engine noise!!!

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Oct 14, 2011
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hi folks got a 98 2.7tdi started making a rattling noise puffs of white smoke lumpy tickover rattle is worse when revved sounds bit like a helicopter and loud is it bearings ? engine at 133,000 not too good on diesel probs as bikes is my thing any help gratefully received
Get your head under the lid and look and listen. If its that bad it can't be too difficult to spot. sounds like fuel related, hope its not the pump. David.
as stated, check your fuel lines, although that is not as easy as it sounds, as you are looking for a pin hole on the feed line, so I would stick a container on the roof or if space under the bonnet and just hook it up to the feed in to the filter do not worry about the return as it will just go back to the main tank but not very quickly, if this cures it then renew the line, if the same then I would be having the injectors tested next but after that I would say it is the pump, white smoke is a sign of to late injection amongst other things, it would be worth unplugging the crank position sensor and also the maf, not at the same time, just to see if they have any effect on engine running, but these are not definitive tests, Rick
Thanks guys will poke about tomorrow filter and lines were changed about a year ago cleaned the gauze filter in pump but made no difference also took off pulley belts in vague hope it was ancillary components .So no one thinks its big ends etc ?
Thanks guys will poke about tomorrow filter and lines were changed about a year ago cleaned the gauze filter in pump but made no difference also took off pulley belts in vague hope it was ancillary components .So no one thinks its big ends etc ?

of course it could be ends, but would expect it to rattle a lot louder on startup till oil light goes out, my bet is on pump, sorry! megga bucks, Rick
secondhand pump from nissan1st is round £210 posted with 3 months return:thumbs

sounds good but does it have to go on Nissan computer to register it and set it up? had a Range Rover that I fitted a new pump to and it was rubbish running till I took it to a Rover service centre and got it set up, about 20 mins but cost a lot, cant remember the number but I was shocked, Rick
sounds good but does it have to go on Nissan computer to register it and set it up? had a Range Rover that I fitted a new pump to and it was rubbish running till I took it to a Rover service centre and got it set up, about 20 mins but cost a lot, cant remember the number but I was shocked, Rick

no on the 2.7tdi it is very simple flyby wire so u dont need reprograming:thumbs
no on the 2.7tdi it is very simple flyby wire so u dont need reprograming:thumbs

that is the whole point, fly by wire means the brain has control, and a new/used pump will have parameters that need setting that will be different to the original, Rick
that is the whole point, fly by wire means the brain has control, and a new/used pump will have parameters that need setting that will be different to the original, Rick

sorry no thats cambus pump the 2.7tdi pump is very simple electronics i no as i have changed my pump with no need to get it reprogramed:thumbs