Oh ffs what a load of burp :doh If your dad's hidden the papers so what ? Just apply for a new V5 it is your car isn't it ? You don't need any of the papers anyway to insure it or tax it as you can do that on line .
Anyway, as far as fully comp is concerned he's in a fookin' dream world

Just do yourself a quote or three online via confused or the meerkat one and see what you get for the Hairdrier on TPF&T and Fully Comp. IF you can get fully comp for 100 quid extra I'll be absolutely flippin' stunned.
THEN ask his hollyness to tell you how much he can get you insured for.
As without it you can't practice inbetween lessons can you

It'll take you 10 mins or so.
Come on tell us the figures , I'll hang around