Hi i have just gone with NFU and because my caravan insurance was with them so i tryed for my house insurance and got it a lot less than i was paying.
The reason for change was that i started Fostering two days a week now my kids have grown up and gone away:clap so last july i informed my House insurance company of that fact as advised by the Fostering panel.
they said that the insurance company that i was with do not insure foster carers,asked WHY?they would not give me a reason so i said, in for a refund then? not having none of that,they will cover me until the end of my year of insurance.
So insurance brokers rang me up 4 days ago saying that the new quote would be £337.00

£87.00 more than last year as the have to move me to a new company. l said thats not fair volunteering to look after disabled kids two days a week restbite, and get hammerd for it.
at that time my caravan insurance was due, so i gave them a ring as i had been with them 8 years.They gave me a quote £277.00 for house + £7000 caravan. RESULT:clap so the morrel of my rant if you have a house and caravan give NFU a ring.