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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
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Heres the first pic of my beast Lucinda. First job was to get her on a diet an lose those steps :thumbs
Will get a few more shots up and keep track of any an all the work done.


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Dirt deflectors !

I like side step as they deflect dirt from the doors - that said I would not shell out to buy them or take them off if I had them already fitted.

Never found they are any use as a step though. lol

Like the colour it looks well tidy.
Nissans best colour! I am somewhat biased though...
Bit of a poor picture but as you can se a new filter was needed. Got new lucas glow plugs, 3 belts, oil and air filters to do one evening this week.


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Good man!!! Keep the updates coming buddy, seems the threads are gaining traction again as usual with everyone making sure their beasts are running tip top for winter :)

Which plugs did you get? Please tell me you went for metal rod and not ceramic :O

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Pity you're so far away I actually want a pair of side steps like that. Replace those rubbish ones fitted to my 3.0litre. Those stainless tubular type are far better.
Forgot to grab a snap of the new plugs so the box will have to do :lol. Heres my old plugs and u can see they were quite dark and dirty on the tips.
I had actually already removed them to test with a battery when i was having starting issues and they were glowing brightly after a few seconds.
Now these new lucus plugs have made a huge difference. Nice easy starting not requiring as much cranking, once alive a nice steady idle almost immediately and a pretty much no smoke on start up. So money well spent I think on decent plugs :thumbs. Was about £36 deliverd for the 4.


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Forgot to grab a snap of the new plugs so the box will have to do :lol. Heres my old plugs and u can see they were quite dark and dirty on the tips.
I had actually already removed them to test with a battery when i was having starting issues and they were glowing brightly after a few seconds.
Now these new lucus plugs have made a huge difference. Nice easy starting not requiring as much cranking, once alive a nice steady idle almost immediately and a pretty much no smoke on start up. So money well spent I think on decent plugs :thumbs. Was about £36 deliverd for the 4.

Wow!!! The orange build up on those plugs is dried up waste veg residue. If that's the state of the plugs, you can guarantee that the tank will be caked in it too :eek:

Shouldn't cause any issues but after using WVO for a long time and seeing what it does to components I wont use it again. I'll only put fresh veg (SVO) straight from the cash and carry into mine now :thumb2

76p a litre I'm paying at the moment, Its stayed at that price now for a good 5-6 months, I hope it doesn't start climbing again :bow
Yeah inside of the tank looks like that pic ive seen in your thread, nicely protected from rust :lol
Think i could consider svo in the future once things like fphe n heated filter was in place. Its just so cheap atm with the waste veg that even with some diesel an petrol chucked in its only about £30 to fill her up!
Managed to get a few jobs done this weekend and hopefully solve an issue that cropped up to. Fed her just over 7 liters of this.


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Working through is gap it felt like the filter was welded on. Had to take that little shield off which enabled me to just get enough purchase on the filter to do a fraction of a turn at a time. My arms were dead after that lol. So as i broke the seal on it oil had stared to flow out the top of the filter, luckily i had a plastice bag on hand to whip round it an contain the eruption before it hit the drive.


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I had originally ordered belts n filters from japanese4x4parts but when they turned up i had been sent a Boshi filter which i read are pretty pathetic at forming a seal so off i went to eurocarpart and got a real filter.
New belts all fitted which seemed nice and straight forward I set about looking over a few things to see why i was getting an intermittant fault. Found these connections, I know one is for the no1 injector not sure what the other is. You can see one clip half hanging off and the other clip missing completely.
I think this is the connector for the no1 injector with no clip it could of been bumped off.


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So gave em a good blast of contact cleaner and fashioned my own clip lol


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Later that day I had place to be so off I went. The intermittant power loss croped up but I didnt have time to stop n look so pushed on. Now the fault was getting worse struggling to rev, juddering at low speeds, eml flashing on and off then staying. So i though why not just drive along foot to floor and see what happens. It took ages but with revs stuck at about 2k my speed slowly, very slowly started to climb. I eventually hit 50 mph where the engine light went off and it sprang to life and pulled hard all the way to edline. After that it was like a different car back to how it should behave. At home it had stored a fault code no 21. Spent the eve reading about what this could mean from issues with them ranging from ckp, to no1 injector, shoddy valve in the return banjo or air.
Next morning went to go out for some supplies, turned the key she fired but running very rough! Having issue ls trying to idle nearly stalling. Managed to dash under the bonnet and grab this pic.
Looks like a bubble bath i the filter!


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