Whats The Bloody Point?

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have to stop reading this thread...... its upsetting my sleep as more i think about all the wasters claiming for this that and other!!! and then people who do need a help they dont want too know!!!! claiming for this that and every thing sound like the goverment ministers too.... their the same in my books!!!
have to stop reading this thread...... its upsetting my sleep as more i think about all the wasters claiming for this that and other!!! and then people who do need a help they dont want too know!!!! claiming for this that and every thing sound like the goverment ministers too.... their the same in my books!!!

the system sucks sid - no getting over it is there. doesn't matter whether its a local councillor or an MP, they all have a personal axe to grind and we don't matter a toss to any of them except for our vote.
theirs no 1 to vote for their all the same!!!!!!!! im going to live in my caravan and just be payed in cash:) like a gypsy..... they do what they like as well!! another lot which need sorting out!!
just read through the thread, and spent ages typing a reply only to realise that i was getting more and more livid. so deleted it and made a brew. :)
our ranting needs to be said at the ballot box and to the prospective mp's this year when they knock on hte door wanting ur votes.
like the use of the smiley:doh.
i rather talk to a jhover witness ,think i spelt that right!!! than a mp.. if a mp comes knocking on my door their get more than a pice of my mind!!! so be warned mp"s stay away!!! unless your going to give back all your expensives you have rob off the tax payer!!!
Problem is our ruling classes do not live in the real world. I walk around areas of Teeside,and see the results of their social engineering ,mass immigration of people that have no hope of a job,or even capable of employment.Worse still they dont even need to bother.
Poor old Middlesborough is then labelled as the worst place to live in the UK. The rationale that all these different cultures enrich our society is a bit like the bollacks of Tessa Jowells claim that 24 hr licencing would result in a "continental cafe culture" Thats it I calnt keep on with this thread or I will end up moving to France like a number of other members seem to have done!
just read through the thread, and spent ages typing a reply only to realise that i was getting more and more livid. so deleted it and made a brew. :)
our ranting needs to be said at the ballot box and to the prospective mp's this year when they knock on hte door wanting ur votes.
like the use of the smiley:doh.

make you right spook, vote bnp, :lol:naughty
when the bnp got in our euro-mp last year there was uproar and loads of press about it, but no-one looked at why people of north west voted them in! nothing has changed apart from the bnp trying to go more mainstream - typical politician.

i was out talking to my mechanic neigbour last night at midnight as he looked at my mav starter. he's polish works from 8am till whatever time he finnishs when i left him at about 0045 he was about to start a turbo on bmw 525d!!!!!
Vote for who you like. I haven't seen a single party with the balls to meet the problem head on. BNP... Yeah, right. I hear a lot of 'throw them out' but I don't hear any constructive plans beyond that. Hate must never be allowed to be a political platform in any guise.

Me? I'm going to vote for the local councillor who has done the most good around here. The system is so entrenched that all you can do is defend your own, working close to home. It's gotta start small because the problem is so large it has to be fixed from the bottom up.

I know a lot of immigrants who work their asses off. I see a lot of "good british folk" (thank you, Mr Griffin) who are so lazy they expect social services to wipe their asses for them.

Simplifying the issue to 'bin the immigrants' is not answering the question. It is simplification of a multi-part issue so that dumb-as-a-crate-of-anvils joe public can digest it from their tabloid plate while they are being spoonfed tits and the cult of celebrity.

Yes, I support the death penalty as well. The current society in the UK has gone waaaay beyond gentle cures and quiet sheperding. It is time for some good people to get their hands dirty.
Yes, I support the death penalty as well. The current society in the UK has gone waaaay beyond gentle cures and quiet sheperding. It is time for some good people to get their hands dirty.

All we need is a few of these sitting on the bench and we are home and dry! :thumbs


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theirs no 1 to vote for their all the same!!!!!!!! im going to live in my caravan and just be payed in cash:) like a gypsy..... they do what they like as well!! another lot which need sorting out!!

Don't knock the gypsy's just for the sake of it lest you become one

The real Gypsy's where forced off the road a long time ago

I was not born a traveler but became one early in my adult life. Up until approx 14 yrs ago I was still classed as 'a traveler' or Gypsy

I worked like a dog, paid my taxes and other dues etc etc

Then I got some sense and bought a house. 2 in fact.
Started a different business that was more conducent with a static lifestyle
Got legislated out of business
Started another business
2008 Got ripped off by my Business partner to the tune of you wouldn't believe
Lost my houses, had to restart my business with no capitol, can't afford to take my ex BP to the cleaners and am generally struggling to put food on the table let alone anything else
I have approx £300,000 worth of work booked that I can't affords to do and won't get finance for
And, Guess What?????
I am officially classed as a Gypsy again
Because I live in a caravan and 60% of my work comes from ex 'Gypsy's ' that where forced off the road a long time ago and run businesses work like dogs and pay taxes etc, etc.

