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Most of the schools are in practice in control of Boards of Management and the principle / teachers. Even if the cleregy wanted to lay down the law hard and fast they may not be able to do so as the impasse in recent years over schools closing for church holidays illustrates. The clergy wanted the schools to close as they traditionally have but teachers and teachers unions and some parents in a few schools in Dublin objected and refused to close the schools. The schools did not close and now a good number of the schools do not close at all.

The church still has an inordinate amount of control in education in both the north and the south. I seen something on RTE recently stating that 90% of schools have church input. 100% of schools in the North have church involvement.

Whether we like it or not, the UK and ireland are changing, becoming much more eclectic, cosmopolitan and pluralist in nature. It is high time that society becomes completely secular - like France has done. The seperation of church from state is long overdue and certainly the abuse scandal in ROI would have resulted in jail term for the bishops if they did not have the power that is inherent.

not trying to cause offence here - only an opinion
I don't really believe in the little green men theory.

This is what I find odd , you believe without any proof that a person was resurected however you cant believe that of the 1.2BN (estimated) planets out there that only 1 supports life ? :rolleyes:

I generally only believe in things that I can touch/taste/smell , can I hold my hand up and say with positive proof that aliens exist ? NOPE , can I hold my hand up and say that I have proof god exists ? NOPE

Can I calculate that it is billions of times more likeley that little green men exist and god does not ? YIP.

My personal view is that ALL religions were manufactured by the leaders at various points in history to give the poor and weak willed something to believe in , they are less likley to cause trouble if they believe in some divine being or retribution.

Thats why we have so many religions all with there own beliefs and cultures.

Here's one to get you thinking , this god person , did he arrive in a space ship ?

i always thought it was moaning widows that went to church.
after moaning all there lives and putting there husbands in early graves they seem to turn to god

be it for company or guilt

but i only ever see old granny's inside the church and the husbands buried outside

one things for sure , when its our time we will all have a pop at the forgive me bit. ... just in case
Here’s something…….

Threads about Politics, Religion and Immigration are emotive subjects. I rarely give my true opinions and views publicly on these subjects.

Does this make me oppressed?
Do I really have freedom of Speech?
Am I too frightened of the consequences of speaking out?
Do I care too much for the feelings of others?

Jim T