A few years ago on my daughter's Fiesta, the battery went flat overnight, I disconnected the battery and placed a multimeter set on the 10 amp range in series with the battery and battery lead that I removed. This checks the current that is used when everything is switched off.
The current was 1/2 amp (0.5 Amp) there was nothing switched on. I went straight to the alternator and removed the connector and the current dropped to 0.02 Amps. This is the current that the radio and ECU require to maintain the memory. ( Some cars may take 0.06 amps, not sure about the later Terrano's).
The alternator was faulty, and a local motor repair man replaced the diode block and retested it for about £15 I think.
This current test is quick, but you will have to reset your radio and the ECU will have to re-learn new settings, and your alarm may need resetting. etc
It is possible to do the above test without loosing the data. BUT great care has to be taken, (so I won't go into detail) otherwise a short circuit can do a lot of damage.
On Friday, my Daughter said that the ignition warning light came on at some traffic lights, while the engine was still running, I checked the fan belt and you could turn the alternator against the fan belt by hand, so I tightened the belt and all seems ok now.
Thought this might help someone in a similar position.
Tip: carry a spare fan belt, luckily both belts on my 1995 2.7TD are the same part number, I keep the spare next to the jack in the back.