Whats The Bloody Point?

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:) f..k me that took some wrighting:bow yes im on about pikeys who go around pinching stuff.i.had nealy all my kit knick 3 years ago and yes the pikeys had it. the coppers new which site it was on.. and they saided some one must have left my kit on their site! now come on!!no 1 got done for it!! cost me 600 quid in new gates locks ect:( i know a couple of gypsy and they work hard and dont go around pinching stuff!!! dont thing they pay any tax tho. nothing wrong with living in a caravan will be myself soon if work dose not pick up... atleast wont have any council tax too pay:thumbs

Don't kid yoursen we still pay council tax
the country as a whole needs to get tough on those who are generations of non-workers.

in many ways its not the kids but unless they have expectations other than watch the telly all day like dad/grandad they will end up the same.

i don't know the answer, we had the new local chief police chap round a few weeks ago and it was a good conversation, his answer is ongoing prolonged education to break the 'shameless' undersociety.

I've said this before - It's not the kids; it's not even their parents; It's all of us - We are responsible as a society for the society as a whole

At one time i was certain that a minor party would win a major election as every one would protest vote, could still happen but as been said in this thread majority of population will vote as they always would vote or as thier parents always voted be it Con or Lab with the libs destroying any chance by one or two policies.

British Complainers society again - everyone complains and then does nothing

We the people have no power at all
We have the power we just choose not to use it

Fuel protest = country ground to halt - vast majority backed that protest, eventually blockades broken - fuel tax remains. Invade Iraq? millions marched on London - still happened and only just having enquiry!!!


The vast majority backed the protest but where where they? Sitting on there backsides in front of the very British Telly with 2 pints off lager!

The percentage of population on the streets was very small as most either couldn't be arssed or where afraid they might loose their minimum wage jobs if they took the time off

i'm going to have a brew now i've had a rant :)

1 sugar in mine :lol:lol

Sorry folks but you don't get off that lightly. The NATION needs to stand not a few individuals or armchair complainers that don't have the bottle

What this country needs is a TRUE leader again instead of the wuss-puss yes men that are only interested in their own miserable existence that we have to put up with now - Don't see anyone on the horizon though which is the most worrying thing

As for the Poll Tax? That was a complete fix from start to finish
I, at the time, would have been better off under the originally proposed Poll tax system.

I never paid a penny poll tax

About 300 folk that I knew at the time used the same system and they never paid a penny either

And none of us, in spite of constant requests, where ever taken to court which was a shame 'cause I would have enjoyed that :augie
any one know how to persuade a seven yr old that he can't have the next 47 issues of the dinosaur magazine (the one that gives you a piece of a skeleton every week) cause they cost too much £6/week:eek:

i caved in and bought the first issue (£1) :doh

If that's the one with mahoosive Tyrannosaurus skeleton, just get it and inform him that he can collect it providing you can do the robotics to get it moving. It's big enough.
The whole contry is run wrong and its time something changed!!!!
I used to live in a reasonable area. Myself and my partner both working and studying very hard to pay for the house, and a car for us to get to work in. Next door we had two piss-head alcoholics who spent each night battering each other and screaming the house down, most nights waking us workers up or keeping us awake. Complaints were made, nothing was done. More complaints, and... nothing.
Then i find out they have an alcohol benefit allowance??????????
Seven pounds each, per day purely for purchasing alcohol????????
Thats £98 per week going to that house to pay for them to get pissed and keep me awake rather than letting me get my beauty sleep so I can earn them some more booze money... I'd love £50 a week to spend on booze and i work!
So thats their house were paying for, (next door to me paying £500 a month rent) bills, clothing, BEER and whatever else they are handed.
We eventually moved and got a mortgage (just before the resession). 6 months after buying my partner was made redundant from the building trade and has had to have a minimum wage job ever since. (down from £30,000 per year) My hours were cut at work (engineering) so we ended up with more money going out than in.
We've always paid our taxes, we've always worked and never claimed a bean. Even when made redundant Helen took a minimum wage job rather than becoming a dosser like most.
What are we entitled to???? a fukcing house repossession if we fancy, bankrupcy, anything except BENEFITS!!!! Anything except the help we need to keep going and keep on paying our taxes long into the future.
Whilst they get free beer and a nice home, we are flogging our guts out to make ends meet and aint had a holiday for 3 years. Fukcing joke, i want to emigrate, but the country dont allow me to save enough money to do so...
Muckypup I'm glad you mentioned "Helen" because I was worried for a minute that you had a prediliction for the hairy arsed "builders crack"!:eek: Thank God!

