Corona virus

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Off road maniac
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Dec 25, 2009
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I for one am totally fed up with all the rubbish we are being fed,I clearly have my own opinion, what say the rest of you? Rick
Well I think there is something fishy with the whole thing from starting in china to now.
I have been told that it’s a man made virus from a couple of people in the medical profession, they had no reason to lie but what their source I have no idea.
If it is a man made virus why the hell are our politicians hell bent on getting in bed with certain foreign governments, we already very dependent on china.
I think for governments around the world to take draconian measures like they have is rather odd. Listen to Bojo’s speech yesterday and he has said just how serious it is and that people are going to die in large numbers.
My GP has given me chapter and verse about protecting myself as I am in a vulnerable group.

I think a lot of events are going to be cancelled, large gatherings indoor and outdoor. It will be interesting to see what happens about the olympics for instance. A lot of people are going to be disappointed to say the least.

The economies around the world are suffering already, it’s going to cause hardship to say the least. The next few years were going to be hard for the uk economy to begin with without all of this, could it deplete our country who knows.

We just have to ride out the storm and see what happens just like most things.

All that I know is that the ordinary people on the street will foot the bill in some shape or form whilst the rich get richer.
My work also keeps changing. We don’t fly to Italy anymore and with a reduction in passenger numbers some flights are cancelled or consolidated.

Several countries have now closed their borders to foreigners and it has a real impact on our industry.
Just like everyone else I'm taking precautionary measures
Origins of Covid 19

China & Far East has been the source of several nasty bugs over the decades so its nothing new really imho. Current thinking is it has crossed the animal human barrier. The Chinese eat some odd

You will never convince Conspiracy theorist -did the Yanks really land on the moon - last Flu I had was in 1973-4 it was Hong Kong variety I was young then - I was bed ridden for a week with a delirious fever for 3 days.

Interesting that Psychologists have rationalized the whole Internet / Conspiracy theorists stance . As rational intelligent Primates we refuse to accept that some things just happen - we don't like Serendipity all things happen for a reason if we cant find one or it's outside our scope of understanding we invent one.

You are not alone Jim - the truth is out there......
Interesting that Psychologists have rationalized the whole Internet / Conspiracy theorists stance . As rational intelligent Primates we refuse to accept that some things just happen - we don't like Serendipity all things happen for a reason if we cant find one or it's outside our scope of understanding we invent one.

Spot on, Rick
We still having our meet up?? I couldn’t care less bout virus [emoji3083] [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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We still having our meet up?? I couldn’t care less bout virus [emoji3083] [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Think it will be a wait and see how things pan out with that one.
I personally can't be arsed with it at this moment in time:lol
I have been told that it’s a man made virus from a couple of people in the medical profession, they had no reason to lie but what their source I have no idea.

Just because somebody is in the medical profession doesn't stop them speculating based on hearsay from friends, colleagues and the media. Healthcare professionals are human and suffer the same biases as everyone else. Just because they wear a uniform or work in a hospital or surgery doesn't automatically make them an authority.
Just because somebody is in the medical profession doesn't stop them speculating based on hearsay from friends, colleagues and the media. Healthcare professionals are human and suffer the same biases as everyone else. Just because they wear a uniform or work in a hospital or surgery doesn't automatically make them an authority.

AND???? :confused:

Did I say it was correct or anything. All I said was they had no reason to lie and I had no idea of their source?
No, but you're quite happy to propagate this 'information'. No wonder there's hysteria, and FUD.

I'm struggling to get food, never mind refereeing arguments about conspiracy theories [emoji38]

Its madness mate.
I know everyone is concerned about the state of things and has an opinion but keep it civil.
It's all propaganda.!!!!!!
It's a bio weopon released by the deep state/illuminati and pushed by the fake left wing media thats owned 90% by the deep state. Trump and the military are basically taking down the deep state and they are in panic mode and this is their final throw of the dice, they have tried the Russian collusion hoax and impeachment and now this virus. Its was a 16 year plan to destroy america 8 years of Obama aka "Barry Soetoro" yes that's his real name and his "wife" Michael is a man yes you couldn't make it up and he is a Muslim with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and the 8 years of Hillary "they never thought she would lose" Clinton the most heinous corrupt witch on the planet. Obama basically sold out the US to china.

All these countries like Iran, North Korea, China an EU are controlled by the deep state remember the three city states - city of Columbia Washington is the military arm, the Vatican is the religious arm and the City of London is the financial arm is a separate entity in it's own right controlled by the Rothschild's.

The CFR council of foreign relations, Builderbergs, Fabian society, Tavistock institute are all arms of the illuminati/deepstate left wing socialist and behind the labour Party think Corbyn and controlled by one of the biggest crooks on the planet George Soros and his open society org a big funder if the Clinton foundation and connected to Jeffery Epstein. All the mass migration to the EU is created by mr. Soros not to mention his cronies Macron and Merkel.

The media and Hollywood are part and parcel, think Harvey Weinstein, tom Hanks, oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Spielberg.

Trump is taking it all down and coronavirus plays into his hand as he is conducting huge arrests undercover of the coronavirus shutdown "Rig for Red" " Silent Running" "Green is Go" WWG1WGA Q
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