Zippy's done it now

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
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im in the dog house..

tumbly dryer was very noise.. took it apart :clap

found the troubles..:clap

on to internet.. new part orded..:clap

did a quick fix :clap:clap

put it all back together.. no parts extra :clap

forgot to put belt back on :doh

turned it on.. :augie

few mins later black smoke as the belt burnt through on the heater..


so now new belt on odrer too! :doh
Ah well Zippy, that's the karma police biting you in the bum for using a tumbly dryer in the first place:eek:
Just think of the energy needed to dry your socks, you must be made of money:sly
well if you think that qualifies you as a Wally, how about this:

a week or so ago in that terrible rain and wind i slaved for days putting up a lovely closed board fence, i parked my truck in the same spot every day

then on the last day when i had finished and painted the whole thing i jumped in my truck and reversed

the wheels lost grip so i selected four wheel drive and put my foot down, it was dark and raining,

i had no worries, i had at least 9 meters of space behind me!

that was until i put a fence up 7.5 meters out from the original boundary!

yes i knocked the flipping thing down again :doh

much to the amusment of the assembled landscapers sitting in the car watching the spectacle they didnt take the piss much :rolleyes:

on the positive side, my tow bar was undamaged :lol
Nice one Plank:lol
How come that sort of thing only ever happens with a sympathetic audience?:doh
Did they hold up score cards after your man-hoover?:D
im sure they rushed to put it back up for you
On the topic of stupidity,years ago when the brother in law was getting married,amateur photographer me said I would also do pics of said wedding. So on the day,after the professional piccy taker set up the shots, I wandered in front of him to take my pics. This was good for me but pissed off the other guy. Unfortunately after many pics, I realised that I was getting very good value from this roll of film,until I checked and the damn film had not wound on properly. I was sure they were all great pictures too.:doh
well if you think that qualifies you as a Wally, how about this:

a week or so ago in that terrible rain and wind i slaved for days putting up a lovely closed board fence, i parked my truck in the same spot every day

then on the last day when i had finished and painted the whole thing i jumped in my truck and reversed

the wheels lost grip so i selected four wheel drive and put my foot down, it was dark and raining,

i had no worries, i had at least 9 meters of space behind me!

that was until i put a fence up 7.5 meters out from the original boundary!

yes i knocked the flipping thing down again :doh

much to the amusment of the assembled landscapers sitting in the car watching the spectacle they didnt take the piss much :rolleyes:

on the positive side, my tow bar was undamaged :lol

wel plank i reckon you are the winner so far. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
weel they all laughed while i repaired the damage but i had the last laugh!

two dyas latter we had packs of slabs delivered and stacked on top of each other, the bright spark who led the piss taking decided to move the slabs by cutting the banding on the top pack!

they all fell about 4 feet to the floor one by one like a pack of cards, smashing as they went!

I of course had to say, 'i've fixed the fence, lets see you fix them f**kers clever dick'

weel they all laughed while i repaired the damage but i had the last laugh!

two dyas latter we had packs of slabs delivered and stacked on top of each other, the bright spark who led the piss taking decided to move the slabs by cutting the banding on the top pack!

they all fell about 4 feet to the floor one by one like a pack of cards, smashing as they went!

I of course had to say, 'i've fixed the fence, lets see you fix them f**kers clever dick'


thats the way :bow:bow:bow
sorry Zippy i seem to have hijacked your thread, nice to know some one out there is as dozey as me though!
Hey Plank we've all 'been there done that' in one form or another. It's a brave man that shares it with the rest of the world. Good on ya!
Rgds CL
Hey Plank we've all 'been there done that' in one form or another. It's a brave man that shares it with the rest of the world. Good on ya!
Rgds CL
cheers, thing is i do it most days LOL

is that you in your avatar?
Well Zippy at least you tried:thumbs
Thanks for the laugh Plank:thumbs
No Plank, thats all that Somalian curry burning a hole in his arse, he has to keep getting up for the toilet, breaks his concentration....:lol:lol:lol

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