Locteau, youll find a lot of of "experts" coming out of woodwork on tweb sites and a lot of what you read is opinion, theres very little precise science around. Some people latch onto a web site and thats there bible, always search for loads of sources and look for the common theme. Youll also see some bad engineering being proudly touted :thumb2
Its your truck and each engine could react differently to its food being changed
Best bet is do a search on here and make your own mind up.
Having been the prophet of doom the T2 is probably one of the best to test it out on, I reckon it'd run on meths and pig piss.
The basics are correct engine (2.7) a suitable pump fitted to your vehicle (bosch if my memory serves me correctly), and decent air temperature so it doesnt thicken too much before you start adding mods.
Then add the oil a bit at a time. Say 20% to start and look for problems or bad running at each stage then build it up.
Good idea may be to only run your tank about half full for a while so if it does start running badly you immediately chuck in some diesel and millers to the brim and normal service should resume.
I ran through the winter on close to 100% svo most of the time. I used a carefully placed preheater. No probs. Its easy , good value and smells great.
I fully agree with Paul about avoiding waste oil. It really is shite. Apart from anything else therell be microscopic bits of batter and water from the cooking process :thumb2
Irrespective of what you hear it is also completely lawful up to a certain level of use (the actual figure escapes me but the volume would give you around 12 000 miles a year on 100%) but is a virtually unenforceable regulation in any case :nenau
Have fun :thumb2