Dale Farm...

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May 24, 2009
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Decided to go & check out a few lane's in & around Basildon to & 1 of the lane's has been stolen by the TRAVELLERS :mad:

Here are a few picys...

The illegal entrance now taken over by the Police / Bailiffs / Council & Security...


The legal entrance with protesters & tv...


The funny thing is when I stopped to take a picy of the Police side, a power trip security guard told me to move on :nenau I said why as it is a public road & live a few minutes away & just wanted to see what was happening... He got all high & mighty so I unleashed the Essex Boy Mouth on him :naughty :augie :lol It's been on tv enough so what harm was I doing & I was doing nothing wrong :nenau
What is the country coming too... :nenau

What annoys me is that although the land may be green belt, they own it...

But nothing has been said about the byway, 2 bridleways & several footpaths that have been built on by the TRAVELLERS :mad: :banghead
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You can do what the hell you want mate with your camera, he can shove his over inflated ego up his arse.
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good point, usually if you build so much as a bird nest over a bridleway or common footpath you have hikers and "walking enthusiasts" all over you tearing down fences and claiming the right to walk through your living room etc...

they seem oddly absent when facing a group of people that seem strangley above the law (i.e one threw a hot cup of tea on the t.v into a bailiffs face while the police stood by and did nothing)
If you specifically photograph or appear to be photographing him (the security guard) he can object.

If your taking a photo of a public place AND youre not inciting or harassing, anyone/anything in that area and in view is fair play.

All of that has been well established over the past few years.
Your not the 1st in the services to say that & as you can see he wasn't in the shot :thumbs

I am now taking that route to work just to p**s him off :augie

I do find it a waste time & money though as they won't go & there not making any attempt to move them :nenau

All I can see happening now is more pikys & people who have had planing turned down on green belt now building as this highly publicised topic clearly shows that the powers to be won't do anything :rolleyes:
We had a field near to us which was acquired by travellers and over 1 Bank Holiday they had erected a closeboard fence round it (It's a good 4 acres as well)put roadways in and had moved in.
I was shocked to say the least.......but I will give it to them for getting the lot done in a short space of time.Anyway I thought well that's it now they will be here for good ,but in the space of 2 weeks they were moved on completely,the entrance had great boulders placed at it and they haven't been back in 2 years.

I'd say there was a good 50 caravans there as well...............the authorities can move them on if they want too very quickly which is what they should have done at Dale Farm when all this first started.

So I will give Oxfordshire Council a :clap for being on the ball with travellers.
There's another ex-Pikey Park alongside the A130, on the northbound-side half-way from the Southend Arterial (A127) & the A12 (near Exchange Bridge, I think it is) - that was full to bursting point with caravans at one point, and got cleared miraculously on just one day, a couple of years back. The entrances were all blocked off with rubble & all sorts - waste of a good bit of land, I think... (Mind you, I wouldn't want to live right next to a noisy dual carriageway)...
The problem with Dale Farm is that it's established & has tin tents, statics, bungalows & houses on it :eek:

Most of the homes & tracks off that stretch of the A127 are all piky :mad:

Essex County Council should of acted over a decade ago :rolleyes:

Basildon is nick named piky city :eek:

& the reason why it winds me up so much is because my mum's mum & relation's where proper Romany Gypsy's & they were very clean, never stole or swor & would help anybody.
When this tax dodging, thieving scum call themselves "Gypsys" I take it as an insult & also "travellers" when they don't travel anywhere :banghead apart from when they get moved on :question

When doing dustcart's a few job's back I had to collect from a few site's & there so aggressive toward's people it's unreal. I've had a few run in's with the low life scum both verbally & physically & I don't understand why more people especially the local council's & police :nenau don't stand up to them :nenau
I was once threatened with arrest for using the word 'Gyppo' at a meeting organised by our local authority to identify potential sites for them!

