theirs no 1 to vote for their all the same!!!!!!!! im going to live in my caravan and just be payed in cash

like a gypsy..... they do what they like as well!! another lot which need sorting out!!
Don't knock the gypsy's just for the sake of it lest you become one
The real Gypsy's where forced off the road a long time ago
I was not born a traveler but became one early in my adult life. Up until approx 14 yrs ago I was still classed as 'a traveler' or Gypsy
I worked like a dog, paid my taxes and other dues etc etc
Then I got some sense and bought a house. 2 in fact.
Started a different business that was more conducent with a static lifestyle
Got legislated out of business
Started another business
2008 Got ripped off by my Business partner to the tune of you wouldn't believe
Lost my houses, had to restart my business with no capitol, can't afford to take my ex BP to the cleaners and am generally struggling to put food on the table let alone anything else
I have approx £300,000 worth of work booked that I can't affords to do and won't get finance for
And, Guess What?????
I am officially classed as a Gypsy again
Because I live in a caravan and 60% of my work comes from ex 'Gypsy's ' that where forced off the road a long time ago and run businesses work like dogs and pay taxes etc, etc.
I am sure no offence was meant but please don't make unqualified or unquantifiable political statements about an individual race just because you feel you can and or 'type approve' people into groups ----------That is racism.
Now if you had said " the dropout, lawless so called travelers that live on camps and the side of the road under the guise of gypsies or travelers need sorting out then I couldn't agree more they are a constant pain and cause me personally loads of problems. But Gypsy's they are not and the only reason most of them travel is when it becomes too uncomfortable for them in any given area that they have to move on.
As for the other political statements made on this thread - it is about time we had a change of gov. Trouble is, like many, I can't see a ruling body that is worthy of a vote.
But, those of you who wouldn't vote for this reason, BE WARNED
Because of the system used in this country a 'no vote' is considered to be a 'yes vote' The only way to change anything in a so called democracy is to stand and be counted. So to those of you that wouldn’t vote I say this
If you can't see someone that you would like to see in power then vote for a no hope er. In this way the turnout is a higher percentage and the number of people that vote against all our major parties is counted. And is counted as a resounding ' We are pissed off with the lot of you'
Just imagine the impact it would have and the media cover it would get not to mention the rolling consequences in the rulers houses if 100% of the population voted on the next GE day but 65% of the vote was spread across the minority parties rather than a 65% no show
The way things are at the moment then GB is almost assured another win because of the natural apathy of the British complainer’s society
The British population CAN dictate to the government. We have before on many occasions. But only when we stand up as one and shout NO
Remember the Poll Tax? I have my own opinions on that and a huge soap box to go with it but never mind. The public stood almost as one and shouted – result? Gov backed down in a hell of a hurry
Trouble is that as a nation of complainers, most like to do it in private. After all it’s not BRITISH to make a scene