HID headlight conversion

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Nov 1, 2011
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Any body know much about these kits. They are advertised 'plug and play' are they really that easy?? They are ment to be 300 times brighter than halogen bulbs. I've got night breakers on the T2 at the moment. Just want something brighter. Thanks. Chris.:thumb2
They might not be legal..
see info below taken from a web site..
At best it could fail an MOT, at worst, you could be fined.
Better to add additional spot lights, or clean your windscreen:lol:lol

The latest directive from VOSA includes their view that unless strict criteria are met, after-market HID kits may not be legal.

There is some confusion regarding the change in legislation towards HID kits. Although we are still trying to determine the full details here is some text that may help! Many thanks to the MX3 Forum guys who bought it to my attention

Here is the relevant text -

"In the Department's view it is not legal to sell or use after market HID lighting kits, for converting conventional Halogen headlamps to HID Xenon. If a customer wants to convert his vehicle to Xenon HID he must purchase completely new Xenon HID headlamps. The reason for this is that the existing lens and reflector are designed around a Halogen filament bulb, working to very precise tolerances. If one places a HID "burner" (bulb) in the headlamp, the beam pattern will not be correct, there will be glare in some places and not enough light in other places within the beam pattern.
The following is the legal rationale:

The Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations 1989 regulate the situation in the UK.
Under these Regulations, HID/Gas Discharge/Xenon headlamps are not mentioned and therefore they are not permitted according to the strict letter of the law.

However new vehicles have HID headlamps. This is because they comply to European type approval Regulations. The UK cannot refuse to register a vehicle with a European type approval. These are to ECE Regulation 98 (for the HID headlamps which are tested on a rig in a laboratory) and ECE Regulation 48 (Lighting Installation on the vehicle).

For the after market, a used vehicle cannot obtain type approval because it is only applicable for new vehicles. However we feel that saying "HID is banned in the after market" would not be reasonable. Instead we should make analogies with new vehicles. It would be reasonable to require HID in the after market to meet the same safety standards as on new vehicles. The same level of safety should apply.

Therefore a HID headlamp unit sold in the after market should:

1. be type approved to ECE Regulation 98 as a component.
2. when fitted to the vehicle should enable ECE Regulation 48 to be complied with (although no government inspection will take place).
3. Comply with RVLR as far as "use" is concerned.

In practice this means:

1. The headlamp unit (outer lens, reflector, bulb) shall be type approved to ECE 98 and be "e-marked" to demonstrate this. That can only be done by the headlamp supplier - Hella, Valeo etc. who must test the headlamp in an independent laboratory.
2. Once fitted to the vehicle it must have headlamp cleaning and self-levelling (which can be for the headlamp or can be in the vehicle suspension - some expensive estate cars have "self-levelling suspension" and that is adequate). Also the dipped beam must stay on with the main beam.
3. The headlamp must be maintained in good working order, kept clean, and aligned/adjusted correctly like any other headlamp.
Under the Road Traffic Act 1988 it is an offence to supply, fit or use vehicle parts which are not legal.
In summary it is not permitted to convert an existing halogen headlamp unit for use with HID bulbs. The entire headlamp unit must be replaced with one designed and approved for use with HID bulbs and it must be installed in accordance with the rules stated above."

If you are found to be using lights which don't comply, in all likelihood, you may be reported to the Procurator Fiscal and may end up with a fine.

The above seems to be a precursor to the new MOT criteria slated to come into existance on New Years Eve 2011 (for 2012), this is from the MOT Testers VOSA bullitin explaining the new EU MOT regulations which were ratified this year, and includes amongst other things, the testing of wiring harnesses, the testing for illegal HID kits and, wait for it, chipped ECU's, whatever that means The article is quite long, but here is a small extract .....

"As far as changes to the test content are concerned, VOSA has already been analysing the requirements of the new Directive and working out how to implement them. We started this earlier in the year by talking with representatives of the MOT trade at our regular Trade User Group and VTS Council meetings. Both VOSA and the Department for Transport (DfT) are keen to ensure that any changes to the test are introduced in as practical a way as possible, keeping the burden on the trade to a minimum and ideally keeping the changes cost neutral.

In many cases, the changes shouldn’t necessarily lead to an increase in average test times. A good example is the malfunction indicator lamps on the dashboard that indicate defective electronic power steering, electronic stability control and secondary restraint systems. Testers already check the dashboard for other lamps, so no extra time would be required for this addition to the test.

Electrical wiring and batteries are now included in the test’s scope, but testers already check the vehicle structure where wiring is secured – often along the same routes as other testable items, such as brake pipes in the engine compartment. So again, this doesn’t look like an additional burden on the tester. In the pre-computerisation days, testers often (wrongly) failed vehicles for insecure batteries, so they must have been looking at them then! Now, it means that when we implement the new Directive, vehicles can legitimately fail for battery insecurity, for no extra tester effort.Other items – such as headlamp bulb and unit incompatibility, headlamp levelling devices and illegal engine ‘chipping’ – will need further thought before we can get a workable solution for MOT stations."
See this thread and I've personally bought quite a few kits from this seller so can vouch for them.
Yup, they really are plug and play easy and so much brighter than anything achievable with an incandescent bulb.
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I hate these things with a passion:eek: sorry but that's the way it is. I've seen far too many cars fitted with this type of kit and they don't half dazzle on coming vehicles.

