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Dec 20, 2012
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hello all,i need help.
got a t2 and i have introduced it to clean wvo that i have been using in other cars for years.
i know i can expect fuel trouble when starting a new car on it.
i started with 25w to75derv did 350 mls no trouble.
then upped the wvo to 50/50.and a couple of ltrs of rug to thin it as its been cold.
i ran it about with no probs for miles and then got the dredded shunting and i pulled over to change the inline filter i had put in and changed the main filter.
experiance tells me to carry them as spares.
did about 100mls and on way back towing i noticed coughing at about 2500rpm.
got back and checked filters and clean.
went out again with caravan over easter and on way back had to change the inline filter again.
went but not well.
got to my mates and set of this morning to go home and only got 10mls and it started hunting,so chose a pub to park in and it cut out.
changed the inline and main filters again and it runs but not for long.
noticed that the primer pump top is being pulled down a bit when trying to rev.
opened fuel cap and a suck of air was heard.
that leaves me to think i have a line blockage someware.hand pump brings up the fuel to prime into a glass so maybe not on the inlet side.have no real tools with me but on looking found the inlet banjo on ip but cant get to it. to remove it,no tools.
i left the car and got picked up by my mate and we went back from where i came from.
are there any electric valves in or out on fuel lines.
the tank will have a filter on the end but boot full of logs.
i joined the rac so will be able to get recovered after 1pm tues,but looking for answers as when i get it home i need it pronto as away on thurs.
where fuel comes to filter i think a blow back into the tank should clear that,but where is the easyeast place to get to to blow through the return line to the tank.
i await some help please.
i am at weeting near brandon.all help apreciated thanks.
i'd replace fuel lines as a precaution as they are prone to rusting through the drivers side rear arch area
My thoughts too the "Banjo Filter" on the Injector Pump. Theres a download sheet in the Quick Links that tells you all about it.

Let us know how you get on.
If you are pulling a vacuum in the tank then if it happens again, release the fuel cap and see if that sorts it.
You will get no fuel if you have low pressure in the tank, as the fuel pump on these is the pump / injector on the engine, there is no pump in the tank.

There is a vent on the tank, that goes to a little plastic chamber, the size of a plum, I will checking mine today, as it is tank repair day, I'm not sure if there is a valve in the or not, as it could allow water in.
I wonder if extending this upwards into the door post could help!!

In fact mine went whoosh the other day when I released the cap, and I have a tank leak on the seam, which I would have thought would have released the internal vacuum...:doh can't work this out...:doh
well an update.
in the end i had to use rac to get me home.
i am not silly and know about the blockages i did all i could at the roadside to help myself.
the rac chap listened to what i had done and then i went on to explane what the forums said might be worth looking into.
first he took out the banjo and it was clean.not wet like it should be.
second he blew the return pipe to tank through.air getting in the tank.
third he blew through feed some bubbles.
forth he bypassed all the filters and still the same problem.
fifth was to remove the filla cap.
as a last resort i suggested he made a direct feed to ip via a container with fuel in it.this worked ok so the assumption is my prob is the feed from the tank to the filters.hence he could do no more that have me relaid home.
rac man said they have been called out to lots of blocked fuel filters as the cold spell has gone on a long time and the petrol station have got summer fuel without cold weather additives in it causing a lot of breakdowns.
rustic,thanks for that as the owner befor me had a venting problem,will look into it.
thanks all.
all i need now is to get to the tank pick up,any one tell me if i can get to it from the boot or seat.ta.
all i need now is to get to the tank pick up,any one tell me if i can get to it from the boot or seat.ta.

Well I am currently working on my tank at mo.

You can get access to all this via the boot.

lift the carpet at the rear, after removing the rear plastic trim at the back by the rear door.
Look inderneath and you wil find a black plate held with 4 m6 bolts, M 10 af spanner required.
You might need to pull the carpet from the right hand side from under the side trim.

You now have access to the 2 pipes, one in, one return, and the connector.

There is a ring that holds down the sender unit held by 6 M5 bolts, 8mmAF spanner required.
Brush off all the dust, this area should be dry of fuel.

The sender will come out, wiggle the float out first though, then the cup on the filler.

NOW this last bit of removing the sender was done while mine was on the bench, so I am assuming that you can get it out through the large hole in the boot, it looks big enough anyway.