I am sure no offence was meant but please don't make unqualified or unquantifiable political statements about an individual race just because you feel you can and or 'type approve' people into groups ----------That is racism.

Now if you had said " the dropout, lawless so called travelers that live on camps and the side of the road under the guise of gypsies or travelers need sorting out then I couldn't agree more they are a constant pain and cause me personally loads of problems. But Gypsy's they are not and the only reason most of them travel is when it becomes too uncomfortable for them in any given area that they have to move on.

As for the other political statements made on this thread - it is about time we had a change of gov. Trouble is, like many, I can't see a ruling body that is worthy of a vote.

But, those of you who wouldn't vote for this reason, BE WARNED
Because of the system used in this country a 'no vote' is considered to be a 'yes vote' The only way to change anything in a so called democracy is to stand and be counted. So to those of you that wouldn’t vote I say this

If you can't see someone that you would like to see in power then vote for a no hope er. In this way the turnout is a higher percentage and the number of people that vote against all our major parties is counted. And is counted as a resounding ' We are pissed off with the lot of you'

Just imagine the impact it would have and the media cover it would get not to mention the rolling consequences in the rulers houses if 100% of the population voted on the next GE day but 65% of the vote was spread across the minority parties rather than a 65% no show

The way things are at the moment then GB is almost assured another win because of the natural apathy of the British complainer’s society

The British population CAN dictate to the government. We have before on many occasions. But only when we stand up as one and shout NO

Remember the Poll Tax? I have my own opinions on that and a huge soap box to go with it but never mind. The public stood almost as one and shouted – result? Gov backed down in a hell of a hurry

Trouble is that as a nation of complainers, most like to do it in private. After all it’s not BRITISH to make a scene
i think sidsid06 was referring to pikey's vatco the plague of the country side, and to all genuine travelers alike, :thumbs
Don't knock the gypsy's just for the sake of it lest you become one

The real Gypsy's where forced off the road a long time ago

I was not born a traveler but became one early in my adult life. Up until approx 14 yrs ago I was still classed as 'a traveler' or Gypsy

I worked like a dog, paid my taxes and other dues etc etc

Then I got some sense and bought a house. 2 in fact.
Started a different business that was more conducent with a static lifestyle
Got legislated out of business
Started another business
2008 Got ripped off by my Business partner to the tune of you wouldn't believe
Lost my houses, had to restart my business with no capitol, can't afford to take my ex BP to the cleaners and am generally struggling to put food on the table let alone anything else
I have approx £300,000 worth of work booked that I can't affords to do and won't get finance for
And, Guess What?????
I am officially classed as a Gypsy again
Because I live in a caravan and 60% of my work comes from ex 'Gypsy's ' that where forced off the road a long time ago and run businesses work like dogs and pay taxes etc, etc.

I am sure no offence was meant but please don't make unqualified or unquantifiable political statements about an individual race just because you feel you can and or 'type approve' people into groups ----------That is racism.

Now if you had said " the dropout, lawless so called travelers that live on camps and the side of the road under the guise of gypsies or travelers need sorting out then I couldn't agree more they are a constant pain and cause me personally loads of problems. But Gypsy's they are not and the only reason most of them travel is when it becomes too uncomfortable for them in any given area that they have to move on.

As for the other political statements made on this thread - it is about time we had a change of gov. Trouble is, like many, I can't see a ruling body that is worthy of a vote.

But, those of you who wouldn't vote for this reason, BE WARNED
Because of the system used in this country a 'no vote' is considered to be a 'yes vote' The only way to change anything in a so called democracy is to stand and be counted. So to those of you that wouldn’t vote I say this

If you can't see someone that you would like to see in power then vote for a no hope er. In this way the turnout is a higher percentage and the number of people that vote against all our major parties is counted. And is counted as a resounding ' We are pissed off with the lot of you'

Just imagine the impact it would have and the media cover it would get not to mention the rolling consequences in the rulers houses if 100% of the population voted on the next GE day but 65% of the vote was spread across the minority parties rather than a 65% no show

The way things are at the moment then GB is almost assured another win because of the natural apathy of the British complainer’s society

