Wiltshire meet...

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Fingers crossed for a good date as most weekends in free but now and again I have a certain weekend where I could do 20 different things, think they call it sods law lol
Is it possible to make it a sunday. This would really help me as I need to book a holiday for this as I work a weekend shift :banghead
Rick I'm breaking 4 caravans if ya need anything let me know they're practically complete. I've removed fridges cookers and heaters and all work fine

Back to topic. So any dates yet
Morning all, its been a long time since i've been on here as the Terrano went a couple of years ago. Zippy has been contacting me via another forum with regards to putting a route together and leading a group around.

Like DaveyBoy, i am also a leader with the Four Wheel Drive Club, but unlike Dave, i no longer have a Nissan.

North Wiltshire & West Berks is my back yard (so to speak wrt to laning) so i'd be happy to put a route together and lead.

Zippy mentioned a number will have road tyres and i guess those will also have standard suspension height. Some of the lanes around here can be a bit muddy if wet and ruts that are a bit deep for standard trucks so it would be helpful if any guys wanting to come along could indicate if you have standard or modified trucks. This way i can choose lanes that are suitable.

A route i have in mind starts North Devizes and finishes by Lambourn.(DaveyBoy - i'll miss out the angry farmer and a few other lanes that may be problematic).

Cheers, Mike.
Morning all, its been a long time since i've been on here as the Terrano went a couple of years ago. Zippy has been contacting me via another forum with regards to putting a route together and leading a group around.

Like DaveyBoy, i am also a leader with the Four Wheel Drive Club, but unlike Dave, i no longer have a Nissan.

North Wiltshire & West Berks is my back yard (so to speak wrt to laning) so i'd be happy to put a route together and lead.

Zippy mentioned a number will have road tyres and i guess those will also have standard suspension height. Some of the lanes around here can be a bit muddy if wet and ruts that are a bit deep for standard trucks so it would be helpful if any guys wanting to come along could indicate if you have standard or modified trucks. This way i can choose lanes that are suitable.

A route i have in mind starts North Devizes and finishes by Lambourn.(DaveyBoy - i'll miss out the angry farmer and a few other lanes that may be problematic).

Cheers, Mike.

Lambourn!!!!! :D :D :D

Valley of the Racehorse :eek: :eek:

I'm in 100%
That's the route I would have chosen parts of Mike.
I'm not sure if some of these guys will want laning all day as some are travelling some distance to meet up.
Still at the planning stage though.
Yeah miss out Bailey Farm Mike, just not worth the hassle.
If Zippy would prefer you to put a route together that's fine.
See you soon.
This is shaping up nicely :D

Right, dates. I have 2 options. Sunday 5th June or Sunday 12th June.

If there is alot of standard trucks could we split the groups so standard go in one group with lanes for standard tyres and a modified group go in another for some more technical/difficult/muddy lanes. Just a thought.

Mr K
Modified Patrol
3 inch lift
35 inch creepy crawler tyres
Does this mean in June i can finally give you my old towbar and get it out of my garden?

(by the way - i also have an old 6 CD changer from the Terrano <Clarion> thats free to anyone who wants it - i can bring it to the Wilts meet. If not, it will go in the bin - it worked when it was in the Terrano).
Does this mean in June i can finally give you my old towbar and get it out of my garden?

(by the way - i also have an old 6 CD changer from the Terrano <Clarion> thats free to anyone who wants it - i can bring it to the Wilts meet. If not, it will go in the bin - it worked when it was in the Terrano).

I'll take that please :naughty
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