Fitting a new radio

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Jun 14, 2012
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So, those of you that have taken out the standard Nissan Radio, and replaced it with a after market one, how did you do it.

I am lucky enough to have the one that has a "Proper" radio hole, so no need to mess around with making up plates, and replacing hazard light switches.

The current Nissan Radio is fixed to the main dash by 4 screws through a pair of right angled plates fixed to the side of the radio, then the dash fascia slides over it hiding the fixings

The radio I want to put in, has the ability to either be fixed with a dash mounted slide in sleeve, or bolted in using the side mount like the old radio.

I am a bit dubious about using the sleeve, as the fascia does not seem to be well fixed, but the side mountings on the radio mount it to far back inside the dash.

So, how did you mount yours, using the sleeve, into the front dashboard fascia, or, making up new angle plates that all the radio to mount to the main dash mounting like the original.
So, those of you that have taken out the standard Nissan Radio, and replaced it with a after market one, how did you do it.

I am lucky enough to have the one that has a "Proper" radio hole, so no need to mess around with making up plates, and replacing hazard light switches.

The current Nissan Radio is fixed to the main dash by 4 screws through a pair of right angled plates fixed to the side of the radio, then the dash fascia slides over it hiding the fixings

The radio I want to put in, has the ability to either be fixed with a dash mounted slide in sleeve, or bolted in using the side mount like the old radio.

I am a bit dubious about using the sleeve, as the fascia does not seem to be well fixed, but the side mountings on the radio mount it to far back inside the dash.

So, how did you mount yours, using the sleeve, into the front dashboard fascia, or, making up new angle plates that all the radio to mount to the main dash mounting like the original.
I fitted mine (a Sony unit) using the supplied sleeve - that was three years ago and it's been no problem at all.
However, my T2 is an older one (1994, pre-intercooler), so it's possible there could be some difference in the design of the dash, no doubt someone will be along to yea or nay that!

Well, I fitted the sleeve to the dash, and will hope it stays there OK.

Once I started fitting it, I felt a bit more confident in it, as the plastic is a lot thicker than I first thought, but would have had a bit more confidence if it had some form of screw fixings above it as well as below.
In my other NISSAN's I always tried to fit new head units using the standard plates and screws (Not always easy as the thread on the side of the head unit is sometimes different to the original screws) Fit is rock-solid and a lot more secure, as you have to take off the front dash cover to get at it.

Sometimes the depth is wrong, so the front of the head unit does not line-up with the dash cover though.

Hope this helps.
Sony head unit slotted into hole vacated by nissan double din garbage
Sony unit wedged in place with a bit of upvc cill
Works for me but im sloppy:lol
Must get around to making a facia plate
When I fitted a after market one I had to actually unbolt it from the dash as it was a NATS unit. Then I fitted the cage to the facia and put in a wiring adapter and it worked, hammered some clubland through the standard speakers and killed them but I've done a stupidly powerful 16 speaker system:naughty

the standard door speakers are 4x6 inch direct replacement:thumb2

if you want to be clever, you can fit 16 cm Honda speakers in with only a little modding:sly
So I can see what you're on about. I've not pulled my gaydio out yet, be nice to know what's at the back of it.

Just for you...

My Dash.

My conversion of the Ash tray to extra 12volt sockets


I used a 3 way extension/splitter which I butchered to fit.

Removal is as simple as removing the 2 screws that hold the ashtray or in my case extra sockets in, and the 2 screws under the cup holder.

Space when removed.. Looks like a lot of space, but the vents, radio and cup holder/switches all fit in there.

Cables galore..

The 3 upper white connectors are the original Nissan Cables. The disconnected one is the cable that goes to the Nissan CD multichanger under the drivers chair, the other 2 are power/lights/speakers etc. They are connected to the Nissan to ISO converter lead, which in turn is connected to the Pioneer lead. Bit messy, as between them they add nearly 18" of extra cable, which luckily tucks out the way above the glove box.

Someone also asked what was behind the ashtray, and how much room there was.. well as you can see, only about 3 inches.


Hope that helps...
It's a Lidl special (just bought one, they're selling them at the moment, or they were when I was in there on Thursday, £3.99 as I recall)

I got it from Lidl's about 5 or 6 years ago... It is almost like it was made the correct shape to fit in that gap. It takes 1 AA battery, and if you use double sided tape on the bottom to stick it to the top of the console, you can pop the front off the console to change the battery with out having to un-stick it.