Terrance is cool as a Cucumber....

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Jul 24, 2012
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Not sure why but the colder the temp gets, the harder it is for Terrance to get up to temperature.

What could be causing this? I'm going to check coolant levels later on, any other pointers? At that point of my journey this morning, that needle would have normally been right in the middle of the gauge.

Thermostat would be my guess too

Assuming your heater is cold as well I would suspect the thermostat. If your heater is okay and warms pretty quickly then due to low ambient temperature radiator is not getting warm.

Is the viscous fan working as it should or is it always blowing cold air? Our old r3mR would take a good 4-5 miles to get to just under N on gauge.

Many years ago I used to just partially block the radiator during the winter with spray painted cardboard , I had an old MG saloon that actually had a built in radiator blind! You pulled a chain under the dashboard that covered half the radiator core with a black fabric blind.