For the love of Terrano, URGENT ADVICE needed

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Jan 22, 2016
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Afternoon all Terrano lovers! It's now Saturday 14:41 on 2 October and I've run in to a drop of trouble with a terrano I've bought. Some expert advice will be GREATLY appreciated!

So I bought this terrano II, 2000 mode, which I've already fallen in love withl and it looks like the engines shut down. There was no water in the radiator. The AA's had a look at it and it won't start. They say it's got to go in to a garage, probably needs the head gasket off and planing, cylinder failure located. I'm hoping it's not a write off. The AA said it's probably a couple hundred quids worth to get fixed.

I need some expert advice from a Terrano II mechanic.

It's currently at the Esso petrol station in London at the Chiswick round about and needs to be moved before 19:00 tonight. The sooner the better - there's a petrol tanker coming in and if it's still there it will be towed away.

I'm looking for Nissan terrano II mechanic to take it to. Does anyone know of one to recommend?

Thanks in advance if you can shine a light on the matter.

Long live Terrano II!

Can't really help as I'm the other end of the country, but I wouldn't have thought that there's anything that needs a specialist Terrano mechanic, just any old gargage should be fine.

Good luck.
😄 thanks mate.

Discussed it with a mechanic that said the same thing. Just rather wanted to talk to some one rather than dump it outside a closed garage. Will do a full update with photos and all once sorted.

All the best! 😀
I don't understand why doesn't it start? Chances are a random AA person wouldn't have much idea about these trucks even though they are nott oo complex.
How has he diagnosed head gasket at the side of the road and why has he just left you? If you haven't got recovery on your policy can the aa let you pay the extra and tow your truck away?

Got to say it seems unusual for one of these to overheat and overheat to the extent the engine wont start again.

As for moving it out of the way of the delivery tanker, can't you just stick it in N with brake off and push it. Surely you have a friend that can come and help you out.

If it was me I would be calling AA or whoever you are with and see if you can upgrade cover to get it recovered home. Then you having breathing space.
I'm in the army and spoke to one of our engineers and explained the situation to him and this is what he said.

Hey dude!
Just looks like I've gone and blown the head gasket. AA looked at it and said there was no water in the radiator. I topped it up a month ago so thought it was sweet. Must've had a leak in it.

It's not too far from Gunnersbury in London. AA are taking it to a garage to get checked. Wondered if you had any mechanic mates in London. Either way it's going to need to be fixed. Thought maybe you had a mate that would want the business.

No mate but I am in London. It might just be a split hose dude.

It was losing power very gradually on the highway and then just cut out with steam coming from the engine. Oil levels were fine and the water in the pot on the left of the engine. AA dude checked radiator and it was empty. When truck picked the Nissan up there was a little patch of dark black liquid under where the engine was. Looked like oil but couldn't tell by the smell.
When the AA dude checked the water pot on the left of the engine he said the water was dark and it shouldn't have been.
He got me to try start the car but it wouldn't. Said it didn't sound like there was enough compression. The car had had its hazard and side lights on and I was charging my phone while waiting for AA. Thought maybe that would've flattened the battery a bit?

Anyways how's life in London? You settling in there alright?

Yeah thy would drain the battery bud. Was there any water in the engine cylinders??
I hope it's not that bad! I might be able to sort something out.

I don't know. Didn't know to check for that. And the AA dude didn't say anything.
If you're free and there's anything you can do you'd have a friend for life 😃

It's at the Esso petrol station at the Chiswick round about where the m4 starts. I'm on my way there, I'm about 20 minutes away. The AA's sending a guy round to move it to the closest garage. They should be here within the hour. It's gotta be moved from Esso as a tanker arrives at 19:00

I'm not back in London till tomoz. Ask them to do a compression test and let me know the results.

Cool mate you're a champ. Thanks
And thanks for the reply. Much appreciated. The engineers a 4x4 enthusiast himself.
Well good luck, post up a reply or if your engineer pal needs advice we have plenty of people to help but unfortunately most people don't get online until evening time.
Normal water leaks from the engine are the water pump which dries up before you see it though you may see a few drops under the centre of the engine bay on the floor. Also on later models the thermostat housing is plastic which can crack.
Current Eiffel is AA sent a truck out to move me to a local garage. They'll have a look and I'll update you with the details.

Joined the forum recently and was going to post photos of the wagon and the project I'm planning. I leave the army after 4 weeks and after a lot of research, the Terrano came up tops in my books as the new adventure wagon of choice.

Oh well, hey ho. It's pre-empted me 😄

Once all sorted I'll introduce myself to the forum properly with all my pictures.

Looking forward to spending more time here and getting to know all you fine folk :clap
Looking forward to your sit rep when you know more.

