Is it me !!!!!!

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I can assure you that I am not in a habit of lieing, this incident did happen.My point by posting it that it just shows you that some people take PC a little too far,I am far from racist, and take offence to anyone that even suggest it,. To quote one of my black work mates, the guy that pulled me has a chip on his shoulder the size of an oak tree.

I apologise for assuming that, but your initial posting did give the impressiong this was your understandiong of the use of rthe term 'black' and that the country is 'going down the pan fast' because we can't call black coffe black anymore.

If it is a thread about one person who has no idea about such things and his making his own rules up as he goes along then it might have been better to start that way instead of imlying the whole countye was going down the pan when in fact this was just the opinion of one misguided person.

So how about, 'I met this right pillock lasst week, told me I couldn't order black coffee as it would be racist (coffeist lol), don't some people come out with some stupid things', what do you think?
I cant believe it actually happened, are you sure it wasnt a dream?

I work for a set up that observes pc'ness to the extreme and Im pretty certain he would have been told to go away ;)
Hi Plank

Point taken and can see where you are comming from,as far as I am concerned matter is closed.
Not just you Plank I could say that I did as well,it was just that it got me so mad, anyway all over lol, chat again soon:thumbs
For what its worth I do think that the nutters are taking over the asylum...
It seems to me that if you are English you cant say that youre English anymore, same goes for the Scots and the Welsh (to some degree). Yet EVERYONE who lives on this island is British... so whats the problem you may say. Well my gripe is that I read the papers and watch the telly and keep hearing "BUY BRITISH"
I go to the supermarket and I can buy Scottish potatoes Scottish Beef, welsh lamb, french wine, italian tomatoes, new zealand lamb, line caught norwegian cod,
Alaskan Salmon, German Bratwursts, but can I buy anything "english" NO
I can find BRITISH potatoes and BRITISH PORK AND LAMB but cant find "ENGLISH PORK" etc etc now when I was a kid you could buy English pork at the local butchers so why cant supermarkets label food "ENGLISH" but then again its all gone gaga now I am now of the opinion that we should take up Briggies offer and sit down with a digestive and weep in out tinted tea, I just hope briggie has STANDARD digestives as if they have a chocolate coating we are in the shite as the choice will be MILK OR DARK.
Think I will have a hob nob oh god that will upset the gays hihi Just a cuppa please pete as Im watching me waistline (oh shit upset the obese now )
See my point its all in the words and its time we stopped taking note of individual words and looked at the full context of the statement being made.Its all this PC crap that has ruined this country and its time we did as the french have done and said to the world yes, yes we will comply and then turned round and carried on doing what they want. Is this country still the best in the world, well alot of people are rushing to be here but are they coming for the right reasons??? I will leave that last thought with you....
Well I fell better now ......:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
For what its worth I do think that the nutters are taking over the asylum...
It seems to me that if you are English you cant say that youre English anymore, same goes for the Scots and the Welsh (to some degree). Yet EVERYONE who lives on this island is British...

did you sleep through 'devolution' mate? ;) :lol
Why dose every word have to have somthing to do with racism these days?

i don't think it does mate, the only people who think PC has gone mad appear to be the people who say 'PC has gone mad' everyone else just gets on with things.

As i see, it and my profession is closely linked to these issues, all things PC including, sexuality, race, gender, ability etc have gone full circle and become more sensible by the day the bad old 'pc gone mad' days are a thing of the past.
devolution and pc gone mad

Plank,and others. No I didnt miss devolution I witnessed it happening everytime I used the severn bridge, try this for a rip off especially if your a hgv driver, also may I suggest you go around Cardiff as I do nearly every week and you will see where your and mine and the welshmans tax paid is being spent ...
If your comment on people stating what to me is the obvious and that the only people moaning are the ones left in the darkages then pass me my club as Im stuck in the darkage, As for racist remarks I am totally against them thats why I cannot understand why it seems that every englishman is the victim of this daily whatever his colour happens to be. Whatever happened to being english and proud of it,it got lost that whats happened to it, somwhere around the late 80s early 90s. I do feel envious of our welsh cousins as they are proud of their country as they should be after all, but cannot understand why "johnny english" cant feel the same way without being branded a stinks and is full of pc crap... but thats just my view and Im sorry if it aint yours, Freespeech---- does it exist???? you tell me where you can actually talk to someone and express your views without living in fear of the pc brigade jumping up shouting foul. I remember when you had a certain doll type figure on a jar of jam that caused uproar, must say thou it was good jam lol.:D:D:D:D
oh by the way

Plank I have just looked at your location, how the hell do you get way with that :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
be careful you will have the race relations people after ya....
PC gone Mad

Tezzer,please !! "Blind eye ?" What next? turn up my nose,pull my leg? Next thing you will be eating a spotted dick and ordering a Chinese !! :D
I've just thought, what are we meant to call black ice?

You call it what you have always called it "BLACK ICE" and if that upsets some PC idiot tough, this is ENGLAND and we will not be told what to do or say, it is not being racist it is simply stating a fact, Rick
Before Jam!!

Enid Mary Blyton (11 August 1897 – 28 November 1968) was an English children's writer known as both Enid Blyton and Mary Pollock. She was one of the most successful children's storytellers of the twentieth century.

She is noted for numerous series of books based on recurring characters and designed for different age groups. Her books have enjoyed popular success in many parts of the world, and have sold over 600 million copies. Enid Blyton is the fifth most translated author worldwide: over 3544 translations of her books were available in 2007 according to UNESCO's Index Translationum.[1] she overtook Vladimir Lenin to get the fifth place behind Shakespeare.

I still have an original from my childhood days must have a read again:clap


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oop here in gods country no such problem all called luv or chalkie ,anyhow a quit fk off usually stops at source.
i don't think it does mate, the only people who think PC has gone mad appear to be the people who say 'PC has gone mad' everyone else just gets on with things.

As i see, it and my profession is closely linked to these issues, all things PC including, sexuality, race, gender, ability etc have gone full circle and become more sensible by the day the bad old 'pc gone mad' days are a thing of the past.

that just it, things calming, things went extreme other way to conflict with institutionalised
'isms and yep fueled by daily mail at one side and the looney left quangos and councils
that blossomed under the overall far right in maggies era.

you will find that things arent or shouldnt be black listed, we grey list stuff now at work.

its where the colour is used in a negative context where it should be avoided.

guess black ice could be viewed as negative, dangerous etc, but isnt any more than
coffee scenario where the black refers to road surface / colour etc.

black boards aren negative, ok some might be green haha.

suspect this will run n run. unless offensive to the leg-challanged??

diversity and equality guys, why theres even a new act of parilament this week
bringing together all previous works of law in the matter cue Plank..