Work Tomorrow

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Sep 20, 2004
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BooHoo work tomorrow and I'm in the office for two weeks. Where has this last two weeks gone:(:(:(:(:(

Anyone else starting back tomorrow after a break????

Jim T
back to work

i also start back tommorrow:(:(with a bit of luck the new year will be a bit better and i will get my hours put back to normal instead of a 3 day week:nenau
i also start back tommorrow:(:(with a bit of luck the new year will be a bit better and i will get my hours put back to normal instead of a 3 day week:nenau

OK so there is people worse off than me:eek: hope things improve for you elty and others in the same situation.

Jim T
you lucky lot having 2 weeks off:lol:lol
I was back at work day after boxing day and still at it:rolleyes:
Thanks for the help Jim :thumb2computer working a bit better but still very slow hence I was late on line this morning:( Off to work again byee.
Good luck with your job elty001 :)
Yes work tommorow...... not going to be easy after 10 days on the lash!!

But Im away to see about a lady today, so I'm hoping the next few weeks will be a breeze!
you lucky lot having 2 weeks off:lol:lol
I was back at work day after boxing day and still at it:rolleyes:
Thanks for the help Jim :thumb2computer working a bit better but still very slow hence I was late on line this morning:( Off to work again byee.
Good luck with your job elty001 :)

I didnt think we did IT support too...

have good day my lady
Should have been back in today, but went in on friday to look what dutys I'm on to betold the day's holiday I was told I couldn't have for today I had been given, :doh good job I went in, would have turned up at 4 am today for sod all.

Good thing though only in till thursday then my long weekend off. :bow:bow
hi guys

well , i am still looking for work, so will enjoy the relaxing time ...I am sure I will be working again soon and wishing i was off again. fingers crossed...

dave g
hi daveg

good job hunting there then mate..

just think what you can get for your truck when you got cash to spend again..
Well my xmas holiday starts today,good old royal mail.worked from mid boxing day and mid new years day longest 2 weeks this year.Anyhow taking van away for 5 days to get pup used to it but both dogs sleeping in crate in car ,not having no surprises during night.Just got to find time to wash it.
BAck to work tomorrow - didn't get called out over the hols but did have to do quarterly VAT return and other paperwork so not a complete holiday unfortunately.
Yep, back to work after 2 weeks off - not looking forward to it, but I haven't won the Lottery just yet :lol.

This IS the year that I'm going to change my work, either by finding a better company to work for, getting my 17th Edition qualification, or getting re-assigned to a new boss, as mine is completely useless, shaped like a coke bottle, wet as a can of p**s, and has the backbone of a jellyfish !

(I've put my soap box away now ! :augie) I hope that those of you looking for work, on reduced hours etc. get sorted sooner rather than later, and that 2009 will be a better year for all of us !

Lee. :clap
Yep me 2, back tomorrow, after two weeks off. not looking forward to it thou, things were very quiet before the xmas shutdown, not really sure what going back to. Had a high street voucher by way of a pressy thanking us for our hard work, but the went on to say that not looking good for the start of 2009, and i quote "we have to cut our cloth to suit". so make of that what you will.
just got to hope things pick up.
Bet there are a few more out ther in similar worrying circumstances.
and back to the place Im ment to work from.

not realy sure i do work there, but i get paid to be there so i must do.

up at 5.30am... but hame at 3.30 so not to bad..

oh what fun!

you lucky lot having 2 weeks off:lol:lol
I was back at work day after boxing day and still at it:rolleyes:)

but Willow, its not like a normal job you do it for the love of it ;) i think of every day as a holiday and the things i do as hobbies, so depending which way you look at it, im either holidaying 24/7 or allways working, and i preffer the glass half full stance ;):thumb2