Boot securing mounts

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Sep 13, 2010
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Has anyone put some sort of hoops in the boot area on a SWB? Want to put some in to secure the stuff I carry in the back with a net and straps.

Mainly incase I crash as bits could fly everywhere.

Usually most of my stuff is organised in ex military bags/backpacks. so once I have some securing rings things should be alot safer.
Has anyone put some sort of hoops in the boot area on a SWB? Want to put some in to secure the stuff I carry in the back with a net and straps.

Mainly incase I crash as bits could fly everywhere.

Usually most of my stuff is organised in ex military bags/backpacks. so once I have some securing rings things should be alot safer.

there should already be a couple at least in the back corners?

I had an idea (as yet unexecuted) to build a tray affair with a false floor/top about 8 inches above the existing one. Nice and secure and still leaves boot space. Or you could even stash your spare inside, clean up the back door, and build something around or on top of the wheel.
I am tempted at making a false floor/drawer setup. But as the SWB area is so small I'm not sure i'd benefit much.

Spares got to stay outside sadly, More room inside then. :D

I will have another look at the back corners.
fit a dog guard and secure to it. Do you need the rear seats?These can be removed and a safety grill fitted, had one in my commercial,strapped all my kit to that.
if you lift the seats you can use the seat belt mountings to secure a loop of webbing, and then when the seats are back up you have something to strap stuff down with.
Id go with a combo of advice so far plus a cargo net. There will be some securing points somewhere in there and a good quality dog guard will keep it all separate away from you if it gets loose and youre upside down :thumb2
I can't be doing with a dog guard. One more thing to take out when I want max space with the seats down.
i fitted 6 anchor points to the boot! got them off ebay for a few quid! 3 are on the rear seat mounting bolts , 1 on each side of the tailgate opening and1 in the centre of the tailgate opening but had to use a nut cert for that one!! bit of trim had to be cut to get to the metal for these 3! then used either a cargonet or bungie cords depending on what i was keeping held down! tried and tested on some green lanes! no problems at all!
if you lift the seats you can use the seat belt mountings to secure a loop of webbing, and then when the seats are back up you have something to strap stuff down with.

i liiikkkkkeeee. Great idea
If you are safeguarding against things flying around in a crash, forget bungee clips, cargo nets, these just help to stop things moving around while negotiating roundabouts etc.

When I put the outboard engine in the back, it only weighs 50 kg, but I multi lash it, and then use my 5 tonne tow strap as well and tie this onto the spare tow bar bolt holes with 5 tonne "D" links.

Also with some cargo hooks installed in cars they are made of plastic, you wouldn't dream of using these to tow another vehicle from, but that's the strength you need if a 25 kg mass is suddenly stopped at only 30 mph....:doh
This is not a scientific calculation, but gives you an idea.

But the formulae is Force = Mass x Aceleration, in the case of impact, the acceleration is negative as it's a deceleration. Hence the item tries to more forward in the direction it was travelling.

A sudden stop (not normally possible due to crumple zones) the deceleration would be very high, so the overall force is extremely high

But our trucks are not that crumply even when you hit a tree, so consider that when you have a dozen paving slabs in the boot. :eek: :eek:
yes but it's better than nothing and it's really there to stop things moving upwards in my case. I will be using a net and ratchet straps.
the ones i fitted what i got off e bay are steel and similar size to whats fitted standard to my works van and ive had a truck(daf) diff secured with ratchet straps without problems! agreed maybe not up to the job in a major crash but to hold a few bits of kit /tools cant see being a problem!