Where Is Everyone Tonight?????

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Hi All, where is everyone. Even Willow hasn't dropped in for a virtual beer for ages:nenau

I feel like billy no mates tonight:eek:

Jim T
Hi JT, Chaster here. You mentioned a virtual beer. :naughty

The Doc has put me on a "no alcohol" for three months sentence. ----Something to do with liver testing:augie (Think he found some blood in my red wine stream):augie. Hope he can actually find a liver in there somewhere :)

However; it's not going too badly ; over half way through the ordeal and still sane---I think;). It's being able to read the chatter in this club, having a laugh and realising that 4 X 4s are good fun that keeps me from falling out of (or off) my "waggon".

Looking forward to drinking your health-----and every other members----soon.
Hi Chaster, well I'm on the waggon most of the time so you'll be fine. Not often I drink because I'm either driving or don't really go anywhere. Also I must be showing my age but I feel so crap after the wrong kind of beer (yes there is) it just isn't worth it. I'm fine with these real ales by those micro breweries but give me a shandy made with a branded beer and I'm stuffed the day after. I must be really boring cos I like nothing better than a nice mug of tea:thumb2

Hey Zips, did you win em and show em how a real man plays skittles:lol

im still here. popping in when i can
still trying to rescue the truck from home down to sussex . that ll take my mind off the crap that goes on in life.
im hopefull in the next couple of weeks. managed to clear a barn at the farm ready for some serious strip down stuff

got loads of ideas and plans so maybe