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But I think to be fair Dan, with the exception of the odd academic like Prof whatever his name was, Dawkins was it?, most atheists/agnostics only respond when challenged - there are very few of them who actively evangelise their lack of belief, whereas too many religious folk think it their lot in life to treat us as if we are stupid and missing something.
Frankly we all had enough RE and so forth at school to have a clue what religion is about and therefore whether or not we want to be interested - I don't want people asking me if I want to be prayed for to be honest, any more than I want someone in tesco's car park coming up to me telling me I ought to be driving a Daewoo instead of a Terrano.
If I wanted to pray I'd go to church, but I don't, and that doesn't make me wrong, any more than being a church-goer makes you wrong. We all have our own views about life and its mysteries - the older I get the more convinced I get that our whole existence is all a bit too convenient for there not to have been some kind of, lets call it a 'helping hand'. But what that consisted of none of us know do we - fact. My father-in-law genuinely believes it was little green men, but hey, he's entitled cos theres nothing to contradict it.
Until 'god' taps me on the shoulder and says hello - and I don't mean in my head, anyone can claim that - then I don't have ANY evidence of his or her existence. But nor does anyone else, otherwise it would all have been over a long time ago. The bible is just a very old, cobbled-together but useful book of parables, and theres no physical evidence whatsoever, but because we are just insignificant, mortal beings with a tiny lifespan in the scheme of things, we are afraid, and we want something to believe in otherwise what the hell is it all about?
Its when I get BACs telling me that the earth is only 7000 years old and that fossils were 'put there by god to give man something to think about' that I get slightly goggle-eyed.....but if you are a true believer and take the bible for what it purports to be, thats what you believe.....you can't just take the bits that suit you.
And don't tell me to believe what a bunch of men in robes tells me I ought to be believing - what monopoly do they have exactly on the subject?
But at the end of the day, if it gets us all talking and learning a bit from each other and being better people as a result, well who really cares?
nd please don't take any offence will you dan; we often have these 'heart to hearts' and they are always pretty robust and frank, but we're still all mates! LOL :thumbs
No problem. No offence taken.
Don't know if I would agree that most atheists / agnostics only respond when challanged. In so far as that is true in my experience its because everyone is expected to assume the position of atheism / agnosticism as if it was the default position for use in public. Any expression of not adhering to the default position is taken as a challange or evangalisation. On the other hand, I don't take the fact that I have to adhere to the default position as a direct challange. Don't make the mistake of thinking Atheism / agnosticism is not itself a system of belief / philosophy just as Christianity.
As to not wanting people to come up to you in a public place asking you if you wanted to be prayed for it is not something I would recommend because they might just meet someone like yourself who finds it intrusive, an imposition etc. Nonetheless, I don't particularly see anything inherently wrong with people coming up to me in public places advocating or giving out some information on a political or social issue or telling me I should vote this way or that even if I know a good deal on the subject and disagree with them. Wouldn't even see a problem with them telling me I should drive a Daewoo instead of a Terrano. Maybe they have some point to make I didn't think about and if not then I'll tell them they are wrong and no thanks. I would tend to see the whole issue here rather one of how it is done.
I ceratainly would not accept your views on our ability to know some things. You impose a fairly low threshold on the human beings capacity to know and understand. I would understand your view to be very subjectivistic and just having views or opinions on a subject, e.g. religion, going to church, knowledge of afterlife etc. does not make those views or opinions true or false or right or wrong. It does not make mine true or false for that matter either. What makes them true or false is whether they correspond with some objective reality or not.
Wouldn't agree with you about the bible either. There are reams of physical and historical evidence for a substantial part of the contents of the bible, including Jesus. As to wheter that evidence will convince any specific individual that Jesus was God I believe that depends on the individual as much if not more so than the evidence. Most people believe in a lot of things with a lot less physical and historical evidence to support them.
Don't buy the one that belief in God or religion is just a result of us insignificant entities needing some security in a vast universe and so forth. Human beings inventing such a psychological or emotional soother explains nothing. Does the world, existence, life have meaning, order, a purpose or not is the question? There is a huge amount of evidence that it has. But if it has what is its source?
Strange you getting a bit googly eyed about the BAC's telling you the world is only 7,000 years old. There is as little to contradict them as there is to contradict the little green men theory.
I am not telling you to believe what a bunch of men in robes tell you. Believe what you like but it does not mean what you believe is right no more than it means men in robes are wrong. Needless to say I presume you are not talking about barristers or members of the judiciary.