Hope this helps.

best regards, Rustic.
another update.
i took the fuel sender out and i has a cap thing on the end,i took it off and checked the fuel tank,all clean.
i blew threw the pair of pipes and clear.
i put a container on the bonnet end and blew threw the tank suck up pipe and its clean.
i put it together and bled the line by the plunger.
i got it started and looked at the fuel return to the tank,its returning but lots of bubbles.
i connected it up and went to the front to clear the miss fire and get the revs up.held it at 3000 but then it started loosing revs again.
looked at the primer plunger and it was getting sucked down.
i took the fuel filter out of the line and connected in and out together.
i then took it to 3500 and it seemed ok.
took it for a test and it soon started to hold back again.
i stopped and undone the fuel filler,got a suck of air so i left it loose.
was going to give it a thrash up a straight road but it cut out.
took a while to get going and turned around to get back.
got home and checked the return flow to the tank and again lots of bubbles mixed in the fuel.
at a loss now.
have i connected pipes correctly,can some one look and tell me where the top pipe goes to the filter housing.
its got an arrow for fuel flow so i dont think i have it wrong.
any idears chaps.
Is it possible you have an injector stuck open? These are mechanical not electronic injectors designed to open when a certain pressure is reached and closed again on a return spring.

Not necessarily fully open, but enough to:

a) bleed fuel in to the cylinder when not intended causing a misfire
b) leave the injector and therefore pump open to vacuum (the politically correct term these days is 'depression'!) when the relevant piston is on the inlet stroke.
c) pressurise the pump (against the fuel flow to the injectors) when on the power stroke

Just a thought, someone else please chip in if you think this is incorrect.
yes quite possible for a needle to jam open, that cylinder will not run well at all as no atomisation just a wet squirt, not a lot of fuel can leak into the cyl while engine stationary, as for vacuum and air pressure re relative piston position, will not have much effect, no air will get into the pump for instance, Rick
May be your fuel line is corroded and you're sucking IN air :augie
It may not show as a leak of fuel out but none the less is quite common.
another update.
i took the fuel sender out and i has a cap thing on the end,i took it off and checked the fuel tank,all clean.
i blew threw the pair of pipes and clear.
i put a container on the bonnet end and blew threw the tank suck up pipe and its clean.
i put it together and bled the line by the plunger.
i got it started and looked at the fuel return to the tank,its returning but lots of bubbles.
i connected it up and went to the front to clear the miss fire and get the revs up.held it at 3000 but then it started loosing revs again.
looked at the primer plunger and it was getting sucked down.
i took the fuel filter out of the line and connected in and out together.
i then took it to 3500 and it seemed ok.
took it for a test and it soon started to hold back again.
i stopped and undone the fuel filler,got a suck of air so i left it loose.
was going to give it a thrash up a straight road but it cut out.
took a while to get going and turned around to get back.
got home and checked the return flow to the tank and again lots of bubbles mixed in the fuel.
at a loss now.
have i connected pipes correctly,can some one look and tell me where the top pipe goes to the filter housing.
its got an arrow for fuel flow so i dont think i have it wrong.
any idears chaps.
I had similar replaced main filter and off it went so have u replaced it again then take it for a spin as its only £8.
I had similar replaced main filter and off it went so have u replaced it again then take it for a spin as its only £8.

Yup as above if the plunger is getting sucked down there is a restriction on the incoming fuel line, so filter first if no joy pull the tank pick up, not done a diesel but bet there is a filter on the end and could be blocked, Rick
after several hours i think i have cracked it.
i replaced all feed rubber pipes,took out the inline fuel filter i had added,put another new fuel filter in and made sure the plunger was working and the one way valve was working.
made sure the fuel lines were correct to ip,bled through and took it for a run,accelerated well through the gears and went to 4000 without missing.
i have a broken exhaust pipe that snapped of off the middle box so sounds a bit off.
will repair that tom or wed.
sat idelling and was really smooth on tickover,gave it a few fast bleeps to 4000 and had the odd cough but i think its fixed,i hope.
will do a proper run after box welded.
i did find wet on the joint to steel pipe to the ip.maybe sucking air in there.could find no collapsing rubber under load.
the primer does not get pulled down now.
the filler cap is not tight yet.might still get a vacuum in tank.
hope its ok and thank you all your your input.
in my first post solarman.
i have always added an extra in line filter on my wvo cars with no trouble.
i changed them at the same time as the main filter so line was clear.
my brother had fuel starvation on his pj,that took a long time to get to the bottom of it as well,turned out to be a fungus in his tank.
we put an inline filter on his to to save the big one.the same as mine and his is 2.7 as well got his sorted after draining and cleaning his tank.
my tank is clean.
may be by putting the inline filter on i inadvertently put to much strain on the ip.
i am thinking about fitting a 12v pump to feed from the tank to ease the ip pump.
anyone done it.