These trucks are mormally pretty reliable so all being well once this is sorted you'll be fine.
Comedy Club Update

So gents, for those of you who replied and were with me from the beginning - thank you.

For those of you new to the story you're about enter a comedy club of epic proportions! So buckle up, buckle in, you're in for a ride!

So when my Terrano first went into melt down the first AA guy to the scene said there was oil where you put the water and coolant in, with really dirty, black water.
He said that was very bad.

Then when the AA came to tow me away from the petrol station the garage they took me to the owner managed to get the car started with great big clouds of smoke. Said it was the head gasket. I told the guy I could only afford repairs up to £1000 and he said he could do it. Would be done in a week.

Four weeks later I was still chasing him and finally got it back. Said he had to replace 3 cylinders so went ahead and replaced four. £1600. But when you started it still gave a massive cloud of smoke, which died down a bit but if you were to be driving behind me on the road you'd be hating life because there is still a lot coming out the exhaust. More grey than black.

While driving the engine's completely gutless with no power when pulling away like it used to have.

The owner said I need to some back after 400 miles so he can check on the cylinders and engine but the thing feels like it's about to give up the ghost. Oh yes, and another thing - after it had been "fixed" I drove back to may barracks about 8 miles away, the next morning when walking to it it had this MASSIVE leak from under the engine.

So I drove it back to him, after he had it 4 weeks - now bear in mind I'm about to leave the army after 4 years and I'm stressing to get my wheels so i can Foxtrot Oscar - and he says he'll get one of his boys to look at it.
So I get out while the mechanic's there and this owner tries to chaperone me to the office where I can wait but innocently I say I don't mind getting my hands dirty and stay put. Seeing I wasn't moving away he leaves and as soon as he does his mechanic says my vehicle should never have been worked and I should've scrapped it. Another two mechanics come over and say the engine's proper ****ed. They open where the water and coolant goes in and there's still oil and dirty black water in there.
Also, turn it on and pull the oil dip stick out after it's running a few minutes and show me there's steam coming out of it. They jack it up and there's a knocking sound coming from the engine. They say that's a very bad sign. In their opinion I should just scrap it.

While jacked up they show me the new fuel lines that had been put in while at the last garage haven't even been connected. They'd been installed but the garage just connected the old ones.
(When I went up to Edinburgh to pick it up on the trip down it had cut out on the highway and got towed to a garage which said the fuel lines needed replacing.)

Also, in these mechanics opinions the 31k mileage is false. They reckon the engine hasn't done any less than 150k and the clock's been cooked.

So £1000 on the vehicle, £100 to travel up to Edinburgh, I think about 2 tanks of fuel getting down to Windsor, £850 for new fuel lines, £1600 for new head gasket and 4 cylinders and there's still a massive leak - I think from the radiator, with tons of smoke pouring from it, steam coming from the oil dip stick and oil and black dirty water where the water goes in.

I'm thinking I can

1. scrap it

2. sell it for parts

3.put a new engine in.

What would you do?

For the short time I did have it working I fell in love with it which is why I stuck by it to the bitter end but all I want to do with the thing now is newq it and start again.

Are there people or garages that would buy it for parts?

Your advice is appreciated and thanked :thumbs
So gents, for those of you who replied and were with me from the beginning - thank you.

For those of you new to the story you're about enter a comedy club of epic proportions! So buckle up, buckle in, you're in for a ride!

So when my Terrano first went into melt down the first AA guy to the scene said there was oil where you put the water and coolant in, with really dirty, black water.
He said that was very bad.

Then when the AA came to tow me away from the petrol station the garage they took me to the owner managed to get the car started with great big clouds of smoke. Said it was the head gasket. I told the guy I could only afford repairs up to £1000 and he said he could do it. Would be done in a week.

Four weeks later I was still chasing him and finally got it back. Said he had to replace 3 cylinders so went ahead and replaced four. £1600. But when you started it still gave a massive cloud of smoke, which died down a bit but if you were to be driving behind me on the road you'd be hating life because there is still a lot coming out the exhaust. More grey than black.

While driving the engine's completely gutless with no power when pulling away like it used to have.

The owner said I need to some back after 400 miles so he can check on the cylinders and engine but the thing feels like it's about to give up the ghost. Oh yes, and another thing - after it had been "fixed" I drove back to may barracks about 8 miles away, the next morning when walking to it it had this MASSIVE leak from under the engine.

