Naughty second gear when cold

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Well-known member
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Jan 1, 2014
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Hi all.

I havent been on in ages, needless to say lots of stressful stuff going on with neighbors and more.. :(

Wondered if anyone could shed some light, this issue has been going for a long time, much worse when the engine is cold.

Take off in 1st gear, once moving, go to select second and it becomes incredibly stiff, like it doesent want to engage, you have to hold it there until it engages
or force it in (forcing occasionally causes a crunch), once it warms up it becomes ten times better but still not a whisper smooth change.

I have much more recently been noticing a rare judder, usually at low revs when pulling away in second also from a crawl, not a labouring engine feel either, suspect this is the first sign of clutch which i am expecting.

Parts replaced so far, master cylinder, slave cylinder, bleed several times, damper pipe blanked off, no sign of leaks.

now there are plenty of second hand cheap boxes about if need be, although I hear there are two different types depending upon sensor (bell housing) for crank, wondering if a possible selector or linkage issue but the temperature bit worries me.

Whatchall reckon?
Hi all.

I havent been on in ages, needless to say lots of stressful stuff going on with neighbors and more.. :(

Wondered if anyone could shed some light, this issue has been going for a long time, much worse when the engine is cold.

Take off in 1st gear, once moving, go to select second and it becomes incredibly stiff, like it doesent want to engage, you have to hold it there until it engages
or force it in (forcing occasionally causes a crunch), once it warms up it becomes ten times better but still not a whisper smooth change.

I have much more recently been noticing a rare judder, usually at low revs when pulling away in second also from a crawl, not a labouring engine feel either, suspect this is the first sign of clutch which i am expecting.

Parts replaced so far, master cylinder, slave cylinder, bleed several times, damper pipe blanked off, no sign of leaks.

now there are plenty of second hand cheap boxes about if need be, although I hear there are two different types depending upon sensor (bell housing) for crank, wondering if a possible selector or linkage issue but the temperature bit worries me.

Whatchall reckon?

You know the judder you get, is it quite violent and feels like the clutch slipping?

I get this and also have a very very very stiff 1st and 2nd that gets better when warm, if it's this bad now, I'm dreading the cold winter we are going to have :doh
My first gear is stiff, too . . . . wonder what's causing it :nenau
Mine started giving me problems going from 3rd to second when cold but this only started happening as soon as I changed the oil in Box but fine when warn
All this talk but have any of you replaced the oil? Maybe a little molyslip might help.

Again think getting into 1st cold being a little stiff is normal.
I changed the oil in the box immediately prior to the gear-change becoming stiff. In fat, that's ringing a bell in my head. . . . .wasn't there a post somewhere that recommends changing the oil grade to a lighter one? :nenau
All this talk but have any of you replaced the oil? Maybe a little molyslip might help.

Again think getting into 1st cold being a little stiff is normal.

I replaced the oil and THAT caused the issue!!!!! It was fine before I changed
Both of the T2's i've had have been a little stiff changing gear when cold but a little blip of the throttle really helps the syncro's i've found. I would try replacing your gear box oil Alex as it's prob over due but go for the lighter grade oil if you can
My 3.0Di has a sweet gearbox, to the best of my knowledge it has never had an oil change on the gearbox. My previous 2.7 also had a nice easy gearbox, again no oil change.

From the outside looking in, it seems the common factor here is that the gearboxes were fine before an oil change.


Is the T2 data on oil specs correct or were they factory fitted with a different oil?

Does the oil need to "run-in" in any way?

I have sod all knowledge on these things, but this is just what I deduce from your conversations.

Alex, change your oil for a lighter grade, Rick

Oil was changed about 13 months ago.

Pete mentioning 1st gear gets me on to another related issue... Selecting first is impossible whilst above 4/5mph... :nenau

They can't have left the factory like this.. :eek:
Oil was changed about 13 months ago.

Pete mentioning 1st gear gets me on to another related issue... Selecting first is impossible whilst above 4/5mph... :nenau

They can't have left the factory like this.. :eek:

Mine is the same, but only when cold... by cold, I mean, even on a hot day, first few mins after starting, 1st is a pig, but once the engine is up to temp, things are fine.
I have a 2.7 tdi, 1998 model, I assume I use GL4 80/90w gear oil ?

Also confused about whether molyslip is Ok in this model, can someone confirm yay or nay ?

you sure the oil has not contaminated the water, this used to happen with Citroen dispatch vans that we had and it was always water had got into the gearbox causing difficulty in changing gears