The police officer in question said that I had to respect their right to diversity and that my remarks were racist. I guess he forgot where his wages were coming from?

Anecdote Ends

I agree with Adz, i have a friend who's grandparents were Romany Gypsies and you couldn't meet nicer people. As for these travellers they are just theiving scum who drive round our housing estates several times a day looking for sprap. If they see something they fancy on your land and you are about they ask for it and if you say no they are abusive then come back later and steal it anyway:mad:
The problem with Dale Farm is that it's established & has tin tents, statics, bungalows & houses on it :eek:

Problem with Dale Farm is that its there. Full stop.

Unlawful development with retrospective planning application is no way to go.

Unfortunately the law seems to help the guilty on this one and restrict the enforcers. Really winds me up seeing the residents now assisted by professional protesters gobbing off.
Is this a sort of racist thread? Thought they were banned on here but maybe it only applies to "local" racism and as these are allegedly Irish maybe that's ok. My thoughts are if "An Englishman's home is his castle" it should perhaps be changed to "An Englishman's country is his castle", then maybe people in the UK would stick together and these situations wouldn't ever arise. Somebody sold them this land, and probably an Englishman who maybe wasn't too concerned about his neighbours opinion. I'm sure he is on his neighbours Christmas card list. We have this trouble here too, councils will put them anywhere the locals don't have a lot of money or influence, in a few places where the councils tried to locate them, the wealthy neighbours went to the courts and got it stopped. Interesting to note that it wasn't because the councils were trying to build halting sites for them, but because the council were not providing the proper amenities for the travellers. Nice spin, the rich and powerful insisted they had no problem with having the halting site in their area but were opposing the council's failure to provide the correct infrastructure. Naturallly, the council didn't want to spend a pile of money bringing the site up to the required standard, so they went ahead and built one where the locals probably had less money than the travellers.
Is this a sort of racist thread?

Nope not remotely racist when considering dale farm. Effectively an unlawful development, theyve played the game and are on the losing slide.

Its a very very common trick amongst them to build them apply for retrospective planning permission.

They have induced the racist element with pathetic signage alleging genocide.

If theyre short of accommodation they can go on the local authorities housing list.

Id love to fit a detached bungalow in our garden but am I allowed to do it? no , so will i do it ..............no.
We have this trouble here too, councils will put them anywhere the locals don't have a lot of money or influence

The local authorities where i used to live and where i live now have never practised that.

They take a robust approach to unlawful encampments. They also offer alternatives and thinking of two I am aware of they are on the periphery of brown fields or industrial sites and no chew.

I would suggest many are playing the game and are failing on a self induced conundrum. if they want to travel, go on caravan sites not grass verges. If they don't want to travel, buy a house or land LAWFULLY like the rest of us.

Simples :D
Dave, illegal building and retrospective planning applications was practiced by building professionals long before these groups were using it as a tactic. They had good teachers in the building game and learned fast. It's the governments and councils that are slow to learn. If the UK is anything like Ireland, I'm sure quite a number of house extensions and loft or barn conversions have been built and then had a retrospective planning application put in. The question that comes to mind is why is there retrospective planning in the first place? Surely if a builder is going to build something he knows what he is building before he starts? My understanding is that it is a mechanism to allow planning to be obtained for one type of building and when the builder "accidently" builds it too big or too high, he can apply after it is built and with a damn good chance of retaining it in it's new size/shape. And of course, once one guy gets away with it, others jump on the bandwagon and all because there has been previous approval to another builder by the same council. Hard to say no to Peter when you have already said yes to Paul for a similar issue. So it seems it is really a flaw in the planning process, which a section of the community seem willing to exploit and the government and councils are unwilling to change it because they get a lot of support from the building industry. I think the bottom line on this, as always, is money. Follow the money trail to see where it leads and you will find the reason why it has dragged on so long. Have you had them move on to privately scenic areas and look for money to move off them, before the lengthy court process is begun? It worked here for a while and some of them made a few quid, don't hear much about it now, though.
Liam, it isn't about some of them being Irish - we all know a few really nice Irish folks where we all live; we work with them, sometimes drink with them - we all know that the vast majority of ordinary Irish folks are hard-working, decent folks (like the majority of us cosmopolitanly-blooded "English" folks, in fact) - so, racist? Definitely not!

