White stuffs coming!

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no snow here - almost gutted as would love to make use of the terrano...knackered as it is!
nothing but constant continal bloody rain for last 3 days...would rather snow tbh!!!
FFS, its STILL snowing here. I tell you. I cant believeveveveveve it. What a time to get rid of my 4x4...although to be fair, it was off the road anyway, so...anyway, we have it pretty heavy here, cars almost buried, but tis the drifts that are making it worse, the deepest is well up my leg, shallowest snow is simply up over my boots...!!!

quite bad here too mate , but i told ya , if ya need a hand or owt gimme a ring and i will pop up :thumb2
Still no real snow here


well, just been out in the back, and the drifted snow is now up to my knees. Where it hasn't drifted its shin high now-wellingtons time. Its still falling, all the snow I cleared has now been replaced, my car is as good as buried now and everyone is stuck on the street. we live quite high up, so we get some interesting drifting snow, all good fun. If its still bad tomorrow, ill get some pics up!
If you like Clivvy we'll all turn up at your place and take it in turns to drive up your street and turn around in front of your house.... just because we can:thumbs

Hey dude give me a shout if you fancy going out for a play:thumb2

Now when you gonna get another T2?
been snowing here for 24 hours now and still snowing , ive seen some right dickus headius even driving 4x4s ...... contrary to popular belief having a 4x4 doesnt give you a carte blanche to drive like a lunatic just because its snowing heavily ........ cant believe some of the idiots sliding all over the road here :doh
i got some friends ( yes i really do have friends :lol ) to clear the car roof etc of snow ....... cos i cant reach even with a broom ....... but its still snowing here and the car is now just as it was before :rolleyes:.... so ive given up
When I go out later, I'll have to get the spade out to clear the snow from outside my garage door, looks like 2 feet deep in a drift, the rest is about a foot deep, not worried about that as our drives also on a slope. Overtook several cars last night on my way home as they were struggling to get up our hill to our village.

Play safe in the snow, treat all other drivers as idiots and allow greater stopping distances, if only to move forward to allow the pratt behind to stop.
Always have somewhere to go when in a queue, as the vehicle behind can't stop.

The worst thing is cars pulling out in front of you, they have no traction, so you can't stop in time...

Guess whose fault it will be....:doh:doh
Your front end smashed... hmmm... you must have been driving too fast for the conditions.:doh

Note to self!!!!!

When driving up a nice little lane close to home and you come across 2 and 3 foot snow drifts turn around. Don't try and smash through them because a little bit further along you'll find 4 and 5 foot drifts that you won't smash through:doh

Too deep to dig out so select reverse and reverse back for 300 metres until you find a safe place to turn around:clap:clap

"PHEW" didn't fancy walking home.
Nice video. :thumb2

It was similar to what I went through today, but not as deep, snow dunes! :D

(yours were deeper)

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I went back on foot to where I had been stuck in the drifts this morning, no way would I of been able to get further than I did. Stumbled across a landy 90 stuck with another trying to pull him out. He said he only drove up there because he'd seen tracks from someone else:lol Yes it was me and I got passed the drift he was stuck in:lol

Went back to the car and did the good deed thing and fetched a couple of shovels to help dig him out.
I went back on foot to where I had been stuck in the drifts this morning, no way would I of been able to get further than I did. Stumbled across a landy 90 stuck with another trying to pull him out. He said he only drove up there because he'd seen tracks from someone else:lol Yes it was me and I got passed the drift he was stuck in:lol

Went back to the car and did the good deed thing and fetched a couple of shovels to help dig him out.

does it count as a good deed helping a Landrover owner?:augie
does it count as a good deed helping a Landrover owner?:augie

Be fair...
he did well to get as far as he had, he went to the limit of his vehicle, so it was a good deed, and you can have a laugh at his expense too..:thumb2
Here another of me towing this old bird who was a bit lethal to say the least :D

Excuse my illness related huffing&puffing, also had to change into low box half way through as she mounted the drift at the side :doh