Sorry to hear about that history mate, it sucks big time.

All I can say is, having been there like a lot of us, there IS hope. Don't give up, get a second job or find some way of making a few bob extra, talk to the mortgage company etc..etc..

As my PITA but lovely wife says (and its a bit like offroading) "the only way out is through it..."...

Eventually you will end up at retirement with your house paid off and the ability to move/downsize etc.. - its worth the pain honestly.:thumb2:thumb2
Eventually you will end up at retirement with your house paid off and the ability to move/downsize etc.. - its worth the pain honestly.:thumb2:thumb2

most of the people i know including myself have now had to switch onto interest only the hope being that in 20+yrs time the original ammount will be small in real terms and easy paid off (bit like the old endownment) or like you say sell-up and downsize.
Even then the mortgage isn't that big compared to all the other stuff thats happened in the last 4 yrs - energy up by 100%, grocery bill up 50%, fuel up 30%. inflation ~3%?? wage = cut 20%.

We don't as a population have much power, every one wanted fuel cut Blair made a press statement saying he wouldn't bow to public pressure and didn't.

i agree we need a full on leader who will look after britain not the wider world, france/germany/usa/japan have all done this and forced the financial markets to change, what have we done: bank of england rate =0.5% mortgage rate 5% so they borrow of govt lend to us and pocket 4.5% easy money, the saving rates are v poor despite the massive ammount made on mortgages (typically base rate to morgt rate ~2%) what's chancellor done - nothing, my rate just leapt 2% cause bank changed its rate. the problem is because there is a gravy train no banks are offering decent deals to switch, or where there is one they want a massive arragement fee - so i stay on std vari rate.

The social system is there to act as a safety net should things turn bad while you sort things out and get back on track, it's now become a way of life - and a good one, i haven't been out to pub in nearly 2years can't afford luxury of £20 - that money spent at tesco buys a decent ammount of tinnys = mates all go round to each others houses for 'a night out' then pubs all shut - less money to chancellor - taxes go up. i'm trying to sell house at mo been told bt est agents need to sell b4 election as after market will bomb as new govt will have to be radical to pay back the massive debt country is in. the only thing certain is that those on benefits won't be affected

time for another brew :)
Things need to change

Yep this country needs sorting out, that's for sure. I lost my good job last year and now work for an agency which screw everyone, most people I work with now are Polish and to be fair also get screwed by the agency, but at least they are prepared to work and pay tax etc.. Saying this they are still better off than in Poland as they say the hourly rate there is about £1 an hour. What gets me are things that this stupid government and its agencies do for the so called minority groups, eg. A friend of my wife's was selling her car. A Sumarlian came and looked at it, liked it and said he would give the asking price,£2000. Fine, handed her a check which was from the social security office, obviously she did,nt believe it so while he waited she phoned them. Apparently she was told rather having to pay for buses and taxis for their clients it was cheaper to allocate them with money to purchase a car. She was fuming about it and promptly went outside and fu**ed him off, because really it was her money that was buying him the car. Sounds like our members sisters ex got the same deal. I am like most people, worked all my life+ twenty years in the army, and intitled to WHAT ALL? yep that's right nothing and I think it will always be the same in this country. Just one last thing, wait till after the next election then who ever gets in we are going to get screwed even more, that's for sure.
Muckypup I'm glad you mentioned "Helen" because I was worried for a minute that you had a prediliction for the hairy arsed "builders crack"!:eek: Thank God!

Sorry to hear about that history mate, it sucks big time.

All I can say is, having been there like a lot of us, there IS hope. Don't give up, get a second job or find some way of making a few bob extra, talk to the mortgage company etc..etc..

As my PITA but lovely wife says (and its a bit like offroading) "the only way out is through it..."...