The bulk of the wives & kids of the "settled travellers" on Dale Farm are allegedly of Irish origin (although purportedly ok) and most are trying to 'integrate' locally (I heard that they have over 100 kids at the nearest infant/juniors school [leaving less than a dozen local kids who live in nearby houses]...), and are registered for various facilities (like Surgeries, etc), so they obviously prefer to stay...but although the Council offered many of them housing to get them off the 'camp', many refused, because unfortunately, a big chunk of their menfolk ARE villainous types who are involved in all sorts of regional wrangling, etc, and don't want to be held-down by law & order...

Whatever the outcome, there's good & bad on both sides of the law in this particular case (not helped at all by the influx of professional scroungers/freeloaders/"protestors" - all of whom would have been kicked into touch by any TRUE self-respecting Romany); the whole issue's a mess - I wouldn't want to be living anywhere near that region once the bulldozers finally go in; the "travellers" will probably invade anything nearby that isn't solidly-barricaded...

I really feel sympathy for REAL travellers - the get lumped with a lot of crap that isn't their own doing, but seldom get the chance to voice their feelings. I almost wish I had the true freedom to live a wanderers' lifestyle, but there's just too much prejudice & animosity against the foot-loose, these days...
Liam,my understanding is that the intention of retrospective planning permission was to allow lee way for genuine cock ups, misunderstandings and allow a time scale for interpretation of new legislation, ie they couldnt really suss it until it was built.

Yes no doubt its been widely abused but it has also been widely dealt with and quite a lot of demolition companies have made a good living on contract :thumb2

However there's certain people who make a lifestyle, by choice, on the retro permission game and they shouldn't whinge when they lose just as these non travelling travellers have ;)

Tear the place down.
Problem with Dale Farm is that its there. Full stop.

Unlawful development with retrospective planning application is no way to go.

Unfortunately the law seems to help the guilty on this one and restrict the enforcers. Really winds me up seeing the residents now assisted by professional protesters gobbing off.

I feel sorry for people like yourself who more than likely feel the same but can't do anything :doh Once the uniform goes on your in the firing line straight away as was I when I did door work...

But we both know where this could take the thread :doh :augie :lol :thumbs
Is this a sort of racist thread? Thought they were banned on here but maybe it only applies to "local" racism and as these are allegedly Irish maybe that's ok. My thoughts are if "An Englishman's home is his castle" it should perhaps be changed to "An Englishman's country is his castle", then maybe people in the UK would stick together and these situations wouldn't ever arise. Somebody sold them this land, and probably an Englishman who maybe wasn't too concerned about his neighbours opinion. I'm sure he is on his neighbours Christmas card list. We have this trouble here too, councils will put them anywhere the locals don't have a lot of money or influence, in a few places where the councils tried to locate them, the wealthy neighbours went to the courts and got it stopped. Interesting to note that it wasn't because the councils were trying to build halting sites for them, but because the council were not providing the proper amenities for the travellers. Nice spin, the rich and powerful insisted they had no problem with having the halting site in their area but were opposing the council's failure to provide the correct infrastructure. Naturallly, the council didn't want to spend a pile of money bringing the site up to the required standard, so they went ahead and built one where the locals probably had less money than the travellers.


For a start it's all over tv :rolleyes:

& the only reason I posted it was because
1. It's stolen public rights of way
2. The security tit peed me off :eek: :lol

Without getting this into a racist thread WHICH IT ISNT I don't care who live's in what ever country or what colour there skin is as long as they live lawfully & PIKYS DON'T.!