Where you live, nice or run down?

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Jun 27, 2010
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This maybe is a strange question/story. But bear with me, just thought I'd tell you guys:rolleyes: right. I live in a small town in a valley called gatehouse of fleet, up until about 2008, it was a nice place to live, people were friendly, all the shops were open and generally it was a nice little peaceful town. Until the council built a row of houses called the DGHP housing, this is where the problems started. These houses were put in place for the homeless and "rough family's". First thing I thought was ohh bugger,

soon people began to change. The friendly people moved because of the tw@s that got shipped in... and the older folk went into old peoples homes. Neally all Our neighbours are abusive, loud or just rude, Now I hate this place. There's a horrible old cow who yells at me over the wall if I'm working on my t2 eg if I'm running the engine, using air and power tools, so to piss her off, I revved the engine at her when she walked past:augie funny thing is, she has a little terrier that barks day and night and she won't stop it:hmh I used to go out on my bike a lot in the nice weather but now no longer can as I get stupid teenagers and "Chavs" :splif shouting abuse and so on at me.

Only place I go is out of town. I've had my terrano damaged and a spot light smashed about 3 days after fitting them:( the police are about as useful as a chocolate teapot as a reported this and nothing happened. About a month ago I had rocks thrown at my t2 when I was inside it:eek: I jumped out, ran after the kids and threw rocks back:sly.

A lot of the people were kids who bullied me at school, now I left, they attack my truck:doh:banghead We are going to extend the driveway right back so my truck and caravan is in the back garden:doh mums had the wing mirror smashed on her Honda jazz, taped it back on but someone keeps pulling it off late at night. One night I'm gonna sleep in my terrano and see who Is doing it, it's between 9:00pm and 1:00am I'm wanting a camera that detecs motion and start recording so I have evidence I'm also wanting to set up a CCTV system

So that's how I live:rolleyes: , the area isn't bad, it's just the people who have been shipped into it anyone else on here live in these conditions :nenau personally I'd love to live in the country side:D

Hopefully these problems will go but my terrano seems to be ok now
Feel for you mate so I wont go on and on about how lucky I am living by the beach in west wales :lol
As for barking dogs, there's an easy fix for that, although it'll cost you 29 quid. Get a "Bark Buster" you can plug it in at your house. It detects the yapping mutt and emits a high pitch noise that shuts up the dog. As soon is it stops barking the emission stops , and repeat until the dog learns. Takes a very short time :D
As far as vandalism goes, dont retaliat just spend your time nagging plod. Make the bastards work for their living and tell them to stop bothering me with hedge hiding anticx, bloody plod:doh
Ah well it is nice here :cool:
Feel for you mate so I wont go on and on about how lucky I am living by the beach in west wales :lol
As for barking dogs, there's an easy fix for that, although it'll cost you 29 quid. Get a "Bark Buster" you can plug it in at your house. It detects the yapping mutt and emits a high pitch noise that shuts up the dog. As soon is it stops barking the emission stops , and repeat until the dog learns. Takes a very short time :D
As far as vandalism goes, dont retaliat just spend your time nagging plod. Make the bastards work for their living and tell them to stop bothering me with hedge hiding anticx, bloody plod:doh
Ah well it is nice here :cool:

good advice :thumb2
Cheers. Obviously there's worst places to live:D alot of the people you ignore so they shouldn't bug you. This place isn't as bad at it was, but still annoying. Hopefully the buggered will move away as some of them did:D if we could afford a new house we'd move:rolleyes:
thats a real shame, but a typical example of the government and local councils getting it wrong. its simply does NOT work mixing rouch chavvy ignorant idiots with decent people. Simple as.

I live in Huddersfield, so its a right mix. The particular area I live, thankfully, is quite peaceful, our cul-de-sac is decent and pretty quiet.

as make it suggests, id be on at the police as part of yoru daily routine-get up, have breakfast, call police. They are idle gits with a degree in excuses (im generalizing), all they want is to catch decent easy to charge people for offences such as defending themselves against actual criminals.

good luck dude, try to make your place the best you can.
Hi my place is for sale nice and quiet great people around me no problems.work shop for your terrano,
check it out 40 high st luddington north Linclonshire. right move .com under William H Brown Estate agents,:lol
No chavs though, well not since the locals found out that they taste like chicken:augie Laurie Ash.
Hi my place is for sale nice and quiet great people around me no problems.work shop for your terrano,
check it out 40 high st luddington north Linclonshire. right move .com under William H Brown Estate agents,:lol
No chavs though, well not since the locals found out that they taste like chicken:augie Laurie Ash.

Hope your right I'm buying a house in the next village. David.
I live in Sutton in Ashfield, near Mansfield. I though i had great people round me. Then Yesterday i built a fire at the bottom of my garden, and the bloke behind me went NUTS. (Its was 8.30pm by the way) Told me i was making his life hell and he had to keep cleaning his car cos of the ash left on it, told me he had reported me 3 times to the police for my "Firework" displays (I have one a year as close to the 5th as i can) started to get thretning at one point. Then told me that the bloke next door is sick of my daughter climbing on his wall and he was going to the police as well to report it, im sure he wont though as its my dad that he was refering to at the time as he own the house next to me.

All in all, im just going to plant some tall conifers and block his sun light out if he wants to be a dick. My house has been here since 1898 and i lived here (well partly next door) since 1977. He has only been here from 2003 when the built houses on an old field. If he dont like being at the bottom of my garden he can always move.
Neighbor came round and tried to hit me through the window the other day :D I just told him to F.O. this was after the kids were arguing in the garden and our little one pushed his in the face and made her nose bleed. Absolutely crazy goings on and someone called the police after the ensuing ruckus.

Other than that its fine :p
Crap, I never seen that people were posting:doh somthing awesome has happens, the old b**ch with the dog went to hospital:D and ain't here now and 3 of the families have left. There's still a woman who shouts a lot but it's quit funny listening to her. She regularly moans to her friend as somones been cheating on her. Don't blame them:lol.
We live in a village, the neighbours are great, workshop at the end of the garden and woods and fields opposite :thumb2
i live in a village and apprantly the rough part that no1 wants 2 live in!? i can't see y i've neva had any bother yeah they're can be a couple of incidents but they're neva anything thats major. :thumb2

no1 bothers me or touches my things!!!! but maybe that cos I chased one of them up the pavement in reverse when i 1st moved here :lol for throwing stuff at my car as i drove by (was only water baloons n bits out of potatoes guns). i don't know i'm no that bad :sly

To the point my mate smashed the window of a motor i was scrapping n at least 5 came out tool handed lol

Igrew up in glasgow so theres no muvh that fasses me :augie
Where I live is getting back to normal again, a lot of the rough family's have been shifted, apparently other people were complaining about them, there's a large family who have moved in 3 houses from me, can only be discribed as hippies :D but are really awesome and always smile and say hello, and some are even good looking:naughty. I'm not getting stuff chucked at me or my T2 anymore. It's a nice place to live now:jump
We live in a village, the neighbours are great, workshop at the end of the garden and woods and fields opposite :thumb2
And me ,very quiet in this part of shropshire, dozen houses in the village and all very pleasant people. But then i did live in Croyden which is full of it
Glad it seems to be looking up where you are.

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