Water in Fuel Filter Light on

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2012
Noticed the water in fuel filter light was on all the way to work this morning, popped the bonnet and unscrewed the 'tap' on the bottom of the filter and all that came out was a tiny dribble of fuel - no water.

Been running on a mix of clean new veg oil and 15-20% petrol of late so I doubt the fuel is a source of water, but I'm always keen to keep an eye on the fuel filter in case the veg starts to block it up. Everything is running well, just getting extra illumination on the dash.

Could this be the float part of the sensor stuck? is it okay to give it a knock? or have I missed an important step for draining water from the filter?

Will order up spare filter anyway, just in case.
i think the sensor in in around the fuel filter, it could be stuck as you say,
Interestingly enough, now it's warmed up outside the light's gone out again. Maybe some early morning condensation somewhere?
Mine don't have a sensor but its got a light on the dash. David.
As you said, the float/its circuitry may be developing a mind of its own, or the electrical connector could be affected by the condensation.

When you change the filter (let me know if you want some cheap by the way) spray some white grease in to the connector to stave of any damp in future.
The first time I did my filter I think i forgot to connect the lead up and I think the light stayed on on the dash so open circuit = light on.
they do not work on floats, they work on electrical conductivity, fuel oil is an insulator, water is almost a dead short, Rick
Cheers for that Rick - makes sense when I think about it. Pete, always up for cheap! Will drop you a text.
Mine comes on when I used a greater percentage of SVO to diesel, If I put more diesel in it goes off. It does go off though when the engine is revving higher, like on the motorway and when I ease off the accelerator it comes back on.

First few times I checked my filter for water and there was none so I'm not particularly bothered, I expect it to come on when I put SVO in now.
Well that's odd! Mines usually on 80-90% SVO and the rest petrol and that morning was the first time the lights stayed on.

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