DOH... Exhaust blowing...

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Jun 14, 2012
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So, I fitted my snorkel, and one of the things that amazed me was how loud it made the engine, having the air intake right up by the passenger door, especially when the window was open...

Last week, I developed a rattle under the car, so got under to have a look, only to discover that the front Flexy joint had gone. At first I was going to try and take the easy way out, and just replace the flexy joint, and the exhaust was actually still shiny, but I then discovered that two welds that hold the little heat shields on had also blown through, and that was what was rattling.

Having read on here what a pig the front pipe is to do, I decided to get a price for fitting... after I was picked up from the floor, £265, that idea was scrapped, and I popped round to the motor factor, parted with £45, and got a new down pipe, and the 2 gaskets to do the job myself.

Having to take everything off, I decided I would also try and look into why, ever since I have had the car, when reversing, the exhaust would knock against the gearbox bearer beam as well.

So today, I lifted the front onto stands, and set to work removing the front prop shaft, and the gearbox support. Luckily, I had to undo the 3 turbo bolts when I replaced the turbo last year, so they did not give me any trouble, and it all came apart. As I wriggled the exhaust out, I discovered the source of yet another rattle, the aluminium plates attached to the floor, over the exhaust to act a heat shields should be held on with 5 or 6 large head bolts, on 3 the heads had warn through the shield, and it was flapping around all over the place.

Once I riveted the plate back to the floor, and put the new pipe in and rebuilt everything else, I started the car, and it sounded a lot quieter. I got under to check everything had sealed, and look into where the old problem was of the exhaust hitting the cross beam, only to discovered a hole in the far side of the second silencer.... Will this torture never end??? The good news is, the new pipe sits well away from the cross beam, so no longer bangs against it.

Oh and after all that, the Snorkel does not actually make the car louder, it must have been a coincidence that the exhaust went at the same time as I did the snorkel... DOH.
when i did my exhaust i thought it went on nice n easy you just have to wriggle that flexi joint to go round all those others bits lol
when i did my exhaust i thought it went on nice n easy you just have to wriggle that flexi joint to go round all those others bits lol

Did you drop the prop shaft?

When I did my auto-mobile engineering course, longer ago than I care to remember, I was told not to bend the flexi joint too much as they are only designed to flex with the engine, not actually bend back and forward.

Ever since then, I have been paranoid about them, and try to do as little movement as possible.

Having said that, I could not get the old one out even with total disregard to the flexible joint, before I undid the prop, but once that was out the way, it was not so bad.
Took mine to a local exhaust place to have my down pipe replaced £83 all in.

Cheers Gav
Bought a universal flexi yesterday for my genny made by Bosal £17inc, good I thought, Rick

That sounds a good price, I found for the one foe the T2, the price ranged from £18 for a steel one, up to £56 for a stainless one. Length made a big difference as well.

Took mine to a local exhaust place to have my down pipe replaced £83 all in.

Cheers Gav

Wow, it's expensive down here... To be honest, that was the sort of price I was expecting. Basically, we only have QuickFit round here, and I will never use them, on principle, so we rang a couple of garages in the next towns. A couple would not quote until they saw the car, and the only one that gave us a quote, knew what was needed, and said it would take a morning or afternoon at £265... Even with out a ramp, and taking my time, sorting out the other bits as well, it only took me a couple of hours.