Volt Amps and Amps

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dirky can you just clarify please what you wanted to run and where? i'm guessing that as this topic went west very fast! that you did not actually get the answer you were looking for!

would i be right in saying you wish to run a TV etc in a motor or caravan etc? and wish to know what ampage/ wattage invertor you need?

Thanks for some Common Sense Sharkie, I have a 15" LCD Monitor/TV which runs on a power supply that transforms the power from 240v to 12 v with an output of 4Amps and it's the power supply that has gone faulty,

I have been searching for a replacement supply but was getting confused with the Volt Amps and Amps as some of the units I had seen were stating 12v 500VA.

I purchased a power supply from Argos which had a variable range of voltages from 3 to 12 but the max amp was only 0.9

I hve now sourced a power supply in Maplins, but at £35 am looking for a cheaper option.

Any further uncomplicated help would be very much appreciated

maplins would have been my call, or e-bay!

keep looking on maplins site as they do have a habit of not listing items where they should be,
hummingbird said:
Plank - I answered it, then you answered it, thats where it was answered twice, as for trying to appear good at other peoples expense, you started "correcting" things with incorrect statements about Ohms law.

read the posts properly you suggest someone confused watts and amps or some thing similar when no one did!

I gave good general advice ragarding the question of what is a volt amp! (Can someone tell me as I'm a bit daft, How many Volt Amps are there in an Amp?) and nothing more, lets agree to differ and I ask you politely not to refer to or quote my posts any more, its true that in life you cant get on with everyone and i obviously dont get on with you, so lets leave it at that, yes?

rather than drag up all the pedantic, pajorative and patronising comments form the past as this is not in the clubs interest, so lets leave it and move on!

does the tv have a mains plug as well, cos another option might be as shark1e says is use an invertor.

12v upto ~240v then as if at home, from about £15 at good accessory shops.
Yes, as I stated in my earlier post, it comes from 240v mains through a transformer box that converts it down to 12v and then plugs into the TV.

I have taken the unit to a TV repair guy that I know and he says that the power supply is working OK, but he wanted the TV so that he could eliminate other possible problems .

And I'm awaiting his telephone call to let me know what's what. :!:

I do appreciate everybodys input :smile: even though I don't quite understand what they are on about, and the last thing I would want is to upset somebody or even fall out with them,
there's enough trouble in the world today without falling out on the web as well :(

So cheer up everybody and lets move on :lol: -mex- -wor-
dirky, you haven't upset me in the slightest mate, good luck with your quest it is what the site is all about, the disagreement between me and HB is part of a long running thing we have a little niggle every now and again :lol:

but make it up in the end :wink:

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