So I drove it back to him, after he had it 4 weeks - now bear in mind I'm about to leave the army after 4 years and I'm stressing to get my wheels so i can Foxtrot Oscar - and he says he'll get one of his boys to look at it.
So I get out while the mechanic's there and this owner tries to chaperone me to the office where I can wait but innocently I say I don't mind getting my hands dirty and stay put. Seeing I wasn't moving away he leaves and as soon as he does his mechanic says my vehicle should never have been worked and I should've scrapped it. Another two mechanics come over and say the engine's proper ****ed. They open where the water and coolant goes in and there's still oil and dirty black water in there.
Also, turn it on and pull the oil dip stick out after it's running a few minutes and show me there's steam coming out of it. They jack it up and there's a knocking sound coming from the engine. They say that's a very bad sign. In their opinion I should just scrap it.

While jacked up they show me the new fuel lines that had been put in while at the last garage haven't even been connected. They'd been installed but the garage just connected the old ones.
(When I went up to Edinburgh to pick it up on the trip down it had cut out on the highway and got towed to a garage which said the fuel lines needed replacing.)

Also, in these mechanics opinions the 31k mileage is false. They reckon the engine hasn't done any less than 150k and the clock's been cooked.

So £1000 on the vehicle, £100 to travel up to Edinburgh, I think about 2 tanks of fuel getting down to Windsor, £850 for new fuel lines, £1600 for new head gasket and 4 cylinders and there's still a massive leak - I think from the radiator, with tons of smoke pouring from it, steam coming from the oil dip stick and oil and black dirty water where the water goes in.

I'm thinking I can

1. scrap it

2. sell it for parts

3.put a new engine in.

What would you do?

For the short time I did have it working I fell in love with it which is why I stuck by it to the bitter end but all I want to do with the thing now is newq it and start again.

Are there people or garages that would buy it for parts?

Your advice is appreciated and thanked :thumbs

If you can be without the car for a while, I can trailer away, source a new engine for about £200 - £300 quid and can fit it you too should you want to keep it.

Anyone on here will vouch for me mate, sounds like you've had your pants pulled down, :( :( :(
It's a sad story pal but must confess you made me laugh out loud:lol (Foxtrot Oscar )
What would I do? If the rest of the truck is good, another engine would be going in. I wouldn't spend another penny on that one after all the pulling about it's had.
If the rest of the truck needs work too. Say farewell and get it gone asap.
Buy another:clap

EDIT.. There's an offer you can't refuse. Good ole Banshee :thumbs
Chuff me you've been shat on from all directions, sorry for my language but it really gets to me when people crap on others especially members of our forces.

You need to look at the rest of the car, is there rust holes anywhere. Places to check are sills, boot floor, rear wheel arches especially where the seatbelt bolt goes through, front inner wings especially passengerside below fuel filter.

It's very possible that the speedo has been changed because they do break but again on here we have the technology to fix things.

Now look at how much you have spent on it, it'll all be gone if you scrap it. OK so engine is goosed, not often they really go so badly wrong and 150k is bugger all for one of these lumps too.

My two trucks are old motors but wouldn't think twice about jumping in either of them and having a ride down to cornwall. I know what you mean about driving them, they're great.

Yes people buy them and break them but you'll get nothing really, you could break it yourself but do you have the time, space, tools and sorry but ability as only you know that and I'm not judging you.
Is Banshee the noblest of the noble?
That's a fair old story and as others have said, if the body and condition is good, put another motor in it. There should be plenty available. And for the price of a case of beer (and Banshee doesn't drink :sly ) you get your motor back on the road.
Get some photos up here for the experts to look at and see if it's a fixer or not.

I'd be looking to get some money back from the garage too... Bastid!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry


Banshee you're a L-E-G-E-N-D-!-!-! Thank you.

That would be put a real bounce back in my step!

I left the military 3 weeks ago now and if it's a help I can come and do the work with you.
Have you thought about getting Trading Standards involved, because it sounds like he's stitched you up like a kipper.

That's just not right. It might be worth a call to them, and tell the garage your doing it.

Bad luck bloke.

Alright gents, Block 10, jims terrano, Don Simon, Emjaybee thanks for your input, much appreciated!

There's rust on the two front wings which I know is standard for these wagons, but nowhere else on the body. The bottom's been treated but has rust coming through in a few spots.

With regards to the rest of the car nothing else was said at the garage so as far as I know it's all good, though an experienced enthusiasts eye could ferret out the finer details.

Thank you for pointing me to the Trading Standards. I was wondering if there was anything I could do legally. It seemed a protracted legal battle just wasn't worth it but if there's a body that deals it, saweeeeet! :D

Banshee, I'm steel reeling from that offer, trying to figure out what it all means. It was the final knock out blow after all these good times I been having. What's the final cost after all's said and everything's done - lock, stock and barrel?
To be fair the garage should have gone the replacement engine route. :confused:
I can't imagine there's a terrano owner on here who would let a garage strip an engine for repair. Different if you're taking it on yourself cos you'll not have any labour costs :nenau