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this doesnt seem that big a deal to me. if you are not taxed, then sorn it. if you have no insurance, but tax left on the car, claim your tax back, and sorn it. thats what ive always done.:nenau

the problem is this if for instance you have just come to the end of you year policy wise and want to take the car off the road to fix it and dont have the spare cash to fork out insurance yet you have just gone past the first of the month you cant just fix the car with the 7 mths tax on it and if you dont have a drive or a garage then you are screwed :augie
I presume you mean the car will be parked on the public road ?

If thats the case it should be taxed mot'd and insured anyway :nenau

nope just has to be taxed and mot'd otherwise we wouldn't have dealers policies :augie
this doesnt seem that big a deal to me. if you are not taxed, then sorn it. if you have no insurance, but tax left on the car, claim your tax back, and sorn it. thats what ive always done.:nenau

but when you've got several cars, spend a fair bit of time out of the country and have three businesses to run to keep HMRC in business, there are more important things to worry about. I I had one car then no, I probably wouldn't mis things so easily.

No i genuinely have no idea what youre on about "losing" :nenau
I worded the phrase you have highlighted VERY carefully:D


I couldn't believe how easily it helped us catch some pretty heavy duty offenders. I CAN KIND OF UNDERSTAND THAT, WHAT I DON'T SEE IS HOW THESE NEW PROCESSES HELP?

All this big brothers watching crap comes from a generation who object to being told to wait at the pelican crossing (yes those caused problems when they first came in I'm told) the next generation of motorists (who have nothing to hide) will just see sorn declarations as part of the process because they wont know any different. THAT IS SCARY AND LAME AND JUSTIFIES JUST ABOUT ANY ACTION 'THE SYSTEM' CARES TO TAKE AGAINST JOE PUBLIC.....ITS UTTERLY IRRELEVANT. AND YES, I OBJECT TO BEING TOLD TO WAIT AT A PELICAN CROSSING, I'M NOT A F**KING IDIOT.....AND I'LL COMPLAIN WHEN THEY TRY AND INJECT THE CHIP....BUT THEN THE NEXT GENERATION WON'T KNOW ANY DIFFERENT WILL IT...!!:eek:


read it and weep :lol:lol
correct me if im wrong ( i probably am :lol ) but even if your car is in a garage it still needs to be decalared as sorn if tax has run out ..... or am i wrong ( again )
correct me if im wrong ( i probably am :lol ) but even if your car is in a garage it still needs to be decalared as sorn if tax has run out ..... or am i wrong ( again )

so , going by the above ..... if either your tax or insurance ( or both ) have run out and your car is in a garage .... it still needs to be declared sorn ? ...... fuffing stoopid
correct me if im wrong ( i probably am :lol ) but even if your car is in a garage it still needs to be decalared as sorn if tax has run out ..... or am i wrong ( again )

yes but it is off the road :thumb2 if you dont have either like your house mate

ie say your gearbox was to go again and you had reached the end of your insurance policy (i will assume you pay your own insurance) and the money for your gearbox was the only spare cash you had at the time you would have to take your car off the road and send the tax back unless you insured it and left the car without a gearbox for a little longer so you would be paying insurance to look at it :lol
so , going by the above ..... if either your tax or insurance ( or both ) have run out and your car is in a garage .... it still needs to be declared sorn ? ...... fuffing stoopid

yes sort of lol

if you insurance is expired then you have to cash in the tax and sorn it and take it off the road

tax one has been around a bit

Its not remotely scary, irrelevant or justification for "just about any action" :lol what it is that in context with my points regarding collating the info, which quite clearly point out the benifits all be it at the cost of the elderly who forget to do it :augie ..............

it means that those who have not known the perceived convenience of not having to sorn (which incidentally is as easy as taxing) will simply see it , as part of a system as those of us who are enlightened do anyway :thumbs

If it has continued producing top results as it does now they cant argue against it. If they feel its not right they can continue the cause. I strongly suspect that they may as well call it "lost cause", but they can still form a pressure group and get elected to parliament

Time and results will tell , its evolution.

