltr will be the last motors we will have, all the time I can maintain them they will last us out, Rick

no worries Rick, just started a thread on the y60 section so i'll be about a while yet:lol

something dawned on me recently (an interesting thought on culture) , those who are in the sheds working on projects, developing the mods and tuning, learning new skills, doing the maintenance etc are the follow on from the mindset that drove the likes of the industrial revolution, a very "English" thing, if no one objects to that statement, and in that thought the cars/trucks/bikes whatever it is your into may change but the mindset wont....good stuff i thought :lol

Plus there's always import's, priced it recently to take mine home from nz, around 2 grand your money.
you can pick up at Td42 Gq y60 around 200,000km (125,000 miles) here from around 4-8 grand (pounds)
Whats the market like your end??

no worries Rick, just started a thread on the y60 section so i'll be about a while yet:lol

something dawned on me recently (an interesting thought on culture) , those who are in the sheds working on projects, developing the mods and tuning, learning new skills, doing the maintenance etc are the follow on from the mindset that drove the likes of the industrial revolution, a very "English" thing, if no one objects to that statement, and in that thought the cars/trucks/bikes whatever it is your into may change but the mindset wont....good stuff i thought :lol

Plus there's always import's, priced it recently to take mine home from nz, around 2 grand your money.
you can pick up at Td42 Gq y60 around 200,000km (125,000 miles) here from around 4-8 grand (pounds)
Whats the market like your end??


Similar prices here I think but far far rarer, even rotten ones make upwards of 3k at least if they have a TD42 engine, SWB especially!
Hopefully somebody objects as I am Dutch :splif lived in the UK for 20+ years though. Does this mean that I am no longer welcome?. :( :(. :D

with a username like yours how could you not be welcome...:cool:

ssssshhhh i'm from Northern Ireland, giving Englishmen compliments is not really allowed....:doh
Hi folks,

Well, I am still impressed with this forum, and the help and support I've received from many....

I drop in and out from time to time, and like Davey Boy, have been a bit manic with 4x4 Response stuff, and still am as it seems to take over my aged life....:doh:nenau.....

But, this forum hopefully will survive the trials of fluctuation membership and keep our trusty T2's and Patrols......

Kindest regards to all.....:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2
Cut short

This virus shit has devastated a very large portion of peoples lives and the knock on effect is what we are seeing now.

On the good side we are departing for Bournemouth with the tin tent on the 21st to stay at a nice site for 4 days, thereafter heading to CAT at Machynlleth for a few days to have a look at the latest developments after which we will head home, but open ended we can stay longer if anyone wants to do some lanes while we are around it will be welcomed with open arms, Makeitfit, Fez etc

Well site was great but CV shit spoiled it, not supposed to interact with other campers, everybody walking around like zombies with masks on effing crap, then could not book further sites towards wales so back home now and relaxing as the people that need me do not know I am here, I will never wear an effing mask, fed up with this shit, Rick
Morning all.

I feel the same as others and would hate the forum to die, but at the same time feel unenthused about updating my threads. Most of that is because I've not done anything on either of the trucks and the other, Zac has already touched on... Pictures.

When I lost all the pictures in my thread, (Making it pretty useless) I spent the time going thru the whole thing and hosting them a different way. I found the last time I logged in the buggers had all gone again! :banghead

I still prefer this forum to FB groups... As Davey has already said, we know eachother and most of us have spent at least one weekend together. FB is full of unknows to quick to throw you under the bus with their negatvity!

I take everything on FB with a pinch of salt, unless it comes from one of you guys on here... Then I know I can trust whats being said!

I've just renewed my subscription after letting it lapse for a couple of weeks, (Accident) but I'm still not 100% sure the Patrol is staying. My work van has gone now, and a side project that I started during lockdown really benifits from having a van!

I really hope that the forum does pick up again like how it was a couple of years ago. Patrol or no Patrol, I'd still like to stick around for the banter! :thumbs
ssssshhhh i'm from Northern Ireland, giving Englishmen compliments is not really allowed....:doh

What about ye? :thumb2

I was in a niche car club mid 90's, not so much a club but a register of names with V8 Opels and a forum like this would have been a perfect platform to keep in touch which we did via a newsletter every two months. I ended up running the register and newsletter for quite some time and during one of the committee meetings a point was raised about diminishing numbers and what could we do to increase memberships. I pointed out the obvious, the cars were getting rustier and thinner on the ground as were the donor cars plus fuel prices were rising.

Moving on to today and a few of us are still in touch but mostly those who attended camping weekends or events such as Santa Pod and some still have their cars. Lives change, circumstances etc and people move on from a particular vehicle for a variety of reasons, I would not be here had my friend not offered me the truck for stupid money and sold it on.

I came here and joined as I could not find a manual, factory or otherwise for my 2.4 Terrano and have a hankering to do a bit of offroading so saw joining a good choice to cover both needs. That hankering is still there but has changed due to changing jobs twice and Covid 19 having affected my circumstances and priorities. I did look at joining a few years ago but could not justify the joining fee and it simply isn't in me to act like a leach for information and bugger off even if I paid to join, I prefer to give something back if I can. I did similar with another car club and spent several years as an administrator on their forum, the car has been gone 13 years but I am still a member and work on other members vehicles.

Is there a desperate need to increase footfall or membership? I know little of the forum background, past history or even who owns it let alone the running costs of hosting, is there a need to turn a profit or just cover costs.

What about ye? :thumb2

Is there a desperate need to increase footfall or membership? I know little of the forum background, past history or even who owns it let alone the running costs of hosting, is there a need to turn a profit or just cover costs.


Neither, I'd just personally like to read other content and for it to be as busy as it used to be in 2012 when I first joined :(