I suppose it could have yes, but I think it was just an unfortunate coincidence.
Surley when these posters go out they cant take into account every unforseen circumstance and this was a pretty unique set of events I dont beleive anyone could have, known unless of course they had a crystal ball :wink:
I dont know his full circumstances for being in this country, but illegal or not he was innocent and the big tough guy cops got it wrong.
They dont shoot people 9 times in the head at point blank range in front of other innocent by standers because he shouldnt have been here do they ?
Personally ? Im disgusted and ashamed. :x
They panicked and they didnt follow proceedures. They got it wrong.
Someones son is dead.
Hope it never happens to any of us. Illegally or not.
God bless him and RIP.
Besides the thread is about a poster dinky not your thoughts on his presense in this country. :roll:
Sorry to be different to the other responses. Again.