another aircon question

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Dec 24, 2009
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just refilled aircon with Halfords diy kit doesn't seem any different bloke at Halfords tested for leaks first and said it was ok to do myself revs go up when switched on which suggests compressor is working any ideas am I missing something many thanks to replies

I'm having same problem. Where is the cabin filter situated?
Just cleaned mine and had it checked and re gassed:cool::cool::cool::cool:
Thought I best get it done as we are going camping in Anglesey next Saturday and will have the kids and dogs in the car quite a bit.
Put the heating system onto re-circulate, the sideways "U" symbol, that takes the pollen filter out of the equation. If it cools in that position, then the pollen filter probably needs changing. Having said that, we run with it in that setting with the aircon, as it means it is recycling already cooled air, so gets the car nice and cool.

For testing put it onto just the centre dash vents, so it is concentrated into one place for ease.

Check the electric fan is coming on, once the Aircon has been on for about 10mins, if the fan is not dissipating the heat, then it wont really cool.

See if you can see the front of the pump. if the clutch is pulling in, you should be able to see the bit in the middle of the pulley wheel turning.
just refilled aircon with Halfords diy kit doesn't seem any different bloke at Halfords tested for leaks first and said it was ok to do myself revs go up when switched on which suggests compressor is working any ideas am I missing something many thanks to replies

You just stated the problem right there. How much gas was in the system before you re-filled it? How much gas did you put in? Was there the correct quantity of oil still present for the compressor and do you have a tracer dye in the system to pinpoint leaks? A proper re-gas for around the £40 will cover all these bases. We are inundated at my work with re-gasses at the moment and we're seeing all sorts of problems with people that haven't used their air-con in years!
first problem for DIY re gassing is the system needs vacking down to remove moisture which boils at around 20 deg C under high vac, if this is not done and moisture remains in the system it will form ice plugs that mess the system up, Rick
Can anybody help where this cabin filter is located please?????
Hi, found it thanks, and it was blocked really bad, so hopefully aircon will be better now when I get a new one. Any ideas anybody of best place to buy a new one?:thumb2