Eventually you will end up at retirement with your house paid off and the ability to move/downsize etc.. - its worth the pain honestly.:thumb2:thumb2

Haha! Yes "HELEN" was a quantity surveyor :D
Hopefully things are starting to change, she's had two interviews to get back into the trade and another on Monday coming. The building trade is just starting to move again so fingers crossed!
We both have second jobs anyway, thats how we managed to keep afloat (more tax paid) but im hoping when things pick up we can just carry on paying our dues and feeling like "were better than all of you dossers".
Thing that gets me is classes. Surely there is more than just "working" "middle" and "upper" classes nowadays. How the hell can I be in the same class as the dosser scumbags and how the hell can they be "working class" living on handouts. We need a new type-cast for them "claiment class" who we can all look down upon like snobs and say we have worked to get where we are! :rolleyes:
You can't beat a good whinge thread can you and some of the stories on here are making my hair curl!! The Somalian care buyer and the alcohol allowance are tops at the moment though :eek::eek::eek::eek:

And you've got to notice as well, there isn't a single person on this site thats been in the shite, however deep, that hasn't got off their arse and kicked and punched their way out of it - some of them aren't there yet but they are on their way....must be something about owning a 4x4??:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2
....must be something about owning a 4x4??:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2

We put up with the whinging 'greens' 24/7 so have thick skins and see the practical side of life - good solid bits of engineering that keep on going no matter what is thrown at us, might not be very fast but will get there...:D

also prob the fact that a lot of us have caravans so prob have a diff view than the masses as to what's important in life - spending time with family and freinds :clap:clap
not two weeks on a package staying in a building site:eek:
And you've got to notice as well, there isn't a single person on this site thats been in the shite, however deep, that hasn't got off their arse and kicked and punched their way out of it - some of them aren't there yet but they are on their way....must be something about owning a 4x4??:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2

Hadn't thought of that! Give yourself a pat on the back, guys and have a cold one! It's the weekend! :clap:clap:clap:beer
The whole contry is run wrong and its time something changed!!!!
I used to live in a reasonable area. Myself and my partner both working and studying very hard to pay for the house, and a car for us to get to work in. Next door we had two piss-head alcoholics who spent each night battering each other and screaming the house down, most nights waking us workers up or keeping us awake. Complaints were made, nothing was done. More complaints, and... nothing.
Then i find out they have an alcohol benefit allowance??????????
Seven pounds each, per day purely for purchasing alcohol????????
Thats £98 per week going to that house to pay for them to get pissed and keep me awake rather than letting me get my beauty sleep so I can earn them some more booze money... I'd love £50 a week to spend on booze and i work!
So thats their house were paying for, (next door to me paying £500 a month rent) bills, clothing, BEER and whatever else they are handed.
We eventually moved and got a mortgage (just before the resession). 6 months after buying my partner was made redundant from the building trade and has had to have a minimum wage job ever since. (down from £30,000 per year) My hours were cut at work (engineering) so we ended up with more money going out than in.
We've always paid our taxes, we've always worked and never claimed a bean. Even when made redundant Helen took a minimum wage job rather than becoming a dosser like most.
What are we entitled to???? a fukcing house repossession if we fancy, bankrupcy, anything except BENEFITS!!!! Anything except the help we need to keep going and keep on paying our taxes long into the future.
Whilst they get free beer and a nice home, we are flogging our guts out to make ends meet and aint had a holiday for 3 years. Fukcing joke, i want to emigrate, but the country dont allow me to save enough money to do so...
could not agree more:clap my buisness is in the shit because of the banks and goverment, and the poor chaps i had too lay off couple weeks back!!! i feel as its my fault that they have no work now. and trying find how to make ends meet!!!! benefit they wont give that to a working chap!! as i said before when i ask about needing some help they made it so fu..ing complicated you just give up..... but if your some ass hole with 50 kids ,drink and drug habit they give you every thing even send some one round to wipe their ass i think!!!:eek: yes be ok when we retyre if i still have a house and it has not been taken by the morgage lot!! any way had 2 jobs come intoday nothing with any meat on the bone tho:( but they are cash:sly
could not agree more:clap my buisness is in the shit because of the banks and goverment, and the poor chaps i had too lay off couple weeks back!!! i feel as its my fault that they have no work now. and trying find how to make ends meet!!!! benefit they wont give that to a working chap!! as i said before when i ask about needing some help they made it so fu..ing complicated you just give up..... but if your some ass hole with 50 kids ,drink and drug habit they give you every thing even send some one round to wipe their ass i think!!!:eek: yes be ok when we retyre if i still have a house and it has not been taken by the morgage lot!! any way had 2 jobs come intoday nothing with any meat on the bone tho:( but they are cash:sly

everything comes to he who waits :thumb2 Nice one sid!