The pelican crossing analagy explains that perfectly. We now accept we obey instruct, weions of the little red man or flashing lights whereas old farts objected when the system was first introduced. Now its a part of everyday life, and most of us cant remember life without it and accept it makes things better don't object to being directed what to do

To follow your logic lets go back to no driving licence or driving test. That concept caused ructions when it was introduced yet I havent actually seen many arguments against the need for a licence.

To go back even further there were protests when the bloke with the flag got sacked from walking in front of the car ;)

Overall I reckon you're in the "I got dobbed so Im anti mode " if the scrote down the road had had his car seized because he forgot to sorn it when he was in Benidorm you'd be laughing your tits off ;):thumbs

The system works. Detection of motor offences are well up on a few years ago. Sorn , ins data , mot data etc etc are all lawful , justifiable and proportionate parts and parcels of the deal.

Anyway, Im bowing out of this because its becoming a waste of time going round and round :D If you didnt take a stance and set up things like this in the face of unsubstantiated and easily negated debate youd end up like the last labour government achieving nothing positive, going round and round trying to keep everyone happy :D
I'll take your withdrawal as a girlie sulk...:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

BUT...the pelican crossing v. driving licence thing is a nonsense. I still don't stop and wait nor will I and in that context letting some idiot loose on the road in a killer tin box without training is a million miles away from an intelligent adult knowing when its safe to cross the freakin road without being beeped at by a belisha bloody beacon!!

And its nowt to do with being caught out I swear....half the reason this country is such a shitty place to live is that the population just rolls every every time this sort of thing gets introduced, albeit with a pile of excuses about how it will improve detection rates (my arse!).

I still remain to be convinced as to how such procedural nonsense (independent of ANPR technology remember) makes any bloody difference - I mean surely the more idiots drive without insurance or tax and there are databases to indicate that (even if occasionally flaky) to a passing rozzer then you already have more than enough stop n search excuses don't you....?

Sorry but you won't convince me....and I've spent the last 20-odd years designing and implementing process across a raft of industries to improve delivery and give business benefit....but I can't justify or explain this one other than in the context of a Big Brother exercise.

Soon we must all be online and nodding to the rhythm of the system just like thanks.:thumb2 All Hail To The DVLA:bow:bow:bow:bow:eek:
The system works. Detection of motor offences are well up on a few years ago. Sorn , ins data , mot data etc etc are all lawful , justifiable and proportionate parts and parcels of the deal.

Anyway, Im bowing out of this because its becoming a waste of time going round and round :D If you didnt take a stance and set up things like this in the face of unsubstantiated and easily negated debate youd end up like the last labour government achieving nothing positive, going round and round trying to keep everyone happy :D
I'm joining this bloke.....

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I'm joining this bloke.....

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right i want 5 mins of my life back

i waiting for something funny to happen like his wife pushing him in the lake
only thing seems bit unfair is say you cant insure car for a while
but know you will again or are selling it.

can keep off road but another driver with insurance will drive it.
perhaps future buyers, or relative/friend.

if have to sorn, then cant test drive it?
getting new disc costs often whole part of month lost cashing
in and buying again, of course cant buy again with valid policy.

dont see why if off road they can take it or is idea some one
can drive it on their road risks determined by fact its all ready
covered by you.

would having parking cover ie not road risks do.

does seem its going to restrict private sales or is that a
benefit since many are dodgy, thoughts.
presume despite anpr, there are lots of motorist uninsured but
with tax discs so ok to casual viewer that dont get anpr'ed
as know where to avoid or make short journeys to shops and
back. and save money on an insurance holiday.

so perhaps this all or nothing is good approach. might catch
lot of private traders too.

be nice in all this ifgot a reminder to mot car as well, as still
seems to be something to trip up the otherwise lega motorist.

since its all on national test computer, which knows where
car is registered to even cross ref with dvla if changed.

suprised garages dont drop a courtesy note out to remind
you, perhaps some do, keeps their work rolling in too.

guess recently got these stickers to remind you, provided
it does....