Improving fuel economy

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Dec 7, 2015
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Hi all, Getting my beloved terrano 2.7TD SE back on the road shortly. Only problem i have with it is the fact its a wee bitty thirsty!! (as per all terrano's!!)

Has anyone got any tips/pointers/mods on how to improve the MPG at all?

I'd love to use this to commute to work but its 61 miles each way and my pockets aren't quite that deep!!!

I look forward to any pointers!!!

Hi all, Getting my beloved terrano 2.7TD SE back on the road shortly. Only problem i have with it is the fact its a wee bitty thirsty!! (as per all terrano's!!)

Has anyone got any tips/pointers/mods on how to improve the MPG at all?

I'd love to use this to commute to work but its 61 miles each way and my pockets aren't quite that deep!!!

I look forward to any pointers!!!


I didn't think I'd be able to afford to keep my Terrano when I got my new job, 44 miles each way and was so close to selling up but on Veg/Bio I'm affording it just about :lol

I need to step my game up next year and start making enough Bio!!! Been experimenting with lots of different washing methods and switched up to Potassium flakes from Sodium and it's been the worst mistake ever!!! I've been getting massive emulsions at wash stage and have ruined loads of batches by Glyc should be a lot better back on Sodium but sets solid in pipes if left to go cold overnight in pipework :doh
4 x 4 economy - you're having a laugh surely ?

Hi all, Getting my beloved terrano 2.7TD SE back on the road shortly. Only problem i have with it is the fact its a wee bitty thirsty!! (as per all terrano's!!)

Has anyone got any tips/pointers/mods on how to improve the MPG at all?

I'd love to use this to commute to work but its 61 miles each way and my pockets aren't quite that deep!!!

I look forward to any pointers!!!


Not sure what sort of m.p.g. you are actually returning but in reality any 4 x 4 is not an economical purchase despite some of the ludicrous claims of current manufacturers.

My mate has a Fiat Panda 4 x 4 Penguin its almost 2 years old and he returns around 33 m.p.g. on winter use local commuting. His summer vehicle is a Merc E350 Coupe and that returns around 37 mpg on the same journey work.

My Jeep has averaged 26 mpg over the last 9,000 miles on a half decent run she will do 31-34 mpg depending on traffic.

I work with a guy who has a Vectra Diesel and he tells me he gets 69 mpg going to Scotland. I asked him to show me his trip computer and it showed 28 mpg average!
I think his 69 mpg was on a downhill motorway stretch and was over a distance of less than a mile lol.
I have driven an ML 250 over 70 miles at work as the owner complained about the fuel consumption. By keeping down to 60 mph, no aircon on, no electrics on and accelerating from 0-60 in over a minute I just managed 34 mpg but in the final drive into town it dropped down to under 30 mpg with stop start engaged. Test drove a Hybrid E350 and it would not manage 50 mpg even on the most careful drive.
I use a fiat van , get 56 mpg. Paying 1.14 ltr
My t2, I get 28mg, but only pay 70p ltr

So... by mpg. Miles/£ i guess about same...
How can you get that low fuel economy? You must be running stock size tyres? With my old T2 2.7td with 32" tyres I got about 11-13L/100km (mixed road/city) which is about 21-18mpg(?). That consumption was pretty accurate as the mileage was taken from GPS.
I've fitted K&N replacement filters on both of the T2's i've had & in both cases saw a slight increase in mpg (1-2mpg) due to much better throttle response & driving no faster than 60mph/2.5k rpm which has returned 32-33mpg on a run & the worst around the doors has been 27mpg often see 28-30mpg mixed
I'm running a 2.7tdi auto on 33"mud tyres and get on average around 25mpg on derv,a bit less on bio.
I gave up worrying about fuel economy a long time ago :lol
My 3.0 is typically around 30 mpg but it's been dropping over the last few fill ups to 28. I hope that reverses soon.

Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
Terrano and fuel economy! Now there's rare combination of words in one sentence :lol
Anyhoo, how about some basics.
First off, tyre pressures and then brake service.
Roof racks/rails off.
Un-necessary crap out of the truck. Spare wheel off the back and Gay Air con off.
Driving style, no rev chasing like a petrol lump, just let the torque do the work.
Look ahead, anticipate and get up earlier.
All the above will get you a few extra MPGs , then after a few weeks you'll say sod it, floor it and enjoy it :lol
Bio or veggie will make some savings but as diesel is due to drop again to a pound a litre I wouldn't bother unless you're happy working through the gremlins that will pop up and reduce your savings :eek:
Choices choices :D
I hate to be the bearer of bad news...

...but if you're worried about fuel economy...'re on the wrong forum!!!


This is the forum for motorised bricks!!!

Quite some good advice there, anticipation saves a lot of fuel, braking uses loads, as you have to burn more fuel to get back up to speed. The quicker you try to return to the same speed, the more fuel you burn.
Avoid trying to do 90 mph, these are not grande tourers, they are very happy at 56-60 mph.
Roundabouts and traffic lights use a lot of fuel, the more stops, the more fuel used.
Consider changing your route so you can manage a more constant speed, easily said than done lol...
Pretend there is a raw egg between your boot and the throttle.
With all this advice, you could save a few mpg... for the first few days, then you settle into your normal style of driving...:doh:doh

OH, not mentioned so far... don't use 4 wheel drive on normal roads, that will tear your tyres apart, wreck your transmission, and use a lot of fuel doing it too..:augie
Keep a close record of your mileage vs fuel top ups, depending on the road and traffic, 30 mpg should be achievable on a standard motor on standard tyres.
I have the 2.7 td and in it's earlier part of it's life, it regularly achieved 28-30 mpg. on a 15 mile trip each way.
I still have the records on parchment paper lol...
I'm not saying I've had it for a long time lol...:augie

All the above will get you a few extra MPGs , then after a few weeks you'll say sod it, floor it and enjoy it :lol

Yep. I got 34 out of my 3.0 by driving like an old lady, but my god that got old quick, lol!

I get around 29-31 out of the truck now, and I'm happy with that, even using it for a 65 mile round trip commute :thumb2
:clap:clap:clap my Trol is more brick like than a brick :lol:lol:lol

Here Here:thumb2

Double figures is the land of dreams with a LWB Petrol Troll on 37"'s and an roof rack and a 37x12.5" Spare on the roof and a boot full of crap....:augie

Last trip to the Peaks averaged 12mpg

last local trip averaged 9.5mpg

My A180 Diesel gets around 53 Mpg

My last CC was a 320D BMW Auto 8spd on a run 75mpg average 60+ Mpg:bow
I got two road going T2's both same age Mrs one with a Bosch pump round town (all she does) 27 but then she drives like an old woman, mine is zexel pump hunts at low rev's and returns 21 but running 31s and fully loaded all the time and I have a lead right foot, I am happy, Rick
Owned three Terranos (well still got two).Fuel consumption was not in the equation when i got them.