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typically grouped together but closer inspection ! reveals chalk and cheese
though caravans and horses and family loyalty are strong characteristics
guess same could be said of many other folks.
can someone please explain to me .

what defines a gypsy

what defines a traveller

i read a lot about race on these threads , but are gypsies a different race , religion or colour .

if gypsies are a different race , surely they must have a native land ? if so where and when ?
if they have a different religion . what or who is there god ? .

just interested thats all :)

TTT2 is pretty spot on, 'Gypsy' is a pejorative term that has been to a degree reclaimed in the way many politically active black people reclaimed the word that start with 'N' in the 70's. It originally referred to only Romany people and those that arrived here before and during the rain of Henry the eighth. I could explain the origins and meaning of the word, but this isn't a proper history lesson :lol. Therefore, Gypsy (which should always be capitalised like English or Welsh) technically refers to Travelling people of Romany (Indian) origin only and not Irish Travellers. They are two distinct and separate groups with separate languages, customs and traditions. :thumb2
i doubt it,not in a nasty way but id be unsure he could read and write enough, so someones hi jacked his life, i cant believe after all his swagering hes in court giving evidence against anyone let alone family! (thats acepting the suns version as 90% fiction lol)
whilst not big on education i do believe maths and english are so important everyone should be able to read and write and add up,other things history,goegraphy,re etc less important.
i doubt it,not in a nasty way but id be unsure he could read and write enough, so someones hi jacked his life, i cant believe after all his swagering hes in court giving evidence against anyone let alone family! (thats acepting the suns version as 90% fiction lol)

it looks hijacked, the photos are all ones that could be got from web sites, and agreed his diction seams better than i would have expected. And as for the sun story - i don't think we ought to get into any more debates based on tabloid fiction :thumb2
he probibly doesent know it there! are you from traveling stock then plank or have you taken the way of life and defended it for another reason? (that sounds weird but i cant think of another way of easily phrasing it so it doesent lol!)
he probibly doesent know it there! are you from traveling stock then plank or have you taken the way of life and defended it for another reason? (that sounds weird but i cant think of another way of easily phrasing it so it doesent lol!)

i prefer to keep my business off line :augie
kindve says either scared to say traveler born and bred and proud or have researched traveler life for a phd or sommat like that,courage of convictions planky,i have no idea of my origns i only found out my nan (dads side) came from a little village called snitterfield at her funeral,my moms side grandad was welsh nan was scotish whos family came across from ireland so im a proper mongrel lol
kindve says either scared to say traveler born and bred and proud or have researched traveler life for a phd or sommat like that,courage of convictions planky,i have no idea of my origns i only found out my nan (dads side) came from a little village called snitterfield at her funeral,my moms side grandad was welsh nan was scotish whos family came across from ireland so im a proper mongrel lol

Planky is the real deal Jace.:thumb2
Just a brief one on the venues refusing certain groups,am I right in saying the Police can look to have the premises refused a licence if there is a lot of anti social behaviour or trouble from said venue? Not just talking about any specific grouping, I know some pubs/hotels here had Gardai trying to prevent licence renewal because of trouble from said premises. It would make me a little cautious who I allowed in if it was my business. One not too far from me was only allowed open until 7.30pm at weekends because of suspected underage drinking and alleged drug dealing going on,Garda Chief Superintendent objected on the grounds that this pub was responsible for most of the anti social behaviour at weekends in the area.
the story rubbishes itself,starts of to grab your atention and when read ,the people who own venue or were filming rubbish it lol!
feel sory for young girl concerned,hope she sues them for slander!