Xmas/New Year Green Lane run Yorkshire Dales 28th Dec.

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have a good one

have a good day out you lot:thumb2would have loved to come but can't really afford it straight after crimbo.
will get to one in yorkshire sometime as its been about 12 years since ive done any lanes up your way.
have fun:):)
Xmas/new year green lane run yorkshire

ps will be in green lr disco.
Zippy my eldest lad is in serious dog house, I gave him my camera and asked him to use it for the day. He got back in the car bragging that he had seen one of our back wheels a foot in the air, oh great did ya take a picture....... Not just did he miss that he hasn't taken any at all. On a brighter note son number 2 has taken some video but this has yet to be looked at.

So if anyone has some pickys I would be very gratefull:bow:bow:bow

Jim T
Glad you enjoyed yourself Jim,we'll meet up at one soon i'm sure:thumbs
Pity about the picts:doh,i'm sure someone will have some.
Did you manage some good lanes then??:D
hope someone going to do a beginers day soon:thumbs:thumb2
Cosmic they were cosmic mate:thumb2 We've just watched the video, it's a bit of a laugh but not so good qual. The second ford didn't come out on video, looks like son number 2 got start and stop wrong way round so got plenty of his feet and none of us going through the ford:eek: but at least he tried.
Hey Tubbs, why do you want a beginners day mate:nenau Your a fully qualified green laner by now fella:thumbs

Jim T
Just got in ,having a keab for t,took a couple of pics will get JJ to host later.Jim got one of u with water over bonnet going through ford.Some new lanes very deep ruts with plenty of lean angles{sweety}:lol:lol:nenauLong day but well worth it.Thanks to TRS for organizing the day and members of H&y4X4 Responce group coming to make up the numbers.JD:thumbs
I'll get my pic's up a bit later as i'm waiting to get some good ones of me nearly bending my T2 due to me getting my line wrong & the front end sliding but the pic's will show the story:augie Well got stuck for the 1st time as my poor AT's just could'nt cope with the track surface, but a little tug from HB had me free:thumbs:thumbs:thumbsFound the lanes a bit harder this time as some parts had been washed out:augie
Would like to thank HB for having our daughter riding shot gun as she had a fantastic time:D:thumb2 Would also like to say it was great to meet Ian & Jim T at last:D:D:D
Well got stuck for the 1st time as my poor AT's just could'nt cope with the track surface:D:D:D

It's them flippin Falkens:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Oh the shame of it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'd also like to say thanks to Terranosaurus, Dinky for leading my group through and as Sweety says the Y&H Response members. Great to meet everyone. I saw Barney on the way home so he's motor must be drivable:clap

Can't wait to see the photo's guys. When I get time I'll try to make some video clips too.

Jim T
Thanks to all those who turned up and made it a great day.

Sorry we lost you AndrewK - you'll have to let us know where you ended up, though we did try to find you. I think you were following a group in the distance that you thought was Donky etc and wasn't at least thats what I seem to have gathered - may be wrong of course.

Also sorry for the palava at Leeming Bar but between being a bit ill over the last couple of days, seeing relatives etc and my olds staying till much later than I thought last night I just didn't get time to put a route down properly.

Heres a couple of photos anyway


I didn't take many but the rest are HERE
Well got stuck for the 1st time as my poor AT's just could'nt cope with the track surface

My General Grabber AT2's didn't cope with the gloopy, slimey, slippery uphill onto Skelton Moor (I think that's where it was) even with the rear diff locked - so you weren't on your own. I got a little tug from Andrew Milroy's LR Series III who was behind, saw what was happening and drove up my inside on the grass where more traction was to be had. This is becoming a habit!!!! (I am NOT going to buy MT's - so I'll just have to live with it!!!).

Why is this Troll towing a Land Rover backwards down a hill? (Answers on a postcard .........)

There were some really interesting lanes in that lot. The Series III and the two Trolls had no particular problem with the technical bits, but the Trolls didn't especially enjoy one narrow, scratchy lane - lots of T-Cut & elbow-grease needed. :(

In the end, we did just the seven lanes that Simon listed at the start, breaking for lunch about 1.30pm at the end of the lane after "Crackpot". After finishing with Cam High Road, we got back to Hawes about 3.30pm - just in time to go home. :)

So - what did the rest of you do in the afternoon?

Dinkies group did all you did in the morning. My group missed everything from Fremmington Edge onwards and cut straight to Hawes as we lost about 1.30hrs I guess getting Barny around the hairpin and then limping out from there, we left him on the orad at the junction before where we all turned for Fremington Edge.

In the afternoon Dinkys group did the Marsett To Stalling Busk lane - HERE
and ten they did the full length of this one - HERE

Me, Ian and Steve went to - HERE in the hope of finding you and then went North East up te roman road before turning back to Marsett as Dinky did. After Marsett we did te little loop to HERE before eading back north to the A684 and cutting to Masham to meet Dinky, we got there maybe 5 or 10 mins before they did.

I'm guessing yo did the ful length of the roman road tem Andrew to HERE did you do anything else on your way into Hawes?
Sorry we lost you AndrewK - you'll have to let us know where you ended up

Not a problem. We had lots of fun - must go back again soon. We may organise a Manchester GLASS trip around the same lanes (and a few more) once the days get a bit longer. Wanna come?

We only did the 7 lanes that you listed in the morning - must be just slow. What did you do in the afternoon?

Dinkies group did all you did in the morning.

Must drive faster than we do - mind you, we did keep stopping to gawp at the scenary.

I'm guessing yo did the ful length of the roman road

Yep and then we just drove straight along the tarmac back to Hawes. Phil had to leave early anyway - and Andrew Milrow had promised he'd get back by tea time (and it doesn't do to go back on promises to SWMBO). It was about 3.30pm and starting to go dark - and we were over 2 hours from home - so we just wandered off.

We'll have to do this again in the middle of summer when we've more daylight.

We enjoyed it loads. Thanks
