Polishing. ..

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Jul 20, 2014
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I'm getting my old (57 plate) Transit van ready for sale and I'm after some advice.

It's white, surprise surprise, but as with all white vans, it has gone a bit yellowy lower down.

I know that this will go back to white with a bit of T-cut, but my question is this...

...Can you apply T-cut with an electric polishing mop?

Yes, you can. But you need to be careful or you'll polish right through the paint. Find the softest mop you can, and don't press too hard :thumb2
Play safe - hand job !

I would stick to doing it by hand it's much safer, far too easy with a mop to cut down to metal especially near corners and on surface creases.

I used a blend of Polish that contained T cut on a dull red car and it came back like new just needs a bit of old fashioned elbow grease.
I would stick to doing it by hand it's much safer, far too easy with a mop to cut down to metal especially near corners and on surface creases.

I used a blend of Polish that contained T cut on a dull red car and it came back like new just needs a bit of old fashioned elbow grease.

That's easy for you to say!

It's a long wheel base, high roof transit!

What big bunny says,I picked up a tetrosyl one from our local car body place which you don't need to use water with.it doesn't cut as much as the old compounds but works well with a polishing mop.
It's called VM compound.

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