The British population CAN dictate to the government. We have before on many occasions. But only when we stand up as one and shout NO

Remember the Poll Tax? I have my own opinions on that and a huge soap box to go with it but never mind. The public stood almost as one and shouted – result? Gov backed down in a hell of a hurry

Trouble is that as a nation of complainers, most like to do it in private. After all it’s not BRITISH to make a scene
f..k me that took some wrighting:bow yes im on about pikeys who go around pinching stuff.i.had nealy all my kit knick 3 years ago and yes the pikeys had it. the coppers new which site it was on.. and they saided some one must have left my kit on their site! now come on!!no 1 got done for it!! cost me 600 quid in new gates locks ect:( i know a couple of gypsy and they work hard and dont go around pinching stuff!!! dont thing they pay any tax tho. nothing wrong with living in a caravan will be myself soon if work dose not pick up... atleast wont have any council tax too pay:thumbs
the country as a whole needs to get tough on those who are generations of non-workers. how can they have a bad back if they've never worked!! we see loads of it, the vast bulk of our 'work' is on social estates and the schemes we and other agencies run are aimed at the kids from these estates trying to turn them down a different path.
but the good kids from the area never get the oportunity to be fire fighter for a few weeks, or go on the many other courses run by agencies
i know my kids would love to do but we can't afford to pay for the kids to do, or they are money can't buy courses (we have a 5 week one evening a week fire fighter mini training course = fire engines, cutting up cars, ladders, and loads of water. interspersed with some heafty discipline it does work wonders on the kids but for how long??)

in many ways its not the kids but unless they have expectations other than watch the telly all day like dad/grandad they will end up the same.

i don't know the answer, we had the new local chief police chap round a few weeks ago and it was a good conversation, his answer is ongoing prolonged education to break the 'shameless' undersociety.

I do agree that we must vote - who you vote for is personal choice. my previous post isn't backing for the bnp, but an controversial party winning should have been a wake-up call for the major parties to start a reasoned and sensible debate about the real problems facing the country - never happened, foucs shifted to Griffin and the questiontime debacle.

At one time i was certain that a minor party would win a major election as every one would protest vote, could still happen but as been said in this thread majority of population will vote as they always would vote or as thier parents always voted be it Con or Lab with the libs destroying any chance by one or two policies.

We the people have no power at all forget the poll tax that always was finished before it began, more recent protests show that central govt and the senior civil service who actually run the counrty don't care what we think - Fuel protest = country ground to halt - vast majority backed that protest, eventually blockades broken - fuel tax remains. Invade Iraq? millions marched on London - still happened and only just having enquiry!!!

i'm going to have a brew now i've had a rant :)
yes all is true in your little rant their:) i could rant on forever about thos over pay mindless ministers...what get me is them and their expensives. get cought give it back nothing said!!!! hang on what about all the other years they have been claim faulse expensives for surely they should have to hand that back too!!!! and theirs the tax man gos though my tax return with a fine tooth comb makeing sure i dont claim too may expensives!! had a argument earlyer this year about my tax bill and cant afford to pay it! the git did not want too know and just told me to borrow the money from someware:eek: just could not get though to him he loved his job i think!!! so i told him ware to put my tax bill and hung up. VERY ANGRY INDEED! true about the fuel protests the goverment won again. think with this country people dont seem to want to stand together to get things sorted!!! their seems to be no comunity any more..!!!! ware people use to help each other and stand together!
yes all is true in your little rant their:) i could rant on forever about thos over pay mindless ministers...what get me is them and their expensives. get cought give it back nothing said!!!! hang on what about all the other years they have been claim faulse expensives for surely they should have to hand that back too!!!! and theirs the tax man gos though my tax return with a fine tooth comb makeing sure i dont claim too may expensives!! had a argument earlyer this year about my tax bill and cant afford to pay it! the git did not want too know and just told me to borrow the money from someware:eek: just could not get though to him he loved his job i think!!! so i told him ware to put my tax bill and hung up. VERY ANGRY INDEED! true about the fuel protests the goverment won again. think with this country people dont seem to want to stand together to get things sorted!!! their seems to be no comunity any more..!!!! ware people use to help each other and stand together!
im off for a brew know after my little rant!!!
oh well thats the country fixed then .......... whats next lol

any one know how to persuade a seven yr old that he can't have the next 47 issues of the dinosaur magazine (the one that gives you a piece of a skeleton every week) cause they cost too much £6/week:eek:

i caved in and bought the first issue (£1) :doh