Nissan terrano regulus automatic

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Active member
Feb 22, 2015
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Hi guys I am new to this please be patient with me
I have a couple of issues and could do with a little help
The engine idle speed is to low and I thought all I have to do
Was adjust the pump but found its electronic any ideas guys?
The second thing is all the instruments are working with the exception
Of the speedo. Is it electric or a good old cable?
Hi and welcome to the forum. Have you downloaded the manual from quick links, its Briggies stuff. You may find an answer there. David
Hi David

Hi and welcome to the forum. Have you downloaded the manual from quick links, its Briggies stuff. You may find an answer there. David

Thanks for your help I will try and downloaded it:)
Hi & welcome:thumb2 you say the idle what is it sitting at ? should be around 750rpm:augie

Hi it is sitting about 600 when in drive I had a quick look under the pedal tonight
And can see a small screw with a lock nut that I could adjust to hold the pedal
Down a wee tad
Hi mate

Got any pics and or year of manufacture, this will help up identify which model you have :thumb2

As far as I no its called a grey import.its a 1997 terrano regulus
I believe it could be a pr50 model but I may be wrong
It looks more like a Mitsubishi challenger
I haven't seen another like it
Hi mate

Hi I have a nissan Mistral auto - mine ticks over at about 6k in drive


It runs fine on the move but if you have to stop in traffic
It would shake the fillings out your teeth
I'm sure the R50 is a Pathfinder or it is in the US:augie as for the tickover 600rmp in drive at a standstill might be right but you really need to check what it is in park or neutral
Hi it is sitting about 600 when in drive I had a quick look under the pedal tonight
And can see a small screw with a lock nut that I could adjust to hold the pedal
Down a wee tad

Be careful with that little screw.I tried to adjust mine on old tdi and it sheared off.
In the end I loosened off the two screws which hold the wire spool and moved it ever so slightly which tweaked the tick over.
This auto I have got now is the same, rattles and shakes at idle in park at around the 600 rpm mark.
Another job on my to do list.

Hi there I used to have an r3mR the Chassis Number on the bulkhead should start with letters and numbers as follows PR50* then a set of numbers. I found a proper owners hand book on e bay that explained all the controls, switches etc.

I had an issue briefly with low idle but it sort of resolved itself. It was around 600-650 rpm when in drive or reverse. It idled a little faster when cold and always ran better in the Power position especially on a cold engine.

Check the position of the little 3 position rocker switch that gives you the alternatives of Economy, Normal and Power and check the connections are good. The switch has amber and green lights to show the mode selected on the switch itself. Also I found some of the small vacuum type hoses under the bonnett around the manifold area had persished.

There was a sort of bellows/damper on the throttle part where the cable went onto the engine and I lubricated this. Can't remember as it was a couple of years ago but think there was a small adjuster on this that I tinkered with.

For good measure I used some injector cleaner and added 2T oil every 4th tankful this always seemed to make the engine smoother and quieter and raised the idle by a few rpm takinging the lumpiness out.
adjust the potentiometer on the accelerator pedal, only a small adjustment mind you...we are talking .5 of a millimeter at a time.