I spoke to the bloke after my last MOT about LED bulbs and their legality. LED bulbs are fine as long as they are white and for use in sidelights ect. However he did mention the HID kits and said they are an MOT fail and are illegal.

I have not heard of anyone being stopped by plod and there are plenty vehicles driving around my area with them fitted. Hope they do start stopping their use soon because I hate being dazzled by them. So please steer clear of them.
I hate these things with a passion:eek: sorry but that's the way it is. I've seen far too many cars fitted with this type of kit and they don't half dazzle on coming vehicles.


I find that too, they are quite blinding when the approaching vehicle is coming around a bend in the road, I often flash the other driver, thinking he has left his full beam on.
It's a very clinically bright light.
I have not heard of anyone being stopped by plod and there are plenty vehicles driving around my area with them fitted. Hope they do start stopping their use soon because I hate being dazzled by them. So please steer clear of them.

Loads up here getting stopped & defect notices, fines etc are being handed out so there has been a big drop in how many cars have them inc the boy racers:augie
Since owning the vehicle I've found the standard twin headlamps to be quite dull!!!! So I can understand people wanting to upgrade the bulbs.

Can anyone with the later type headlights tell if they are any better????
I find that too, they are quite blinding when the approaching vehicle is coming around a bend in the road, I often flash the other driver, thinking he has left his full beam on.
It's a very clinically bright light.

The are also annoying on the motorway, if you are being overtaken, as their dip, lights up the car. The light give me a headache...

But after they pass, as long as there are no other vehicles on the road... I often test out my full beam, to help them see better :augie:augie

My lights, when used off road... consume about 420 watts :augie:augie
Who needs HID...?
The second battery makes sure there is minimal voltage drop.
My Spots are hidden behind the grill.:augie
we have them fitted to the works astra vans and one of the lads polos and and they are phenominaly better than standard, wev never had an issue come M.O.T time, HOWEVER we will only retrofit kits to customer cars if they purchase the kits and we get a legal disclaimer signed by the owner as they are upgrades and a grey area legally at the moment. we do the same with LOUD exhausts and bodykits and huge alloys. They are a good cash cow though as can be fitted in 1/2 to 1 hour and its a pisseasy fitment.
Since owning the vehicle I've found the standard twin headlamps to be quite dull!!!! So I can understand people wanting to upgrade the bulbs.

Can anyone with the later type headlights tell if they are any better????

The later headlights seem a touch brighter Jim but not by a huge amount. I liked the look of the twin headlights much better & never really had an issue with them after I fitted better bulbs in but I did have 6 spotlights fitted to that truck:naughty Cleaning the inside of the lights does help a bit
I hate these things with a passion:eek: sorry but that's the way it is. I've seen far too many cars fitted with this type of kit and they don't half dazzle on coming vehicles.

I spoke to the bloke after my last MOT about LED bulbs and their legality. LED bulbs are fine as long as they are white and for use in sidelights ect. However he did mention the HID kits and said they are an MOT fail and are illegal.

I have not heard of anyone being stopped by plod and there are plenty vehicles driving around my area with them fitted. Hope they do start stopping their use soon because I hate being dazzled by them. So please steer clear of them.

I hate being blinded by other road users too.
If people are coming towards me with fog lights on i'll make sure I show an appropriate signal to remind them they have them on.
If I thought I was blinding other road users with my HID's then I would not use them.
However, no one has ever flashed me to signal their discontent.
Why? Because I know my headlights are correctly aligned (I did them on our MOT headlight aligner).
How many people do you think fit an HID kit and go and get their headlight alignment checked? I would guess....no-one.
Second problem here is that one of the most common issues that VOSA identify as not being correctly dealt with during an MOT is...headlight alignment eg a tester thinking that the alignment is 'close enough'...
However, there is no reason for them to fail during an MOT as long as they are of white light and correctly aligned. If they fail, please tell me what they have failed for (ie please tell me the relevant code from the MOT testing guide that they have failed it under).
I fitted 100/90 watt bulbs in my 97 round headlight terrano which was a big improvement.
Went through mot with them in no problem.
ok time to confess i fitted a set over a year ago no problem with the mot either then one of the bulbs failed i had the standard h4s in the glove box so just plugged them back in, recently i bought a replacement set of hid bulbs and reconnected them

is the light from them better? yes
do they project further ? no i dont think so
the wife cant decide either and its really her car/family run about

my next plan is to fit higher wattage bulbs 100/90 and at the same time use ceramic bulb connectors


just to make sure i dont suffer an electrical failure spots would be nice there on my todo list once iv solved the leaky injector pump.
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